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rescocrm edited this page Sep 30, 2023 · 4 revisions

MobileCRM.UI.MultiLookupForm Object

[v9.3] This object allows user to select a list of entities from a configurable list of entity types. Derived from LookupForm so you can use the addView() and addEntityFilter() methods.


Property Type Description
entities Array An array of allowed entity kinds (schema names).
source MobileCRM.Relationship The entity whose property will be set to the chosen value.
dataSource MobileCRM.Reference[] The list of entities that should be displayed as selected.
allowNull Boolean Whether to allow selecting no entity.
initialTab Number Optional index of the tab which has to be pre-selected - 0=All Items, 1=Selected Items (default).


Method Description
addEntityFilter Defines a fetch XML filter for entity records.
addView Appends an entity view to the list of allowed views.
show Shows a dialog which allows the user to select a list of entities from a configurable list of entity types.
showAsync Shows a dialog which allows the user to select a list of entities from a configurable list of entity types.
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