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rescocrm edited this page May 15, 2023 · 8 revisions

Translates the civic address represented by GeoAddress object into GPS position.


Argument Type Description
success function(location) A callback function that is called with the location object having latitude and longitude properties.
failed function(errorMsg) A callback which is called in case of error.
scope Object The scope for callbacks.

This example demonstrates how to translate civic address into the GPS position.

var addr = new MobileCRM.Services.GeoAddress(); = "UK"; = "London";
addr.street = "Downing Street";
addr.streetNumber = "10";
addr.toLocation(function (location) {
	// location is {latitude: 51.50344025, longitude: -0.127708109585621}
	MobileCRM.bridge.alert(location.latitude + "\n" + location.longitude);
}, MobileCRM.bridge.alert, null);
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