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Maros Kolibas edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

MobileCRM.UI.HomeForm Object

[v8.0] Represents the Javascript equivalent of the home form object which contains the Home/UI replacement iFrame.


Property Type Description
form MobileCRM.UI.Form Gets the top level form.
items Array Gets the list of the home items.
listView MobileCRM.UI._ListController Gets the list view with home items.
lastSyncResult MobileCRM.Services.SynchronizationResult [v8.1] An object with last sync results. Contains following boolean properties: newCustomizationReady, customizationDownloaded, dataErrorsEncountered, appWasLocked, syncAborted, adminFullSync, wasBackgroundSync
syncResultText String [v8.1] The last synchronization error text.
syncProgress Object [v8.1] An object with current sync progress. Contains following properties: labels, percent. It is undefined if no sync is running.


Function Description
closeForms [v8.0] Close all opened forms.
closeHomeItemAsync [v8.0] Close the specified HomeItem.
hideUIReplacement [v8.0] Hides the UI replacement iframe and shows the classic home form.
onSyncFinished [v8.1] Binds the new handler to the synchronization finish event.
openHomeGroupItemAsync [v10.1.1] Opens the specified HomeItem in specific group.
openHomeItemAsync [v8.0] Opens the specified HomeItem.
requestObject [v8.0] Requests the managed HomeForm object.
restoreUIReplacement [v11.0] Restores previously hidden UI replacement iframe and hides the classic home form.
updateHomeItemAsync [v10.2] Updates specified HomeItem in specific group.
updateHomeItems [v10.3] Updates specified home items.
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