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This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the Stripe source connector.


  • Access to the Stripe account containing the data you wish to replicate

Setup Guide

:::note To authenticate the Stripe connector, you need to use a Stripe API key. Although you may use an existing key, we recommend that you create a new restricted key specifically for Airbyte and grant it Read privileges only. We also recommend granting Read privileges to all available permissions, and configuring the specific data you would like to replicate within Airbyte. :::

Step 1: Set up Stripe

  1. Log in to your Stripe account.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click Developers.
  3. In the top-left corner, click API keys.
  4. Click + Create restricted key.
  5. Choose a Key name, and select Read for all available permissions.
  6. Click Create key. You may be prompted to enter a confirmation code sent to your email address.

For more information on Stripe API Keys, see the Stripe documentation.

Step 2: Set up the Stripe source connector in Airbyte

  1. Log in to your Airbyte Cloud account or your Airbyte Open Source account.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click Sources. In the top-right corner, click + New source.

  3. Find and select Stripe from the list of available sources.

  4. For Source name, enter a name to help you identify this source.

  5. For Account ID, enter your Stripe Account ID. This ID begins with acct_, and can be found in the top-right corner of your Stripe account settings page.

  6. For Secret Key, enter the restricted key you created for the connection.

  7. For Replication Start Date, use the provided datepicker or enter a UTC date and time programmatically in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ. The data added on and after this date will be replicated.

  8. (Optional) For Lookback Window, you may specify a number of days from the present day to reread data. This allows the connector to retrieve data that might have been updated after its initial creation, and is useful for handling any post-transaction adjustments. This applies only to streams that do not support event-based incremental syncs, please see the list below.

    • Leaving the Lookback Window at its default value of 0 means Airbyte will not re-export data after it has been synced.
    • Setting the Lookback Window to 1 means Airbyte will re-export data from the past day, capturing any changes made in the last 24 hours.
    • Setting the Lookback Window to 7 means Airbyte will re-export and capture any data changes within the last week.
  9. (Optional) For Data Request Window, you may specify the time window in days used by the connector when requesting data from the Stripe API. This window defines the span of time covered in each request, with larger values encompassing more days in a single request. Generally speaking, the lack of overhead from making fewer requests means a larger window is faster to sync. However, this also means the state of the sync will persist less frequently. If an issue occurs or the sync is interrupted, a larger window means more data will need to be resynced, potentially causing a delay in the overall process.

    For example, if you are replicating three years worth of data:

    • A Data Request Window of 365 days means Airbyte makes 3 requests, each for a year. This is generally faster but risks needing to resync up to a year's data if the sync is interrupted.
    • A Data Request Window of 30 days means 36 requests, each for a month. This may be slower but minimizes the amount of data that needs to be resynced if an issue occurs.

    If you are unsure of which value to use, we recommend leaving this setting at its default value of 365 days.

  10. Click Set up source and wait for the tests to complete.

Supported sync modes

The Stripe source connector supports the following sync modes:

  • Full Refresh
  • Incremental

Supported streams

The Stripe source connector supports the following streams:

Data type mapping

The Stripe API uses the same JSON Schema types that Airbyte uses internally (string, date-time, object, array, boolean, integer, and number), so no type conversions are performed for the Stripe connector.

Limitations & Troubleshooting

Expand to see details about Stripe connector limitations and troubleshooting.

Connector limitations

Rate limiting

The Stripe connector should not run into Stripe API limitations under normal usage. See Stripe Rate limits documentation. Create an issue if you see any rate limit issues that are not automatically retried successfully.

:::warning Stripe API Restriction on Events Data: Access to the events endpoint is guaranteed only for the last 30 days by Stripe. If you use the Full Refresh Overwrite sync, be aware that any events data older than 30 days will be deleted from your target destination and replaced with the data from the last 30 days only. Use an Append sync mode to ensure historical data is retained. Please be aware: this also means that any change older than 30 days will not be replicated using the incremental sync mode. If you want all your synced data to remain up to date, please set up your sync frequency to no more than 30 days. :::


Since the Stripe API does not allow querying objects which were updated since the last sync, the Stripe connector uses the Events API under the hood to implement incremental syncs and export data based on its update date. However, not all the entities are supported by the Events API, so the Stripe connector uses the created field or its analogue to query for new data in your Stripe account. These are the entities synced based on the date of creation:

  • Balance Transactions
  • Events
  • File Links
  • Files
  • Refunds
  • Setup Attempts
  • Shipping Rates

On the other hand, the following streams use the updated field value as a cursor:

  • Application Fees
  • Application Fee Refunds
  • Authorizations
  • Bank Accounts
  • Cardholders
  • Cards
  • Charges
  • Checkout Sessions
  • Checkout Session Line Items (cursor field is checkout_session_updated)
  • Coupons
  • Credit Notes
  • Customer Balance Transactions
  • Customers
  • Disputes
  • Early Fraud Warnings
  • External Account Bank Accounts
  • External Account Cards
  • Invoice Items
  • Invoices
  • Payment Intents
  • Payouts
  • Promotion Codes
  • Persons
  • Plans
  • Prices
  • Products
  • Reviews
  • Setup Intents
  • Subscription Schedule
  • Subscriptions
  • Top Ups
  • Transactions
  • Transfers

Incremental deletes

The Stripe API also provides a way to implement incremental deletes for a limited number of streams:

  • Bank Accounts
  • Coupons
  • Customers
  • External Account Bank Accounts
  • External Account Cards
  • Invoices
  • Invoice Items
  • Persons
  • Plans
  • Prices
  • Products
  • Subscriptions

Each record is marked with is_deleted flag when the appropriate event happens upstream.

  • Check out common troubleshooting issues for the Stripe source connector on our Airbyte Forum.

Data type mapping


Version Date Pull Request Subject
5.2.0 2024-01-18 34347 Add new fields invoices and subscription streams. Upgrade the CDK for better memory usage.
5.1.3 2023-12-18 33306 Adding integration tests
5.1.2 2024-01-04 33414 Prepare for airbyte-lib
5.1.1 2024-01-04 33926 Update endpoint for bank_accounts stream
5.1.0 2023-12-11 32908 Read full refresh streams concurrently
5.0.2 2023-12-01 33038 Add stream slice logging for SubStream
5.0.1 2023-11-17 32638 Availability stretegy: check availability of both endpoints (if applicable) - common API + events API
5.0.0 2023-11-16 32286 Fix multiple issues regarding usage of the incremental sync mode for the Refunds, CheckoutSessions, CheckoutSessionsLineItems streams. Fix schemas for the streams: Invoices, Subscriptions, SubscriptionSchedule
4.5.4 2023-11-16 32284 Enable client-side rate limiting
4.5.3 2023-11-14 32473 Have all full_refresh stream syncs be concurrent
4.5.2 2023-11-03 32146 Fix multiple BankAccount issues
4.5.1 2023-11-01 32056 Use CDK version 0.52.8
4.5.0 2023-10-25 31327 Use concurrent CDK when running in full-refresh
4.4.2 2023-10-24 31764 Base image migration: remove Dockerfile and use the python-connector-base image
4.4.1 2023-10-18 31553 Adjusted Setup Attempts and extended Checkout Sessions stream schemas
4.4.0 2023-10-04 31046 Added margins field to invoice_line_items stream.
4.3.1 2023-09-27 30800 Handle permission issues a non breaking
4.3.0 2023-09-26 30752 Do not sync upcoming invoices, extend stream schemas
4.2.0 2023-09-21 30660 Fix updated state for the incremental syncs
4.1.1 2023-09-15 30494 Fix datatype of invoices.lines property
4.1.0 2023-08-29 29950 Implement incremental deletes, add suggested streams
4.0.1 2023-09-07 30254 Fix cursorless incremental streams
4.0.0 2023-08-15 29330 Implement incremental syncs based on date of update
3.17.4 2023-08-15 29425 Revert 3.17.3
3.17.3 2023-08-01 28911 Revert 3.17.2 and fix atm_fee property
3.17.2 2023-08-01 28911 Fix stream schemas, remove custom 403 error handling
3.17.1 2023-08-01 28887 Fix Invoices schema
3.17.0 2023-07-28 26127 Add Prices stream
3.16.0 2023-07-27 28776 Add new fields to stream schemas
3.15.0 2023-07-09 28709 Remove duplicate streams
3.14.0 2023-07-09 27217 Add ShippingRates stream
3.13.0 2023-07-18 28466 Pin source API version
3.12.0 2023-05-20 26208 Add new stream Persons
3.11.0 2023-06-26 27734 License Update: Elv2 stream
3.10.0 2023-06-22 27132 Add CreditNotes stream
3.9.1 2023-06-20 27522 Fix formatting
3.9.0 2023-06-19 27362 Add new Streams: Transfer Reversals, Setup Attempts, Usage Records, Transactions
3.8.0 2023-06-12 27238 Add Topups stream; Add Files stream; Add FileLinks stream
3.7.0 2023-06-06 27083 Add new Streams: Authorizations, Cardholders, Cards, Payment Methods, Reviews
3.6.0 2023-05-24 25893 Add ApplicationFeesRefunds stream with parent ApplicationFees
3.5.0 2023-05-20 22859 Add stream Early Fraud Warnings
3.4.3 2023-05-10 25965 Fix Airbyte date-time data-types
3.4.2 2023-05-04 25795 Added CDK TypeTransformer to guarantee declared JSON Schema data-types
3.4.1 2023-04-24 23389 Add customer_tax_ids to Invoices
3.4.0 2023-03-20 23963 Add SetupIntents stream
3.3.0 2023-04-12 25136 Add stream Accounts
3.2.0 2023-04-10 23624 Add new stream Subscription Schedule
3.1.0 2023-03-10 19906 Expand tiers when syncing Plans streams
3.0.5 2023-03-25 22866 Specified date formatting in specification
3.0.4 2023-03-24 24471 Fix stream slices for single sliced streams
3.0.3 2023-03-17 24179 Get customer's attributes safely
3.0.2 2023-03-13 24051 Cache customers stream; Do not request transactions of customers with zero balance.
3.0.1 2023-02-22 22898 Add missing column to Subscriptions stream
3.0.0 2023-02-21 23295 Fix invoice schema
2.0.0 2023-02-14 22312 Another fix of Invoices stream schema + Remove http urls from openapi_spec.json
1.0.2 2023-02-09 22659 Set AvailabilityStrategy for all streams
1.0.1 2023-01-27 22042 Set AvailabilityStrategy for streams explicitly to None
1.0.0 2023-01-25 21858 Update the Subscriptions and Invoices stream schemas
0.1.40 2022-10-20 18228 Update the PaymentIntents stream schema
0.1.39 2022-09-28 17304 Migrate to per-stream states.
0.1.38 2022-09-09 16537 Fix redeem_by field type for customers stream
0.1.37 2022-08-16 15686 Fix the bug when the stream couldn't be fetched due to limited permission set, if so - it should be skipped
0.1.36 2022-08-04 15292 Implement slicing
0.1.35 2022-07-21 14924 Remove additionalProperties field from spec and schema
0.1.34 2022-07-01 14357 Add external account streams -
0.1.33 2022-06-06 13449 Add semi-incremental support for CheckoutSessions and CheckoutSessionsLineItems streams, fixed big in StripeSubStream, added unittests, updated docs
0.1.32 2022-04-30 12500 Improve input configuration copy
0.1.31 2022-04-20 12230 Update connector to use a spec.yaml
0.1.30 2022-03-21 11286 Minor corrections to documentation and connector specification
0.1.29 2022-03-08 10359 Improved performance for streams with substreams: invoice_line_items, subscription_items, bank_accounts
0.1.28 2022-02-08 10165 Improve 404 handling for CheckoutSessionsLineItems stream
0.1.27 2021-12-28 9148 Fix date, arrival\_date fields
0.1.26 2021-12-21 8992 Fix type events.request in schema
0.1.25 2021-11-25 8250 Rearrange setup fields
0.1.24 2021-11-08 7729 Include tax data in checkout_sessions_line_items stream
0.1.23 2021-11-08 7729 Correct payment_intents schema
0.1.22 2021-11-05 7345 Add 3 new streams
0.1.21 2021-10-07 6841 Fix missing start_date argument + update json files for SAT
0.1.20 2021-09-30 6017 Add lookback_window_days parameter
0.1.19 2021-09-27 6466 Use start_date parameter in incremental streams
0.1.18 2021-09-14 6004 Fix coupons and subscriptions stream schemas by removing incorrect timestamp formatting
0.1.17 2021-09-14 6004 Add PaymentIntents stream
0.1.16 2021-07-28 4980 Remove Updated field from schemas
0.1.15 2021-07-21 4878 Fix incorrect percent_off and discounts data filed types
0.1.14 2021-07-09 4669 Subscriptions Stream now returns all kinds of subscriptions (including expired and canceled)
0.1.13 2021-07-03 4528 Remove regex for acc validation
0.1.12 2021-06-08 3973 Add AIRBYTE_ENTRYPOINT for Kubernetes support
0.1.11 2021-05-30 3744 Fix types in schema
0.1.10 2021-05-28 3728 Update data types to be number instead of int
0.1.9 2021-05-13 3367 Add acceptance tests for connected accounts
0.1.8 2021-05-11 3566 Bump CDK connectors