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Releases: ant-design-blazor/ant-design-blazor


29 Aug 07:20
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Change log


18 Aug 14:46
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  • Table

  • 🐞 Fixed Tree: SelectedNodeChanged would be fired twice twice. #1849 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Tag: Style parameters are not rendered. #1847 @JohnHao421

  • 🐞 Fixed Menu: OnMenuItemClicked should be triggered when menu Selectable is false. #1843 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Checkbox: The checked state of CheckboxGroup didn't follow the value change. #1841 @ElderJames

  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 阻止点击展开按钮时的事件穿透#1850 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 服务端模式初次加载时不触发 OnChange 的问题。#1835 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Tree 切换时选中节点时 SelectedNodeChanged 事件触发两次#1849 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Tag 组件Style参数设置无效。#1847 @JohnHao421

  • 🐞 修复 Menu OnMenuItemClicked 事件在 Selectable=false 时不触发的问题。#1843 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 当 CheckboxGroup 的 Value 被修改时,对应选项未选中的问题。#1841 @ElderJames


11 Aug 16:53
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fix the site


11 Aug 14:21
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  • Table

  • DatePicker

  • Overlay

    • 🐞 Use right positioning for bottom-right and top-right placement. #1799 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed overlay location when container element has border. #1797 @anranruye
  • Select

  • Tree

  • 🐞 Fixed AutoComplete: turn off the input autocomplete attribute. #1825 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Menu: OnBreakpoint and OnCollapse only when they was changed. #1815 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Calendar: the width of select component in the header. #1801 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fixed InputNumber: OnChange cannot be triggered during keyboard input. #1830 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Modal: error when confirm TaskCompletionSource SetResult repeat. #1795 @zxyao145


26 Jul 16:59
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🎉 As of this release, the project has welcomed a total of 101 contributors who have made this project possible! We'd like to thank them for their generous contributions!


  • Tabs

  • Table

    • 🆕 Add built-in filter for Guid type. #1756 @anranruye
    • ⚡️ Optimize render fragments. #1597 @anranruye
    • 🛠 Refactor filter model classes, allow access filters through ITableFilterModel, allow access to filter compare operator and condition. #1563 @anranruye
    • 🆕 Add built-in filter for enum types, support null value for List filter type. #1439 @anranruye
    • 🆕 Add Columns Show/Hide functionality. #1410 @ldsenow
    • 🆕 Add Allow custom pagination template. #1409 @ldsenow
    • 🛠 Refactor PropertyAccessHelper to PathHelper, replace double quotes with single quotes to identify string index keys. #1386 @Zonciu
    • 🐞 Add implement TotalChanged callback; add demo for loading data from remote data source. #1558 @anranruye
    • 📖 Fixed edit row demo can't recovery the editing on cancel. #1745 @ElderJames
  • Select

    • 🆕 Add EnumSelect for select componet with enum. #1759 @wangj90 - 🆕 Add Simple data source: When the item in the data source and the value property of select use the same type, it is not necessary to specify ValueName; When LabelName is not specified, the return value of the ToString() method of the item in the data source is used as the label. #1541 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed duplicated tags. #1766 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue that can not set select component initial value for non-datasource approach. #1743 @anranruye
  • Form

    • 🆕 Add Support for setting validation rules on FormItem. #1516 @mutouzdl
    • 🆕 Add Support for EditContext dynamic change. Added OnFieldChanged, OnValidationRequested & OnValidationStateChanged events. #1504 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 Added LabelStyle to FormItem for custom element styling. #1503 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 Expose EditContext in Form component, allow access to validation messages. #1464 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 Fixed FormItem would be default to property name. #1738 @ElderJames
  • Modal

    • 🆕 Add NotificationRef support. #1498 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 Fixed wrong seter in ModalOptions.ConfirmLoading (always is true). #1742 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 Fixed click dialog cause the mask click event triggered. #1727 @zxyao145
  • Tree

    • 🛠 Refactor and close to official features, fixes initial value issues, and supports drag and drop. #1517 @lovachen
    • 🆕 Added support for checking all items in a Tree from code. #1722 @lukblazewicz
  • 🆕 Upload: Add support for drag upload. #1765 @ElderJames

  • 🆕 Button: Allows you to set a color for the button according to the official palette. #1774 @boukenka

  • 🆕 Dropdown: Add ButtonsStyle & ButtonsClass parameters that allow to style each button separately. Type accepts single value that will be applied to both buttons. #1659 @anddrzejb

  • 🆕 DatePicker: Support disable one of RangePicker inputs. #1648 @mutouzdl

  • 🆕 Tag: Color parameter now supports custom hex values and an Enum type. #1514 @MutatePat

  • 🐞 Drawer: Fixed the bug that the page scroll bar is restored when one of them is closed when there are multiple Drawers at the same time. #1771 @zxyao145

  • 🌐 i18n: Add missing French short week days. #1521 @dust63

🎉 截至这个版本,本项目一共迎来 101 位贡献者,是他们成就了这个项目!在此感谢他们慷慨的贡献!

  • Tabs

  • Table

    • 🆕 添加 Guid 类型的内置筛选器。#1756 @anranruye
    • ⚡️ 优化内部的渲染片段。#1597 @anranruye
    • 🛠 可通过 ITableFilterModel 访问 TableFilter,可访问 TableFilter 中的比较运算符和条件运算符。#1563 @anranruye
    • 🆕 为枚举类型添加内置筛选器, 列表类型的筛选器添加支持null值。#1439 @anranruye
    • 🆕 增加 可隐藏列#1410 @ldsenow
    • 🆕 增加 自定义翻页器的支持#1409 @ldsenow
    • 🛠 用PathHelper替换PropertyAccessHelper, 用单引号替换双引号标识字符串索引键。#1386 @Zonciu
    • 🐞 修复分页问题,实现 TotalChanged 回调;添加远程加载数据示例。#1558 @anranruye
    • 📖 修复 EditRow demo 在点击取消时不恢复原值的bug。#1745 @ElderJames
  • Select

    • 🆕 增加 EnumSelect,可将枚举转化为选项#1759 @wangj90
    • 🐞 修复多选模式Tag重复的问题#1766 @anddrzejb
    • 🚫 当数据源中的项和 Select 的 Value 属性使用相同类型时,无需指定 ValueName;当不指定 LabelName 时,将使用数据源中的项的 ToString() 方法的返回值作为 Label。#1541 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复当使用 SelectOption 时不能为Select组件设置初始值的问题。#1743 @anranruye
  • Form

    • 🆕 支持在 FormItem 上直接添加验证规则(不只是通过Model上的特性)。#1516 @mutouzdl
    • 🆕 支持 EditContext 重新赋值,增加OnFieldChanged, OnValidationRequestedOnValidationStateChanged 事件#1504 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 FormItem 增加 LabelStyle 属性,支持修改其样式。#1503 @anddrzejb
    • 🆕 暴露 Form 组件中的 EditContext ,使用户可以访问验证信息。#1464 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 修复 FormItem 默认会显示属性名的问题。#1738 ...
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14 Jul 09:33
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  • Table

  • Upload

  • DatePicker

  • Form

    • 🆕 feat(module: form): use DisplayName attribute as the default FormItem Label. #1682 @gmij
    • 🐞 allow to use input components without bind-Value attribute inside customized form control. #1662 @anranruye
    • 📖 add advanced search demo. #1654 @ElderJames
  • i18n

    • 🌐 Russian locale resources additions. #1709 @kuznecovIT
    • 🐞 When a node is missing from a resource file, the default value is used and no runtime exception is thrown. #1710 @anranruye
  • 🆕 Tag shows pointer cursor when OnClick is set. #1660 @anddrzejb

  • ⚡️ Modal and Drawer render reducing, update document and demo. #1701 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed Select allow change both data source and value in one render period. #1720 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs horizontal scrolling of tabs #1581 @Brian-Ding

  • 🐞 Fix Statistic CountDown OnFinish callback exception(#1712). #1714 @HexJacaranda

  • 🐞 Fixed Overlay OnMaskClick event will fire correctly when the overlay size changes. #1692 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fixed Space items behavior when they are inside if block. #1684 @anranruye

  • 🐞 Fix Grid gutter adjustment on col initialize. #1653 @ElderJames

  • Table

    • 🆕 增加属性可使 Table 可展开行默认全部展开。#1695 @henrikwidlund
    • 🐞 修复选择筛选器的 与/或 条件会关闭筛选器面板的错误。#1687 @anranruye
    • 🐞 允许在表格初始化之后设置筛选器。#1667 @anranruye
  • Upload

  • DatePicker

  • Form

    • 🆕 使用 DisplayName 特性作为 FormItem Label。#1682 @gmij
    • 🐞 修复 多个输入组件组合时只需要最上层组件设置 bind-Value 属性。#1662 @anranruye
    • 📖 增加 form 的高级搜索 demo。#1654 @ElderJames
  • i18n

  • 🆕 Tag: 当 OnClick 事件绑定了方法时,指针变为手指。#1660 @anddrzejb

  • ⚡️ Modal and Drawer 组件减少重复渲染,进行文档和 demo 的更新。#1701 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 允许在一个渲染周期内同时改变数据源和值。#1720 @anranruye

  • 🐞 修复 标签的鼠标滚轮滚动。#1581 @Brian-Ding

  • 🐞 修复 CountDown 组件 OnFinish 回调异常。#1714 @HexJacaranda

  • 🐞 当弹出层大小改变时会触发 OnMaskClick 事件。#1692 @anranruye

  • 🐞 修复 Space 子项在 "if "块中的渲染顺序问题。#1684 @anranruye

  • 🐞 修复 Grid 的 Col 在初始化时的默认间距调整。#1653 @ElderJames


17 Jun 16:24
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  • Table

    • 🐞 Fixed selection issues. #1632 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed filter wrong compare operator after remove one filter condition; remove input components for 'Is Null' and 'Is Not Null' filter operators. #1596 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue that filters are not applied when close the filter panel by clicking filter icon area. #1594 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed filter icon wrong highlight after clear the filter value; fix filter behavior when there is no input value. #1592 @anranruye
    • 🐞 Fixed can not close filter by confirm button. #1602 @anranruye
    • 📖 update ‘fork official sample’ demo to enable the sorters. #1544 @anranruye
  • Dropdown

    • 🐞 Add typical Button propertied to DropdownButton. Include demo & API docs for Dropdown API and Button API. #1609 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 Add Loading parameter to DropdownButton. #1588 @anddrzejb
  • DatePicker

  • InputNumber

    • 🐞 fix the exception which is throwed when an InputNumber component for nullable type loses focus. #1612 @anranruye
    • 🐞 fix(module:inputnumber): include parser in value evaluation. #1567 @anddrzejb
  • 🐞 New parameters for Input: Bordered, ReadOnly, InputElementSuffixClass & methods: Focus(), Blur(), fixed clear icon.
    New parameter for TextArea ShowCount, fixed clear icon.
    Search gets new look and paramter ClassicSearchIcon for fallback to old look.
    InputGroup whitespace removed.
    New parameters for InputPassword: ShowPassword & IconRender. #1530 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 Fixed Affix: remove wrong event listeners. #1616 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Drawer: OffsetX and offsetY do not work of Drawer, and update the documents how to use DrawerService by the way. #1448 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 Fixed Radio: add defaultChecked and defaultValue. #1494 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Tag: Add support for Status and custom colors, add animation demo #1631 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 Fixed Image: fix the style property position. #1642 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Checkbox: in-form behavior of CheckboxGroup component. #1637 @anranruye

  • 🌐 Fixed nl-BE and nl-NL locales. #1624 @gregloones

  • 🛠 add missing 'filterOptions' node to german locale file. #1562 @anranruye

  • 🌐 Added values missing from locale es-ES. #1534 @Magehernan

  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 Selection 的选择和清空功能。 #1632 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复删除一个筛选条件后筛选器比较运算符错误的问题;移除 Is Null 和 Is Not Null 筛选条件的输入组件。#1596 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复点击筛选图标关闭筛选器面板时不应用筛选操作的问题。#1594 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复筛选器图标错误地持续处于选中状态的错误;修复没有在筛选器的输入组件输入任何值时也会进行筛选的问题。#1592 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复点击筛选器确定按钮筛选器面板不关闭的问题。#1602 @anranruye
    • 📖 更新“复刻官方示例”示例以使排序可用。#1544 @anranruye
  • Dropdown

  • DatePicker

  • InputNumber

    • 🐞 修复可空类型的组件失去焦点时抛出的异常。#1612 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 在值计算时没包括 Parser。#1567 @anddrzejb
  • Input 系列组件 #1530 @anddrzejb

    • 🐞 修复 Input 缺失的 BorderedReadOnlyInputElementSuffixClass 属性,增加 Focus(), Blur()方法。
    • 🐞 修复 TextArea 缺失的 TextArea ShowCount 属性,修复清除按钮。
    • 🐞 修复 Search 的样式,使用 ClassicSearchIcon 来回滚到旧样式。
    • 🐞 修复 InputPassword 的 ShowPasswordIconRender 属性。
  • 🐞 修复 Affix 监听器移除的问题#1616 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Drawer OffsetX 和offsetY 不起作用,并更新使用 DrawerService 的文档。#1448 @zxyao145

  • 🐞 修复 Radio 的 defaultChecked 和RadioGroup的 DefaultValue。#1494 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Tag 的 Status 和自定义颜色的支持,增加动画 demo。#1631 @anddrzejb

  • 🐞 修复 Image 组件 Style 属性的作用位置。#1642 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 CheckboxGroup 组件不能在 Form 中使用的问题。#1637 @anranruye

  • 🌐 修复 荷兰语资源。#1624 @gregloones

  • 🌐 修复 德语资源。#1562 @anranruye

  • 🌐 修复 西班牙语资源。#1534 @Magehernan


13 May 10:54
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Change log

  • Overlay

  • Input

    • 🐞 修复 不能使用 Guid 类型的问题。#1510 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 字符串与特定类型的转换问题,增加了 CultureInfo 属性。#1480 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 修复 按回车键的数据绑定问题。#1375 @ElderJames
  • Table

    • 🐞 修复 内置筛选器选项菜单的宽度#1500 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 使用“结尾是”过滤条件时的错误。#1434 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 点击清除排序时不刷新的问题。#1385 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 无法使用 DataIndex 绑定可空属性的问题#1382 @anranruye
    • 🐞 修复 筛选器对 DataIndex 的支持,统一 FieldName 定义,添加列名 DisplayAttribute 支持。#1372 @Zonciu
    • 🐞 修复 ellipsis 无效的问题。#1376 @ElderJames
  • Cascader

  • DatePicker

  • Modal

    • 🆕 可通过 ModalOptions 设置 Style。 #1400 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 修改 Dialog 组件中 Mask 点击判断 Task.Delay 的时间为 DOM* MIN* TIMEOUT_ VALUE (4ms)。#1445 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 修复 Dialog 关闭时不恢复显示滚动条的问题,为 Dialog 添加 Dispose。#1379 @zxyao145
  • Form

  • Select

    • 🐞 修复在 SelectOption 中使用可空值类型时的错误。#1451 @anranruye
    • 🛠 使用 ResizeObserver 重构响应式时浏览器尺寸事件的订阅#1392 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 当 DataSource 改变时触发 OnDataSourceChanged#1419 @anddrzejb
    • 🐞 修复值为枚举时的问题#1368 @anddrzejb
  • 🆕 新增 Element 组件,用于动态渲染元素#1378 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Checkbox 的 Value...

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16 Apr 04:22
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08 Apr 07:20
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