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Releases: ant-design-blazor/ant-design-blazor


31 Dec 14:27
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  • Table

    • 📖 Docs add a search box in the filter & sorter demo to enable custom filtering. #2955 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed Selection Component Hidden Property not working. #2945 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 Fixed Hidden parameter for ActionColumn doesn't work. #2946 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed IQueryable or IEnumerable using AsNoTracking will cause select data duplication bug. #2944 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 Fxied can't restore the query state of filters which value is enum type. #2941 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed Infinite loop when HidePagination and PageSize were set at the same time and datasource is empty. #2919 @ElderJames
  • DatePicker

    • 🆕 Use SuffixIcon passed to RangePicker to allow for a custom suffix icon. #2935 @wss-javeney
    • 🐞 Fixed Exception on input with time when Value is null. #2920 @Alexbits
  • Input

    • 🐞 Fixed the OnChange event would be triggered three times and the clear button would not be displayed with the Suffix template. #2970 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed null reference exception on dispose. #2966 @dracan
  • 🆕 Add TreeSelect TitleTemplate for tree nodes. #2940 @rhodon-jargon

  • 🆕 Add RequiredMark to Form to allow displaying indicators next to required, optional or no fields. #2930 @wss-kroche

  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs some issues with dynamic rendering. #2967 @ElderJames

  • 🛠 Refactor Notification that add an interface INotificationService. It is backwards compatible, but new code should inject INotificationService. #2948 @wss-javeney

  • 🐞 Fixed InputNumber triggering a constant Increase/Decrease in certain scenarios. #2953 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Statistic CountDown format incorrectly when publish with trimming. #2943 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed ClassMapper would get twice css classes. #2934 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 Fixed built-in System.Text.Json for netstandard2.1 target to avoid compatibility exceptions. #2922 @ElderJames

  • Table

    • 📖 文档 查询和排序的 demo 中加入额外的查询框,并实现联合搜索。#2955 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 Selection 列 Hidden 属性不起作用的问题。#2945 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 修复 Table 的 ActionColumn 的 Hidden 属性不起作用的问题。#2946 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 当用了 AsNoTracking 的 IQueryable 作为 DataSource 时导致选中项重复的问题#2944 @berkerdong
    • 🐞 修复 不能恢复枚举类型的 Filter 的查询状态。#2941 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 当同时设置了 HidePagination 和 PageSize 且 DataSource 为空时导致无限循环。#2919 @ElderJames
  • DatePicker

    • 🆕 新增 RangePicker 的 SuffixIcon 属性以允许自定义后缀图标。#2935 @wss-javeney
    • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 在启用时间选择且 Value 为 null 时,点击 input 框出现异常的问题#2920 @Alexbits
  • Input

    • 🐞 修复 OnChange 事件会被触发三次,以及清除按钮不能跟 Suffix 同时显示的问题。#2970 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复在 Dispose 时的偶尔的 null 引用异常.#2966 @dracan
  • 🆕 新增 TreeSelect 支持给节点设置 TitleTemplate#2940 @rhodon-jargon

  • 🆕 新增 Form 的 RequiredMark 属性以允许在必填、可选或无的字段旁边显示指示符。#2930 @wss-kroche

  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 的一些关于动态渲染的问题。#2967 @ElderJames

  • 🛠 重构 Notification 的 NotificationService 增加了 INotificationService 接口。#2948 @wss-javeney

  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 在某些场景下不停触发 递增/递减 的问题。#2953 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Statistic 的 CountDown 再裁剪发布时格式化无效的问题。#2943 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 ClassMapper 的 css classes 出现两次。#2934 @berkerdong

  • 🐞 修复 System.Text.Json 旧版本的bug,给 netstandard2.1 目标内置7.0版本#2922 @ElderJames

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.13.1...0.13.2


29 Nov 03:42
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What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed Input that when its value is changed in code, it would rollback on click. #2906 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Table infinite loop when HidePagination ant PageSize was set at same time. #2905 @ElderJames

Full Changelog: 0.13.0...0.13.1


22 Nov 16:08
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This version supports .NET 7 natively. Thanks to all contributors for their great work!

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.12.7...0.13.0


07 Nov 06:46
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What's Changed

  • DatePicker

    • 🐞 Fixed wrong day order in some locales and fallback to use Globalization libaray when there is no day locale. #2855 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 Fixed smoothScrollTo causes an infinite loop. #2854 @Alexbits
    • 🐞 fix day order in calendar header for russian locale. #2845 @ocoka
    • 🐞 Fixed tab key does not confirm the value. #2847 @Alexbits
  • Core

  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs support of tab bar css style and class. #2844 @ldsenow

  • 🐞 Fixed BackTop doesn't remove the dom when visible is false. #2831 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed bug where Content wouldn't render in Drawer if it was a string and not RenderFragment. #2833 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 Fixed bug where Title parameter was not being rendered. #2830 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 Fixed Slider accessibility updates with aria labels. #2818 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 Fixed Table exception during page navigation #2797 @Kyojuro27

  • 🐞 Fixed bug with tag color change after render not always styling properly. #2816 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 Fixed Cascader AllowClear was not working when false. #2792 @YongQuan-dotnet

  • 🐞 Fixed AutoComplete search panel show. #2793 @lyj0309

  • 💄 Fixed Menu that class name of the expand icon for submenu. #2796 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 fix descriptions component miss div element. #2798 @weilence

  • 🐞 Fixed Upload should get error raw response. #2858 @yosheng

Special thanks to @kooliokey @Alexbits for their work on improving test coverage. ❤️

  • DatePicker

    • 🐞 修复 部分语言文件的星期排序,缺失的语言使用 Globalization 替代。#2855 @ElderJames
    • 🐞 修复 smoothScrollTo 方法导致无限循环的问题。#2854 @Alexbits
    • 🐞 修复 俄语 的星期排序#2845 @ocoka
    • 🐞 修复 tab 键不确认值的问题。#2847 @Alexbits
  • Core

  • 🐞 修复 TabBarStyleTabBarClass#2844 @ldsenow

  • 🐞 修复 BackTop 在隐藏时没有真正清除 dom。#2831 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Drawer 如果 Content 是字符串而不是 RenderFragment,则内容不会渲染的错误。#2833 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 修复 Title 属性没有渲染。#2830 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 修复 Slider 可访问性 aria labels。#2818 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 修复 Table 在页面切换时偶尔的异常#2797 @Kyojuro27

  • 🐞 修复 Tag 渲染后标签颜色变化不总是正确更新样式。#2816 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 修复 Cascader 当 AllowClear 属性为false时清除无效的问题。#2792 @YongQuan-dotnet

  • 🐞 修复 AutoComplete 搜索时下拉列表有时候不显示。#2793 @lyj0309

  • 🐞 修复 Menu 子菜单展开图标的样式。#2796 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Descriptions 缺少的div元素。#2798 @Weilence

  • 🐞 修复 Upload 返回错误时没有正确传出响应报文。#2858 @yosheng

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.12.6...0.12.7


11 Oct 16:00
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What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed JS event listener registration. #2783 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Segmented that the Disabled parameter does not work on items and cannot be dynamically toggled. #2778 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Removing the gulp task to exclude empty files. #2779 @paulsuart

  • 🐞 修复 JS事件监听器注册问题。#2783 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复 Segmented 的 Disabled 参数对项不起作用,也不能动态切换的问题。#2778 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 修复打包时 patch.less 空文件缺失。#2779 @paulsuart

Full Changelog: 0.12.5...0.12.6


10 Oct 02:49
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What's Changed

  • Datepicker

    • 🐞 Fixed correct culture not applied when manual input. #2715 @Alexbits
  • 🐞 Fixed a series of issues to make Datepicker and RangePicker behave more like antd. #2741 @Alexbits

    • Fixed an issue with the OnChange event passing in an old value.
    • Fixed RangePicker head not switching year.
    • Fixed RangePicker selection panel display problem when both start and end in the same period.
    • Fixed an issue where the end date was not highlighted when the RangePicker was selected in week mode.
    • The start date is not highlighted during the end date input in the date picker with the time.
    • Other minor fixes and refactorings
  • Modal

  • 🐞 Fixed Core that remove the event listener when the component is disposed. #2738 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Radio that the disabled parameter for RadioGroup with RadioOption<TValue> options doesn't work. #2744 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed Table that set value for table header checkbox Disabled attribute. #2737 @YongQuan-dotnet

  • ⚡️ Fixed Select that remove redundant CreateDeleteSelectOptions() calls in render cycles. #2657 @m-khrapunov

  • 🛠 Fixed gulp pipeline to include less files so they end up in /staticwebassets/less in the nuget package. #2730 @paulsuart

  • Datepicker

    • 🐞 修复 手动输入时间时,CultureInfo 格式不识别导致无法绑定的问题。#2715 @Alexbits
    • 🐞 修复一系列问题,使 Datepicker 和 RangePicker 的行为更接近 antd。#2741 @Alexbits
      • 修复 OnChange 事件传入旧值的问题。
      • 修复 RangePicker 的头部无法切换年份。
      • 修复 RangePicker 当开始和结束都在同一周期时,选择面板的显示问题。
      • 修复 RangePicker 周选择模式时,结束日期不高亮显示的问题。
      • 修复 RangePicker 在带有时间的日期选择器中输入结束日期时,开始日期不会高亮显示的问题。
      • 其他一些小修复和重构
  • Modal

    • 🐞 修复 当使用 Title 时,Maximizable 设置不生效。#2750 @zxyao145
    • 🐞 修复 Confirm 错误的响应 close icon 事件。#2776 @zxyao145
  • 🐞 修复 底层 当组件 Dispose 时移除JS事件监听器。#2738 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Radio 的 Disabled 属性在使用了 RadioOption 作为 options 的 RadioGroup 中不起作用的问题。#2744 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 Table 当所有selection都为Disabled=true,则头部的全选 Selection 也变为 Disable 状态。#2737 @YongQuan-dotnet

  • ⚡️ 修复 Select 内部 CreateDeleteSelectOptions 方法的循环调用。#2657 @m-khrapunov

  • 🛠 修复 Gulp 脚本,使LESS文件打包到NUGET包中。#2730 @paulsuart

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.12.4...0.12.5


14 Sep 15:58
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What's Changed

  • 🐞 Fixed Table exceptions caused by sort. #2710 @YongQuan-dotnet
  • 🐞 Fixed AutoComplete that void browser's autocomplete popup.#2708 @lyj0309
  • 🐞 Fixed DatePicker that several issues with RangePicker #2707 @Alexbits :
    • RangePicker end panel not shown in RTL mode
    • RangePicker range preset value resets when time input is enabled
    • RangePicker keeps focus when input canceled
    • RangePicker cannot clear value when one of the inputs has a focus

  • 🐞 修复 Table 排序引起的异常。#2710 @YongQuan-dotnet
  • 🐞 修复 AutoComplete 自动弹出浏览器的输入记忆的问题。#2708 @lyj0309
  • 🐞 修复 RangePicker 几个问题#2707 @Alexbits
    • 修复 RTL 模式第二个面板不弹出的问题
    • 修复 预设范围在开启了时间输入时会被重置的问题
    • 修复 停止输入后没有保持焦点的问题
    • 修复 某个输入框有焦点时不能清除值的问题

Full Changelog: 0.12.3...0.12.4


13 Sep 05:06
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What's Changed

🥮Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


Full Changelog: 0.12.2...0.12.3


08 Sep 00:50
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What's Changed

  • Table

    • 🐞 Fixed Converting IQueryable to IOrderedQueryable returned null. #2687 @JamesGit-hash
    • 🐞 Fixed the exception cause by reload data with state and the table has an ActionColumn. #2683 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fixed Tabs panel display incorrectly without animated #2677 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fixed DatePicker that an exception is caused when passes the value as null to RangePicker #2688 @ElderJames

  • Table

  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 没有 Animated 时,TabPane 样式问题#2677 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 给 RagePicker 的 Value 赋值 null 时的异常 #2688 @ElderJames

Full Changelog: 0.12.1...0.12.2


04 Sep 15:37
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What's Changed

  • Tabs

  • Icon

    • 📖 Fix Icon that add missing ZoomOut outline icon. #2667 @kooliokey
    • 🐞 Fix Icon that state can't update & optimize the first rendering for two-tone icon. #2666 @ElderJames
  • 🐞 Fix collapse outdated html structures. #2668 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fix Breadcrumb that add OnClick parameter to BreadcrumbItem. Markup of Breadcrumb updated to match Ant.Design React. This could break custom CSS targeting this component's resulting markup. #2655 @kooliokey

  • 🐞 Fix Datepicker that timepicker value would resets to default. #2660 @Alexbits

  • 📖 Fix the presetted ranges demo of datepicker which would casuse …. #2659 @ElderJames

  • 🐞 Fix Avatar that make size parameter support more length unit. #2653 @ElderJames

  • 📖 Fix demo & document edit url. #2661 @ElderJames

Full Changelog: 0.12.0...0.12.1