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mhg-cipf edited this page Jan 28, 2015 · 9 revisions

Editing your data is the way to introduce information about the experimental design and the data factors into Babelomics. Information about the experimental design or different classes into which your samples are divided is compulsory before introducing your data in some of the Babelomics tools, as, among others, the Differential expression or the Class prediction tools.

From the Edit tool you can manage the variables related to your data sets.

Adding variables

Follow the following steps to add a variable to your data file.

1- Select the Processing button in the upper bar of the Babelomics web.

2- Select the Edit your uploaded data under the Edit menu.

3- Select the data you want to edit by navigating through your folders and pressing th OK button.

4- Select the type of attribute you are creating.

5- Select the name of the attribute you are creating in the Attribute name box.

6- Press the button with a green + sign. A new column named as your attibute will appear.

7- Introduce the values of your attribute for each one of the samples in the data.

8- Select the Save attributes button. When the message Saved successfully appears, your data will be edited and you can leave the page.

Removing variables

Follow the following steps to remove a variable from your data file.

1- Select the Processing button in the upper bar of the Babelomics web.

2- Select the Edit your uploaded data under the Edit menu.

3- Select the data you want to edit by navigating through your folders and pressing th OK button.

4- Select the name of the variable you want to remove.

5- Press the red cross button. Your variable will disappear from the variable columns.

6- Select the Save attributes button. When the message Saved successfully appears, your data will be edited and you can leave the page.

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