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Helena Project Update 19

Helena Bales edited this page Apr 17, 2017 · 1 revision

Week 2

Project Update 19


This week I finished the parser for the C-Space. It reads the configuration space data from a file. The data is in the form of four angles separated by a semicolon from the next set of angles. The parser reads these angles and uses floor to convert them to integers then marks that location in a 37x37x37x37 array as a 0, indicating that it is a valid configuration of motors, or not blocked. There were no required attendance Senior Design classes this week. I had a TA meeting on Tuesday and an all-team meeting on Wednesday. I also had a pathing and automation meeting on thursday, but due to miscommunications, only one other person showed up. It was disappointing that no one else came but it gave me the chance to get Subret caught up on what we were talking about since he replaced Ian (who graduated) as the ME rep for Pathing. In explaining the C-Space to him I realized that I missed a bug when writing my parser in that I forgot to convert negative degrees to their positive equivalents before putting them in the array.


Next week will involve finishing up the second draft of the RockSat-X poster and continuing work on the pathing and automation tasks. I developed a plan for the pathing and automation tasks during our meeting this week. Next week I will be fixing that bug in the parser, delegating a C-Space visualization in Matlab to James, and starting the Pathfinding portion of the code.


The problems that I am currently facing are in receiving enough support from the group at large for my pathfinding and automation tasks. I think this will improve next week as our schedules all become more normal.

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