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Helena Project Update 9

Helena Bales edited this page Jan 17, 2017 · 1 revision

Week 1

Project Update 9


I made no progress over winter break, other than actually managing to take a vacation. I am very proud of myself.

Since the start of week 1, I met with the Software Team to discuss the schedule that we will have for the term. We decided that we would have an hour long meeting on Mondays after our TA meeting and an hour long meeting with the whole Hephaestus team on Thursdays at 6pm. We have not yet had a Monday meeting because the past two mondays have been cancelled due to weather and MLK Day.

We accomplished some tasks for week 1, which includes adding more content to the System Architecture for the Software Subsystem. In addition to this planning I began development of the test cases that will be used to test the Software Subsystem. Specifically, I am focusing on developing experiments to test the three functional requirements that I was assigned last term.


The plan for next week is to finish up the architecture diagram and the test cases and beginning the implementation phase of the project. We need to have a prototype completed and tested by mid February, so we are planning on implementing for three weeks then testing.


My biggest problem is that I do not have a working computer right now. I have been trying to fix my computer but it has just been a time sink so far. I don't have a solution to this problem.

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