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Helena Project Update 17

Helena Bales edited this page Mar 18, 2017 · 3 revisions

Week 10

Project Update 17


This week has been an extremely stressful one. All of my classes have final projects. I have not had time to write the parser for the C-Space data. I did update the presentation for the Final Update video. I have some more visuals to add, but I have recorded most of my audio.

We are also working on the presentation today. We did not realize that it was due tonight, so we will be getting most of it done at 4pm today. Needless to say, we are are stressed by this looming deadline.


Configuration Space

My next step in the software is still to write a parser for the C-Space data. It is currently in the form of one motor angle per line, with the triples separated by a line with a semicolon on it. So I will go from:

theta1 theta2 theta3 ;


point_n = <0, theta1, theta2, theta3>

I will have a 4D array of 1's, then fill in a 0 in every location indicated by point_n above. The 4D C-Space will then contain a 0 for every valid configuration of motors and a 1 for every invalid configuration.

Once I have an initial C-Space, I will need to do some repair on it to smooth out the C-Space. This will account for angles that are valid but were not sampled.


My other goal for Finals Week is to contact people to ask for funding for our project. We also have ISTR on Friday of Finals week, so we will be spending some time during Finals week working on the presentation for that. We will also be finishing up our presentation and video for this class.

Expo Poster

Finally, we will be completing the Expo poster next week as we got an extension from Kirsten. I have defined the general sections on the poster in the poster template. This will cover the sections of the poster, the images on the poster, and the assignments for text and graphics.

Poster Sections

Panel 1 - Achieving Detailed Autonomous Movement in Space

Panel 1 - a - Building the Configuration Space

Panel 1 - a - i - Creating the Configuration Space from Real Space Data

Panel 1 - b - Pathfinding in an IR 4 Configuration Space

Panel 1 - b - i - Dijkstra's Algorithm

Panel 1 - c - Accuracy and Obstacle Avoidance

Panel 1 - c - i - Accuracy

Panel 1 - c - ii - Obstacle Avoidance

Panel 2 - A Rocket-Mounted Autonomous Robotic Arm for Construction in Space

Panel 2 - a - Hephaestus Mission

Panel 2 - b - Mission Success Criteria

Panel 2 - b - i - Minimum Success Criteria

Panel 2 - b - ii - Maximum Success Criteria

Panel 2 - c - Software Overview

Panel 2 - c - i - Overview

Panel 2 - c - ii - Telemetry

Panel 2 - c - iii - Data Storage

Panel 3 - Programmatics

Panel 3 - a - Launch Details

Panel 3 - b - Sponsors

Section Assignments

1 - Helena

2 - a - Amber

2 - b - Amber

2 - c - i - Michael and Amber

2 - c - ii - Michael

2 - c - iii - Amber

3 - a - Michael

3 - b - Michael


1 - Landscape - Pathfinding through IR4 Graphic

2 - Landscape - Hephaestus Payload

3 - Portrait - ???

4 - Landscape - Team Photo

Image Assignments

1 - Helena

2 - Amber

3 - Amber/Michael

4 - Michael


I currently have way too many projects going on. All of my classes have final projects, so I am worried that I will not have time to get it all done. Additionally, I feel the stress of the end of the term is affecting the effectiveness of our team. Spring break will help with that.

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