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Michael Humphrey Winter Week 10

Michael edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 1 revision

This week I developed an application to read data from a file (ostensibly temperature data from a file on the on-board SD card) and display a graph of that data. This program is a prototype for our final application to fulfill the Data Visualization component of the requirements. The program is a Python script with the graph created using the matplotlib library. The program was made now to help the Electrical team fulfill a requirement for their senior design class.

In addition to the program described above to display the data file, I created a helper program (also in Python) to generate the data file with random data. The temperature sensor that will generate the data only produces 10-bit values, so the random data generator must simulate that output. The program generates a random value between 0 and 1,023 (inclusive) and outputs it as a two byte sequence to a file specified in the arguments to the script. The program repeats this 100 times, outputting a null byte (0) as a separator between each value. This file can then be used as an input file for the data processing program.

Next week will be spent working on the senior design report and presentation. Nothing blocking.

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