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Michael Humphrey Winter Week 4

Michael edited this page Feb 9, 2017 · 1 revision

This week I hit a major personal milestone for this project. I finally was able to compile the (mostly useless) code we've all written so far this term and run it on the actual microcontroller! It compiled successfully for me, and although it didn't do much it was a relief to see the fruits of our labor to work. The code did not compile on Amber's computer, but that was probably because she is using a mac and mac's are not directly supported by the avr compiler. I helped her troubleshoot a little bit, but she eventually figured it out on her own. I also added to our Description of Operations to detail more about the telemetry codes. Other than that, this week was spent waiting for drivers from the EE team for motors and pin inputs. My plan for the next week is to create some constants in the telemetry header file that will encode telemetry codes as well as constants for telemetry operation (such as the length of time codes will be broadcasted). No problems encountered.

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