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Helena Project Update 5

Helena Bales edited this page Nov 10, 2016 · 2 revisions

Week 7

Project Update 5


This week we are developing the Technical Review Document for Senior Design. As such, we have divided the requirements up between the three of us as follows:

Amber Horvath:

  • Emergency Expelling of Payload
  • Program Modes of Operation
  • Target Success Sensors

Helena Bales:

  • Target Generation
  • Movement of arm
  • Arm position tracking

Michael Humphrey

  • Telemetry
  • Video Camera
  • Data visualization and processing

Each of us shall be responsible for insuring the completion of their assigned tasks. We will focus on our assigned tasks for the tech review. This week has focused on defining and assigning the requirements to each of us. We have also finalized some design choices, specifically in the modes of operations, emergency procedures, and arm target generation.


Next week we will complete and turn in the tech review on Monday of Week 8. Before that date we will be finishing that document. After the completion of the tech review we will be going back through past documents and including all suggestions we have received as feedback throughout the course. We will be doing this to prepare for the final document to be turned in on December 4th. We will also be preparing our designs and requirements for our big RockSat-X review during weeks 10 or 11.


We mainly are encountering the issue that we have too many assignments due on or before Monday of Week 8.

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