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jjensen44 edited this page Sep 25, 2023 · 1 revision

BAQLaVa Tutorial !

BAQLaVa, Bioinformatic Application of Quantification and Labeling of Viral Taxonomy, is a tool designed to perform viral community profiling on metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, or metavirome sequencing data, especially data from microbiome experiments. BAQLaVa can identify all viruses recognized by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), as well as many novel viruses as captured and released in the Gut Virome Database, RNA Viruses in Metatranscriptomes (RVMT) database, and Benler et al 2021,

NOTE: This tutorial corresponds to BAQLaVa v0.2

Table of contents



KneadData can be installed with Conda, PyPi,run from a Docker image or can be manually installed. Please note that if you are using bioBakery (Vagrant VM or Google Cloud), you do not need to install KneadData because the tool and its dependencies are already installed.

Running BAQLaVa

Module 1: Metagenomic Sample

Module 2: Metatranscriptomic Sample

Module 3: Community Analysis

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