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kelsthom13 edited this page May 22, 2020 · 7 revisions

ShortBRED Tutorial

ShortBRED (Short, Better Representative Extract Dataset) is a pipeline to take a set of protein sequences, cluster them into families, build consensus sequences to represent the families, and then reduce these consensus sequences to a set of unique identifying strings ("markers"). The pipeline then searches for these markers in metagenomic data and determines the presence and abundance of the protein families of interest.

For additional information, please refer to the manuscript: Kaminski J, Gibson MK, Franzosa EA, Segata N, Dantas G, Huttenhower C.High-specificity targeted functional profiling in microbial communities with ShortBRED. PLoS Comput Biol. 2015 Dec 18;11(12):e1004557.

We provide support for ShortBRED users. Feel free to post any questions on the bioBakery forum.

Table of contents


The following figure shows the workflow of ShortBRED (Fig. 1 in the manuscript).


1. Install

ShortBRED can be installed with Conda or run from a Docker image. Please note, if you are using bioBakery (Vagrant VM or cloud) you do not need to install ShortBRED because the tool and its dependencies are already installed. However, you will need to install the dependency USEARCH which requires a license. Follow the commands in the instructions to install bioBakery dependencies that require licences.

Install with Conda: $ conda install -c biobakery shortbred Note: Before installing with conda update your channels so biobakery is at the top of the list.

Install with Docker: $ docker run -it biobakery/shortbred bash

If you would like to install from source, refer to the ShortBRED user manual for the pre-requisites/dependencies and installation instructions.

1.1 Input Files

The input files required for ShortBRED are the following:

  1. Proteins of interest - amino acid sequences of the proteins you are looking for.
  2. Reference proteins - a collection of 'background' protein sequences to help rule out non-unique regions of the proteins of interest; this should be as exhaustive as possible, e.g. UniRef90

For this tutorial, our proteins of interest are a small set of TonB genes from Proteobacteria. TonB is a siderophore import protein found in the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria, and the reference proteins are subsampled from the integrated microbial genomes (IMG) database. Both are located in the example directory under the main ShortBRED page

Let's examine these protein sequences.

$ less tonB

1. Are there obvious regions of overlap between the TonB genes?

2. Is there overlap between TonB and the reference proteins?

We're trying to identify tonB genes in set of short DNA reads from metagenomic sequencing. The data we'll use for the tutorial was synthetically generated to contain 1,000 reads from tonB genes, and 10,000 reads from other proteins.


2. Naive search

To show why ShortBRED is useful, we will start by doing a naive BLAST search. First, make a BLAST database combining our tonB genes, and our reference database:

$ cat tonB.faa ref_prots.faa  > allprots.faa
$ makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in allprots.faa -out allprots

Building a new DB
New DB name:   allprots
New DB title:  allprots.faa
Sequence type: Protein
Keep Linkouts: T
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
Adding sequences from FASTA; added 83 sequences in 0.00298595 seconds.

Now, we'll BLAST our DNA reads against this protein database using translated search of the short reads against the sequences of our proteins of interest and the reference sequences. The following command searches the database for alignments to our reads and generates a table with the query (read) ID, the subject (database) ID, the percent identity and the length of the alignment:

$ blastx -query shortbred_demo_reads.fasta -db allprots \
    -out naive_search.tsv -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length"

First, notice how long this takes. Our database is tiny, and we don't have many reads, but translated search is SLOW.

Why is translated search slow compared with nucleotide search?

Let's take a look at the results (once you run this command, press <space> to scroll through, and q to exit back to the command prompt):

$ column -t naive_search.tsv | less

Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  tonB_ACD08273  84.375   32
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  tonB_ADB98050  84.375   32
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  tonB_EGT66731  84.375   32
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  tonB_SAP90706  84.375   32
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  tonB_CDO13422  87.500   32
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  tonB_AIE04533  84.375   32
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  ref_637982072  45.000   20
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  ref_637982015  40.000   10
Background_read|00000001|0062|-1|WP_037108668.1  ref_637982013  58.333   12
Background_read|00000002|0003|-1|WP_037108668.1  ref_637982016  70.000   10
Background_read|00000002|0003|-1|WP_037108668.1  ref_637982016  50.000   14
Background_read|00000002|0003|-1|WP_037108668.1  ref_637982011  37.500   16

Let's check how many hits came from actual TonB genes vs background (searching here for hits of at least 85% identity and at least 25aa long). The following command searches through the results file looking for lines that have TonB a the beginning (grep -E '^TonB'), tonB_ somewhere else (grep -E 'tonB_'), and where column 3 has a value > 85, and column 4 has a value > 25 (awk '$3 > 85 && $4 > 25 {print $0}'). Finally, it returns a count of the lines (wc is "word count", and the -l flag asks it to count lines).

$ cat naive_search.tsv | grep -E '^TonB' | grep -E 'tonB_' | awk '$3 > 85 && $4 > 25 {print $0}' | wc -l
$ cat naive_search.tsv | grep -E '^Background' | grep -E 'tonB_' | awk '$3 > 85 && $4 > 25 {print $0}' | wc -l

1. What's the maximum length hit we'd expect, if our reads are 100bp long?

2. Why do we get more than 3,000 hits for tonB, when we know that there were only 1000 matching reads in our metagenome?

Transition discussion: How do you create your database of proteins of interest?

3. ShortBRED-Identify

Now let’s run ShortBRED. ShortBRED-Identify clusters the input protein sequences into families, builds consensus sequences, and then identifies regions of overlap among the consensus sequences and between the consensus sequences and a set of reference proteins. This information is used to construct a set of representative markers for the families.

Why might proteins share regions of overlap even if they are not directly related (homologous)?

3.1 Input Files

ShortBRED begins with the same pair of files, which can be found in the input/ folder:

First, run the -h to see the help page for this step.

3.2 Running ShortBRED-Identify

To create markers for the sample data, run the following command from the ShortBRED working directory:

$ --goi  tonB.faa --ref ref_prots.faa --markers mymarkers.faa --tmp example_identify

Checking dependencies...
Tested usearch. Appears to be working.
Tested blastp. Appears to be working.
Tested muscle returned a nonzero exit code (typically indicates failure). Please check to ensure the program is working. Will continue running.
Path for cdhit appears to be fine. This program returns an error [exit code=1] when tested and working properly, so ShortBRED does not check it.
Tested makeblastdb. Appears to be working.
Checking to make sure that installed version of usearch can make databases...
Usearch appears to be working.

Clustering proteins of interest...
Program: CD-HIT, V4.7 (+OpenMP), Jul 11 2017, 08:30:58
Command: cd-hit -i tonB.faa -o
         example_identify/clust/clust.faa -d 0 -c 0.85 -b 10 -g

The above command will create a set of markers for TonB proteins (mymarkers.faa). An example of the output is below:

$ head -20 mymarkers.faa

What do the first three sequences of the markers file represent?

The directory example_identify (folder name provided with the tmp flag) should contain the processed data from ShortBRED (including blastresults). Please refer to the documentation for further details.

4. ShortBRED-Quantify

ShortBRED-Quantify then searches for the markers in short-read sequencing data, and returns a normalized, relative abundance table of the protein families found. This script takes the FASTA file of markers and quantifies their relative abundance in a FASTA file of nucleotide metagenomic reads.

4.1 Input Files

The input files required for the script are the following (Sample input files for the purpose of this tutorial are provided) :

ShortBRED uses the markers file to generate a blast database for our short reads, focusing specifically on the unique markers. This makes the search substantially faster and more specific. First, run the -h to see the help page for this step.

4.2 Running ShortBRED-Quantify

To create markers for the sample data, run the following command from the shortbred working directory: :

$ --markers mymarkers.faa --wgs shortbred_demo_reads.fasta  --results shortbred_results.tsv --tmp example_quantify

The above command will create an output file shortbred_results.tsv containing normalized count data of the protein families in the wgs data. An example of the output is below:

$ column -t shortbred_results.tsv
Family         Count               Hits  TotMarkerLength
tonB_ABS46221  12269.938650306749  76    300
tonB_AIE04533  8741.258741258742   58    188
tonB_CAE16995  15289.25619834711   75    279
tonB_CDO13422  5509.641873278237   23    107
tonB_EGT66731  37878.78787878788   92    102

Column descriptions:

  • Family - The family/cluster to which the marker belongs.

  • Count - This is the normalized count for the marker described in the section “Profiling protein family metagenomic abundance with ShortBRED-Quantify” of the ShortBRED manuscript. It is expressed in units of RPKMs (reads per kilobase of reference sequence per million sample reads). Please note that the “final” result ShortBRED calculates is at the family level. It takes the median of these marker normalized counts as the family level value.

  • Hits - The number of valid ShortBRED hits to the marker.

  • TotMarkerLength - The length of the marker in amino acids.

1. We know there were 1000 reads mapping to TonB proteins. How many of them were identified?

2. What is the false positive rate of ShortBRED in this case?

ShortBRED uses BLAST under the hood, and you can explore the results of the search in the same way as we did above:

$ cat example_quantify/ | grep -E '^TonB' | grep -E 'tonB_' | awk '$3 > 85 && $4 > 25 {print $0}' | wc -l
$ cat example_quantify/ | grep -E '^Background' | grep -E 'tonB_' | awk '$3 > 85 && $4 > 25 {print $0}' | wc -l

The directory example_quantify (folder name provided with the tmp flag) should contain the processed data from ShortBRED. Please refer to the documentation for further details.

1. ShortBRED favors specificity (avoiding false positives) over perfect sensitivity (detecting all true positives). Under what circumstances would this be important?

2. Under what circumstances would it be inadvisable?

3. What is a scenario where ShortBRED will have a false negative where the naive BLAST search would not?

Discussion : Under what conditions would you choose to use shortBRED over HUMAnN?

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