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Şefika Akman Time Tracking

Şefika Akman edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 25 revisions

CMPE 451


Task: Learning React (1 Hour)

  • I watched videos and read documents.

Task: Team Meeting (6 Hours)

Task: Creating NavigationPart of the Project

  • Pull request: #169
  • I have added logo, home page button, personal page button, notifications button, search button and sign up button.


Task: Team Meeting (1 Hour)

Task: Learning React (2 Hours)

  • I watched videos and read documents.


Task: UI Implementation Help (1 Hour)

  • I did my own repository research and write them to my repository reseaarch page.

Task: Learning React (3 Hours)

  • I watched videos and read documents.

Task: Editing RAM and Project Plan

  • We have orginized RAM and project plan.


Task: Learning Hooks and Other React Details (3 Hours)


Task: Implementing View Event Page for All Events

  • I started impementation of exploring events.

Task: Navigation Sign Up Control

  • I tried to add sign up control to navogation.


Task: Implementing View Event Page

  • I have implemented view event page. It has features of an event. When users want to see detaild of an event, it shows type of sport, location, event date, minimum and maximum ages, minimum and maximum skill levels, event owner, vreation date and player capacity informatio of that event. It also has an image of the sport which is taken from Decathlon sports api. It has further features that we have added later.

Task: Adding Sport Type Filter to the Search Event Page

  • Because we forgot before, I have added sport type filter to the search event page. It has sport types as text and users can select which event they want to search. While implementing, I have used Decathlon sports api for sport names.


Task: Session variables should be fixed.

  • When users refreshed the page, data was getting lost. I fixed this probem by using local storage. Access and refresh tokens are working right now.

Task: Creating View Equipment Page

  • I have implemented a page that has content, type of sport, type of equipment, creation date, location information of an equipment. When users search equipments or go to equipments from events, this page shows itself. It has more features that we have added after.

Task: Navigation Restart

  • When users log in or log out, navigation buttons and features should be changed. Before I have implemented this function, users must restart the page to renew navigation. Now, it updates automatically.


Task: Updating Navigation Buttons for Logged In Users and Logged Out Users

  • For logged in users, there are home, search, new event, new equipment, profile and log out buttons and for logged out users, there are home, search, sign up and log in buttons in the navigation.

Task: Fixing Event Page sport Images

  • For most events, there was no picture on the event page. It was because we were using more limited type of api for sports. I have changed the implementation to make it more comprehensive.

Task: Creating Event Cards for View Equipment Page

  • I have added recommended events for each equipment. There are three events for every equipment which are selected according to sport type of equipment. Users can click on the events to see page of that event.

Task: Creating Equipment Cards for Event Page

  • I have added recommended equipments for each event. There are three equipments for every event which are selected according to sport type of event. Users can click on the equipments to see page of that equipment.

Task: Adding Events to Profile Page

  • Users can see their applied and owned events in their own profile page. It helps them to manage their events easily. They can click events from their profile page to see pages of that events. I have implemented applied and owned events as two tags to make them use properly and easily.

CMPE 352

WEEK 1 (22.03.2021 - 28.03.2021)

Task: Team Meeting (2 Hours)

  • We started to organize our Wikipage and then we shared tasks.

Task: Github Repository Research (About 1.5 Hours)

  • I did my own repository research and write them to my repository reseaarch page.

Task: Learning Git (2 Hours)

  • I watched a video teaching git.

Task: Writing the Personal Wiki Page (0.5 Hour)

  • I wrote about myself.

Task: Fixing Some Visual Things in Wikipage (About 1.5 Hours)

  • We added personal photographs.
  • We fixed some labels according related groups, added and deleted some also.

WEEK 2 (29.03.2021 - 04.04.2021)

Task: Team Meeting (1 Hour)

  • We discussed about the future assignments.

Task: Team Meeting (2 Hours)

  • We discussed about our project.

WEEK 3 (05.04.2021 - 11.04.2021)

Task: Subgroup Meeting (Total About 4 Hours)

  • We took a look at other projects' user requirements.
  • We determined and wrote user requirements.

Task: Team Meeting (1 hour)

  • We took a look what we have done.

WEEK 4 (12.04.2021 - 18.04.2021)

Task: Team Meeting (1 hour)

  • We have decided scenarios and issues.

Task: Rewiewing Other Scenarios (1 Hour)

  • We took a look scenarios of other projects to get an idea.

Task: Writing About Scenario Discussion and Creating Mockups (About 3-4 Hours)

  • We wrote persona, story, pre-conditions, goals, acceptance criteria and scenario with mockups parts of scenario.
  • We created mockups both for web and android.

WEEK 5 (19.04.2021 - 25.04.2021)

Task: Team Meeting (1.5 Hours)

  • We reviewed what we should do.
  • To create class diagram, we decided 11 entities and assigned one of them each people, also assigned all people for one entity.

Task: Customer Meeting and Team Meeting (2 Hours)

  • We asked TA our questions.
  • After meeting with TA, we continued with a teammeeting and shared tasks to do.

Task: Creating Draft for The Class Diagram

  • I created some part of the class diagram as a draft.

Task: Team Meeting (0.5 hour)

*Reviewing and decided to assign sequence diagrams among the members.

WEEK 6 (26.04.2021 - 02.05.2021)

Task: Working on Class Diagram (1 Hour)

  • Creating parameters and functions for "event Search" part.

Task: Team Meeting (1.5 Hours)

  • We reviewed and fixed class diagram and sequence diagrams.
  • We set up the next team meeting.

Task: Fixing User Requirements and Parameters of Functions on Class Diagram

  • We added need things and deleted not required sentences.

Task: Team Meeting (2 Hours)

  • We checked what we have done and orginize use cases.

Task: Customer Meeting (1 Hour)

  • We had a meeting with TA, reviewed what we have done for now, sequence diagrams, class diagram and use case diagram. Asked questions to TA and got feedback.

WEEK 7 (03.05.2021 - 09.05.2021)

Task: Team Meeting (1.5 Hour)

  • We shared work about milestone.
  • My part is "evaluation of tools and processes that you have used to manage your team project" and also fixing little things in wiki.

Task: Putting Miro Board in Order (About half an hour)

  • We edited miro board to make easier preparing milestone report.

Evaluation of Tools and Processes in Milestone Report (About 1 hour)

  • We explained which tools we use for works of 352.

Preparing Milestone Report (About 3.5 hours)

  • We prepared milestone report 1. I contributed tools and processes part and also edited several parts of resport.

WEEK 8 (10.05.2021 - 16.05.2021)

  • This week is empty because it is spring break.

WEEK 9 (17.05.2021 - 23.05.2021)

Task: Team Meeting (1.5 Hour)

  • We talked about API implementation. We found which APIs we should implement and share them.

Task: Creating get_players Function

  • I have implemented get_players function which returns players of an event.

WEEK 10 (24.05.2021 - 30.05.2021)

Task: Creating get_weather Function

  • I have implemented get_weather function which uses an API to get parameters. It returns the weather conditions for an event looking by its location.

Task: Team Meeting (2 Hours)

  • We reviewed what we have done so far. And we found new APIs because first time we didn't understand that each of us should implement both a get and a post method.


Task: Creating post_user Function

  • I have implemented post_user function which posts a user and returns it. It takes user_id as parameter.

Task: Creating get_notification Function

  • I have implemented get_notification function which gets notifications of a user looking by its user_id and returns notifications.

Task: Explaining Frontend Tables in API Documentation Page

  • We (with Doğukan Akar) explained frontend tables in wiki page.

Task: Explaining get_players, post_user, get_weather and get_notification APIs in API Documentation Page

  • I have explained these APIs in wiki page. (Definition, Example Response Value, Parameters and Response Messages).

Task: Contributing Milestone Report 2

  • I have added API documentation to Milestone report and filled my parts.
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