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Meeting Notes #11 (22.05.2021)

ahmetnecipg edited this page May 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

Meeting Details

  • Platform : Discord
  • Date : 22.05.2021
  • Time : 18.00-19.30


  • Doğukan Akar
  • Şefika Akman
  • Ömer Arslan
  • İbrahim Kağan Bayat
  • Berkay Döner
  • Ahmet Necip Görgülü
  • Ege Can Kaya
  • Bengisu Özaydın
  • Mehmet Saraçoğlu
  • Kerem Zaman


  • Reviewing the assignment documentation about creating our own API
  • Deciding on the framework we are going to use
  • Deciding on the resource we are going to use in order to create front end
  • Deciding on the API methods we are going to create
  • Splitting the work among us

Meeting Notes

  • We talked about our opinions about the assignment
  • Decided to use flask to develop our API
  • Decided to use React library to create the UI
  • Decided on 10 methods and everyone on the team is responsible of one

Task Distribution

Members Task Deadline
Doğukan Akar /api/v1.0/spectators/int:event_id GET 29.05.2021 18.00
Bengisu Özaydın /api/v1.0/events POST 29.05.2021 18.00
Berkay Döner /api/v1.0/events GET 29.05.2021 18.00
Ömer Arslan /api/v1.0/equipments POST 29.05.2021 18.00
Ömer Arslan /api/v1.0/equipments GET 29.05.2021 18.00
Ahmet Necip Görgülü /api/v1.0/equipments/int:equipment_id GET 29.05.2021 18.00
Kerem Zaman /api/v1.0/events/int:event_id GET 29.05.2021 18.00
Ege Can Kaya /api/v1.0/players/int:event_id POST 29.05.2021 18.00
İbrahim Kağan Bayat /api/v1.0/spectators/int:event_id POST 29.05.2021 18.00
Şefika Akman /api/v1.0/players/int:event_id GET 29.05.2021 18.00
Doğukan Akar, Bengisu Özaydın Creating the UI 29.05.2021 18.00
Ege Can Kaya Creating backend tables 29.05.2021 18.00
Kerem Zaman Dockerizing and AWS 29.05.2021 18.00
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