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İbrahim Kağan Bayat Time Tracking

ibrahimbayat edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 20 revisions

Week 1 (23.03-30.03)

  • Watching this git and github tutorial and some other tutorials for github. (Task: Learning git and github) (1.5 hour) (Study)
  • Completing github tutorial (Task: Learning Github) (30 min) (Study)
  • Planned Discord meeting (Task: Arranging our repository) (2 hour) (Meeting)
  • Task: Creating personal and time tracking wiki pages (30 min) (Documentation)
  • Task: Searching and creating wiki page for interesting Github repositories (1 hour) (Documentation, Research)
  • Task: Creating infrastructure setup document (30 min) (Documentation)

Week 2 (30.03-06.04)

  • Reading "Software Development Lifecycle" PDF, I want to be ready for the assignment before the meeting. (30 min) (Study)
  • Meeting with all group members in Discord. Discussing the assignment and assigning tasks to group members. (2 hour ) (Meeting)
  • Searching, thinking about system requirements of project in detail. (I am assigned to work on system requirements with my two fiends.). We combined our work in a Google document. Also we decided about questions which will be asked to customers. (2 hour) (Research and documentation)
  • I opened my first issue for my assignment on system requirements research. My first issue

Week 3 (06.04-19.04)

  • Discord meeting with all team members. (Task: Deciding who will work on which scenario, generally distribution of roles and decision making about TA meeting) (1hour) (Meeting)

  • I examined other mockups and scenarios, so I imagined my scenario and mockup before start to work on that. I examined some example scenarios and mockups. (Task: Making preparations on scenarios and mockups) (30 min) (Research)

  • I am assigned myself and one of my friend to scenario 1 (creating a sport event). I created persona, story, pre-conditions, goals, actions and acceptance criteria. I also created web mockup for this scenario. In my scenario Eren is a young boy who wants to play football with his friends, but he doesn’t have enough friends, so he decides to create event. He create event because they have already ten players but they need four more players to play a football match. (Task: Creating scenario) (45 min) (Documentation)

  • Task: Creating Scenarios and mockups document (30 min) (Documentation)

  • Wikipage of our scenario (Scenario1): Scenario1

Week 4 (19.04-30.04)

  • 21 April. Discord meeting with all team members. (Task: Deciding who will work on which class diagram, decision making about TA meeting) (1.5 hour (Meeting)

  • Task: I am assigned to write ”Discussion Comment” class with functions and parameters. To write that I worked on Software Design pdf from lecture. (1.5 hour) ( Study, Documenting)

  • 24 April. Meeting with TA. We asked some questions related to class diagrams.(1 hour) (Meeting)

  • We split the work on squence diagrams, each member drew a sequence diagram. I am assigned to draw a sequence diagram for joining events as spectator . (20 minute) (Design)

  • 27 April. Zoom meeting with TA at ps hours. We asked some questions related to confusions on diagrams.(1 hour) (Meeting)

  • 28 April. Discord meeting with all team members. We worked on class diagrams and sequence diagrams after all. We rearranged and reorganized class and sequence diagrams. We started the work on use case diagram. (1.5 hour) (Meeting, Design)

  • 29 April. Discord meeting with all team members. We worked on use case diagrams and made progress all together. ( 2 hour) (Meeting, Design)

Week 5 (30.04-9.05)

  • 1 May : Zoom meeting with the TA. (2 hour, Meeting)

  • 5 May : Discord meeting with team members (2 hour, Meeting)

  • 8 May : Zoom meeting with TA . (2 hour , Meeting).

  • Future project plan for this semester. (2 hour, Documentation)

  • Reviewing diagrams, requirements and scenarios (1 hour , review)

  • Preparing the milestone report. Filling the milestone report (1,5 hour, Documentation)

  • Reviewing requirements, diagrams, scenarios

  • 9 May : Discord meeting with all team members to complete milestone report. (3 hour, Meeting)

Week 6 (9.05-12.06) API, Practice-App

Week 1 (Week 6 (9.05-12.06) API, Practice-App)

  • Discord meeting with my friends and decide who will use whcih third party API, distribution of tasks. (3 hours) ( Meeting)

  • Making research about git, backend, frontend, flask, docker and watching videos related to these topics. I looked at the example codes given in the Moodle and tried to work my first basic API. When we start working on this project. I don't know aything about this topics and API. Actually I think that I spent more than 12 hours to learn them. ( More than 12 hours, Research)

Week 2 (Week 6 (9.05-12.06) API, Practice-App)

  • I wrote my post spectator function API without using database system. It creates a user if the user with user id doesn't exist and add him to the spectator list of the event. If user exists directly add hiç to the spectator list of the event. Events and users are created as list object here to making practice and making structure of the project. (3 hours, implementation)

  • Meeting with TA and we asked them questions about the project and we showed to the TA our works done until that time.

  • Running with the docker and database system, and writing an API with database system was very hard for me. Installing and starting to work on the docker, sqlalchemy, flask took at least 6 hours for me. (6 hour) (Setup)

Week 3 (Week 6 (9.05-12.06) API, Practice-App)

  • We made many meetings in discord, I think that we are always in discord from 3 June to 10 June, and we will meet again in 11 and 12 june to prepare our group milestone report. (10 hours for meetings, Meeting).

  • Writing postspector and getcomments method with database system was my main objective. I had used the third party api ( Actually, firstly I searched an API and used ,but my friends said that it should be related to post spectator. First I wrote my code without database, I am simply posting spectators to a list. Then I adjusted it to our database system. I used Postman for testing my functions. Because I don't have any experieence before, I can easily say that these two function took my at least one day. (24 hour) (Implementation)

  • I made some research on unit tests and watched videos to see example unit tests. I wrote my basic function and unit test for them. Because I wrote unit test for the first time it takes a lot of time for me. (6 hours) ( Implementation, Research)

  • Reviewing pull requests and making changes according to given feedbacks to my pull requests. ( 8 hours) (Implementation, code review)

  • I prepared my individual milestone report in Latex. It was very hard with a lot of pictures. (8 hours, Documentation)

  • Clearly I can say that these two weeks are the toughest weeks in my university life. I met with a lot of things for the first time, and I think I learnt many new things while working on this project.


Until 09.11

Task: Updating RAM file

Duration: 20 minutes
Type of Work: Planning, Documentation
Details: I have updated RAM file according to my role in our project team. Issue

Task: Revising project requirements

Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Planning, Documentation
Details: I revised our project requirements according to changes in plans. Issue

Task: Updating scenario 1

Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Planning, Documentation
Details: I have updated scenario 1 mockup and requirements ( acceptence criteria ) according to updated project plans.

Task: Initializing django

Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Research
Details: I have downloaded and initialized my first django project according to django initialization wiki page and with these videos.

Task: Learning django

Duration: 14 hours
Type of Work: Research
Details: I watched django videos and tried all of them in my first django project. I watched django videos and tried all of them in my first django project. ( I watched first 14 videos from these video list)

09.11- 20.11

Task: Writing Eventpost functions

Duration: 5 hour
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have written get by id, get all and post functions for events. Issue

Task: Research for functions

Duration: 5 hour
Type of Work: Research
Details: I have made research for writing the eventpost functions, writing serializer, setup the postgresql and connecting it with django. Learn how to use poostgresql database with django. Issue

Task: Contributing to API documentation page

Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Documenting
Details: I have written example response values, parameters and definitions of the functions written for eventposts. Issue

20.11- 07.12

Task: Completing the eventpost API

Duration: 2 hour
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have finished my APIs and opened a pull request. Pull Request

Task writing API documentation for comments and answers

Duration: 2 hour
Type of Work: Documentation
Details: I have contributed the API documentation page for comments and answers with the help of my friends in team. Issue Wiki page

Task: Reviewing the API about user registration, update and view profile

Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed a pull request about API for user registration, update and view profile.Pull Request

07.12 - 14.12

Task: Creating comments app and comments branch to develop comments and answers functionality together.

Duration: 30 minute
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have created comments app and created a comments branch. I need to resolve some conflicts on our development environments, I installed related packages and made adjustments to run this app. (Related commit)

Task: Writing the get all comments of a post, and create a comment for a post APIs according to activity stream.

Duration: 12 hour
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have created models, serializers and get, post functions. Writing a proper get response and post response according to activity stream was a little difficult but I finished and opened a pull request. (Related Commit) (Pull Request) (Related issue)

Task: Writing unit tests for get all comments and post comments

Duration: 3 hour
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I made a research and tried to write unit test for my apis. (Related Commit) , (Related issue)

Task: Reviewing the pull request for events with activity stream

Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed a pull request about api for events with activity stream and written with using eventviewset Pull Request

Task: Reviewing the pull request for event view functionality for android

Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed a pull request about android event view.Pull Request

14.12 - 30.12

Task: Implementing get comments by id function.

Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have created get comments by id functions according to related documentation and activity stream. (Related commit)

Task: Implementing get answers of a comment function.

Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have implemented get answers of a comment according to related documentation and activity stream. (Related commit)

Task: Implementing creating an answer for a comment function.

Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have implemented creating an answer for a comment function according to related documentation and activity stream. (Related commit)

Task: Reviewing a pull request for applying to an event functionality.

Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed the pull request for applying an event functionality (Related pull request)

Task: Reviewing a pull request for getting profiles.

Duration: 10 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed the pull request for getting user profiles with both username and user ids. User can use any of them. (Related request)

30.12 - 04.01

Task: Writing tests for comments and answers

Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have tried to write test for my post and get functions related to comments and answers. (Related commit)
(Related pull request)
(Related issue)

Task: Opening pull request for comments and answers

Duration: 10 minutes
Type of Work: Coding
Details: I have opened a pull request for comments and answers. I merged it to another branch other than development because there was a miscommunication, I will explain it more clearly in individual report. (Related pull request)
(Related issue) (Related issue)

Task: Reviewing a pull request for events

Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed the pull request for get event and post event implemented according to activity stream .(Related pull request)

Task: Reviewing a pull request for comments

Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed the pull request for get comments and answers.(Related pull request)

Task: Reviewing a pull request for searching user by their usernames

Duration: 10 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed the pull request searching users by their usernames(Related pull request)

Task: Reviewing a pull request for searching events by their applicant, spectators, and players.

Duration: 10 minutes
Type of Work: Review
Details: I have reviewed the pull request for searching events by their applicant, spectators, and players. Also, a bug is fixed related to date. (Related pull request)

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