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Lessons learned Berkay Döner

berkaydoner edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 3 revisions
  • 1.1. What went well?
    I think we did mostly good at the API implementation phase of the practice app assignment. We created many functionalities and database tables that we can benefit in CMPE451. I also think we got better in writing issues/pull requests. In the beginning of the class, our issues were not very good and detailed, I think now we are documenting our work better.
  • 1.2. What went wrong?
    Our problems have been mostly about planning our work. For both milestones, we planned some work poorly so some parts were incomplete. In the first milestone report, project plan was not complete, some dates were wrong and some resources were not given. We thought that people assigned to this work could complete all of the project plan; however, they did not know these were necessary. So, I think this poor planning was also caused by lack of proper communication. In the second milestone, we encountered similar problems for the front-end part. We noticed that front-end part was not going to be completed by the deadline only few days prior due to miscommunication, so other team members could not help the front-end part properly.
  • 1.3. Propose concrete actions to improve your process. We should always clearly indicate the details of the work during the task distribution. Also, people assigned to work must complete their work before a few days of the deadline so that we can identify and fix the incorrect parts together.
  • 1.4. What do I know now that I did not know at the beginning of the class?
    I was not familiar with Github much. I only knew the basics and honestly did not know why Git and Github were so popular. Now that we started to document and implement our work while using Git/Github, I can see that it is a very powerful tool and I am glad I learned it. Also, I learnt about documenting of my work. I did not know documentation was that important before the class. Finally, in the last assignment, I got familiar with various technical skills such as Flask, Rest-API, PostgreSQL, I think these skills will help me in the future.
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