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Ahmet Necip Görgülü Repository Research

ahmetnecipg edited this page Mar 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

Flutters enables you to craft enjoyable experiences for users for mobile, web and desktop from a single codebase.

Some qualities of Flutter:

  • Fully open source and they welcome contributors which makes this a community project.
  • Works with existing code so you don't have to code it all over again.
  • It's powered by the same hardware-accelerated 2D graphics library that underpins Chrome and Android: Skia. That means it's fast.
  • With the help of stateful hot reload, Flutter let's you see the changes you made to your code instantly.
  • Flutter works with whatever development tool you're using including Visual Studio Code.

This is a slime mold simulation. The name is based on Physarum polycephalum slime mold. This simple algorithm generates some cool outputs makes you feel as if you are looking through a microscope.

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