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SCENARIO #4 : Event creator selects from applicants

Bengisu Özaydın edited this page Oct 19, 2021 · 4 revisions


  • Fatih Kerim
  • 33 years old
  • Grocery store owner
  • Loves watching amateur football games
  • Has a limp on left leg
  • Avid player of PES and NBA2K console games
  • Addicted to sports betting
  • Lives with his mother


Fatih loves watching football and basketball games, both professional and amateur. He was also an amateur football player in his youth, aspiring to move on to higher professional leagues. However, his carreer ended due to a permanent injury on his left leg caused by a construction machinery accident he had while he was working as a construction worker to support his family. Since then, he cannot play football but loves organizing amateur matches and watching them. He now dreams of being a coach. He hears of our platform from a friend who tells him it might be of interest to him. Without much reading, he registers to the platform and creates a 6v6 football match event at a halı saha. After a day of waiting, he now has enough applications to his event to review and select 12 people.


  • Fatih has registered as a user.
  • Fatih has signed in to the platform.
  • Fatih has created his profile, filled in the relevant fields (skills and interests)
  • Fatih has created an event by specifying relevant properties (sports type, date and time, location, skill level, age, gender, role and number of players)
  • Fatih has received enough applications to fill the spots in his event


  • Fatih wants to create 2 teams of 6 by reviewing the applications he has received and approving 12 of them that he sees fit

Acceptance Criteria

  • ( Event creators shall select players among the applicants.
  • ( System shall allow all users to view the profile pages of the event creator, any of the applicants, participants and the spectators.
  • ( System shall allow users to see the analytics for players, event creators and sports fields.

Scenario with Mockups



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