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Kerem Zaman Time Tracking

Kerem Zaman edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 21 revisions

CMPE 451

25.10.2021 - 31.10.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 2 hours
Research on Django Education 2 hours

1.11.2021 - 7.11.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 2 hours
Designing app logo on Canva Design 40 mins

8.11.2021 - 14.11.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 2 hours
Configure project to be used with PostgreSQL Implementation 40 mins
Create User, Post and Eventpost models in Django Implementation 30 mins
Dockerizing backend Implementation 1.5 hours

Issues opened

Issue #161

Issue #178


Configure project for postgresql and add models for User, Post and EventPost

Add requirements.txt

Make database connection details configurable according to being development/production state

Add dockerfile and docker-compose along with env file for database

Pull requests


Dockerize application


Dockerize application

15.11.2021 - 21.11.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 4 hours
Dockerizing backend Implementation 1.5 hours
Opening Google Cloud account and start a server Implementation 30 mins
Debugging problems in deployment Implementation 2 hours 30 mins
Configuring NGINX server for reverse proxy to serve docker web service Implementation 1 hour
Writing individual milestone report Documentation 1 hour
Contributing to group milestone report by updating sequence diagrams and adding personal summary Documentation 30 mins
Open and merge some pull requests Implementation 30 mins

Issues opened


Add migrations to Dockerfile and env file containing database credentials to backend service

Fix migration command on Dockerfile, make debug=True and run webserver without gunicorn temporarily to run backend properly

Update requirements.txt for properly running jwt system

Add email credentials to docker-compose for now

Issues involved

Remote deployment of backend

Pull requests


Add migrations to Dockerfile and env file containing database credentials to backend service

Apply changes in docker to fixed backend code

Merge cors-related changes to development, remove frontend app and some minor improvements


Add migrations to Dockerfile and env file containing database credentials to backend service

Apply changes in docker to fixed backend code

Merge cors-related changes to development, remove frontend app and some minor improvements

22.11.2021 - 28.11.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 2 hours

29.11.2021 - 06.12.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 2.5 hours
Implementing pagination for event posts Implementation 1.5 hours
Opening issues and reviewing PR Documentation 30 mins

Issues opened

Implement pagination for event posts


Add pagination using REST framework and refactor code

Pull requests

Reviewed and Merged

Merged the frontend project with the backend project

07.12.2021 - 13.12.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 2.5 hours
Updating pagination for new event posts implementation with activity stream Implementation 2 hours
Adding search functionality Implementation 3 hours
Writing tests for search functionality Implementations 3 hours
Configuring Github Workflow Implementation 1 hour
Opening issues and reviewing some pull requests Documentation 30 mins

Issues opened

Add search functionality for event posts

URLs in controllers should change

Configure Github Actions to run tests whenever a new commit is pushed to development

Issues closed

Implement pagination for event posts


Add pagination using REST framework for the eventposts with activity stream added

Fix missing activity stream app and package

Fix minor issues about database

Remove redundant usages of actstream package as requested by PR review

Add search functionality for event posts

Add unit tests for search functionality

Add test command and wait_for_db feature to dockerfile

Fix critical datetime bug in eventpost model

Configure Github Actions to run django tests

Add quote for python version to prevent YAML parser to parse it as python 3.1

Fix requirements.txt path

Add makemigrations to workflow

Set env variable to use django tests with pytest

Set env variable just after installing pytest

Remove additional single quotes from echo command

Fix name of the settings module

Add pytest.ini instead of setting module with env variable

Add development branch to push triggers

Add development branch to pull request triggers

Fix typo about pull_request trigger

Pull requests


Add pagination to event posts

Add eventpost functionality

Configure GH Actions for running tests before merging into development branch


Events with activitystream (resolves #213)

14.12.2021 - 20.12.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 2 hours
Writing individual group report Documentation 1 hour
Contributing to Group Milestone report Documentation 30 minutes

Issues opened

Issues closed

Configure Github Actions to run tests whenever a new commit is pushed to development

Add search functionality for event posts


Pull requests



20.12.2021 - 27.12.2021

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 2 hours
Writing API documentation for event application Implementation 20 mins
Implementing event application feature Implementation 4 hours
Adding unit tests and testing event application feature Implementation 2 hours
Deployment Implementation 30 mins

Issues opened

Implementing event application functionality

Issues closed


Implement event application functionality

Add tests for event application

Pull requests


Applying to event functionality


Applying to event functionality


27.12.2021 - 04.01.2022

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 2 hours
Updating Dockerfile Implementation 20 mins

Issues opened

Update Dockerfile for recent changes

Issues closed


Update Dockerfile for migrations of recently added apps

Update backend/equipmentposts/

Update backend/equipmentposts/

Update backend/equipmentposts/

Update backend/equipmentposts/

Update backend/equipmentposts/

Update backend/equipmentposts/

Pull requests


Docker update


Docker update


Equipment posts API (resolves #268)

Badges API

Privacy settings

Comments/answers API

CMPE 352

Week 1 (23-30 March 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 2 hours
Research about interesting Github repositories and documenting them Research, Documentation 45 mins
Creating personal wiki page Documentation 15 mins
Opening issues and editing some issues Organization 10 mins

Week 2 (31 March-7 April 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 1 hour 30 mins
Documenting system requirements Documentation 1 hour 15 mins

Week 3 (7-14 April 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending customer meeting Meeting 2 hours
Attending group meeting Meeting 1 hour 30 mins

Week 4 (14-21 April 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 1 hour 30 mins
Documenting scenario #1 Documentation 30 mins
Review of scenario #1 Documentation 1 hour

Week 5 (21-28 April 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 2 hours
Working on Post class in class diagram Documentation 15 mins
Attending TA meeting Documentation 1 hour
Attending PS Meeting 45 mins
Creating sequence diagrams for user search and equipment search Documentation 1 hour

Week 6 (28 April - 5 May 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 2 hours
Adding functionalities related with search to use-case diagram Documentation 15 mins
Editing class diagram to change names of overloaded functions in search classes and changing userID field in various classes to have correct data type Documentation 25 mins
Attending TA meeting Meeting 1 hour

Week 7 (5 - 9 May 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending TA meeting Meeting 1 hour
Writing summary of my work to Milestone report Documentation 25 mins
Filling in RAM for my part Documentation 15 mins
Adding review for Project Libre to Milestone report Documentation 10 mins
Passing Project Plan for 451 to Project Libre plan Documentation 1 hour

Week 8 (10 - 17 May 2021)


Week 9 (17 - 24 May 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 1 hour 30 mins
Opening new issues for practice-app Documentation 10 mins
Creating general project structure, adding examples for Flask app and unit tests, dockerizing application Coding 1 hour 45 mins

Week 10 (24 - 31 May 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meetings Meeting 3 hour 30 mins
Attending PS meeting Meeting 1 hour
Opening new issues for practice-app and reporting status in active issues Documentation 10 mins
Writing the API endpoint to get events by ID using covid19 API and GeoNames API Coding 2 hours
Dockerizing postgresql Coding 40 mins

Week 11 (31 May - 6 Jun 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending PS meeting Meeting 1 hour
Fixing docker problems related with database Coding 1 hour 30 mins
Attending group meetings Meeting 2 hours
Attending TA meeting Meeting 2 hours
Changing API endpoint for getting events by ID to use database Coding 50 mins
Writing API for following a user Coding 45 mins
Creating following database, fixing some errors in table creation code and getting database ready on docker 2 hours 30 mins

Week 12 (6 - 13 Jun 2021)

Task Type Duration
Attending group meeting Meeting 1 hour
Splitting API code to multiple files and managing them in a main file Coding 45 mins
Fixing some errors in API endpoint for getting event by ID Coding 30 mins
Fixing some errors in API endpoint for following a user Coding 30 mins
Reporting my status at issues Documentation 10 mins
Writing my part in API documentation Documentation 10 mins
Clone this wiki locally