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Meeting Notes #4 (07.04.2021)

ahmetnecipg edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Meeting Details

  • Platform : Discord
  • Date : 07.04.2021
  • Time : 21.00-21.40


  • Doğukan Akar
  • Şefika Akman
  • Ömer Arslan
  • İbrahim Kağan Bayat
  • Berkay Döner
  • Ahmet Necip Görgülü
  • Ege Can Kaya
  • Bengisu Özaydın
  • Mehmet Saraçoğlu
  • Kerem Zaman


  • Notifying each other about the progress of our work.
  • Sharing solution ideas on the problems we encounter.

Meeting Notes

  • Checked out the missing parts of our assignments.
  • Discussed about the format of Requirements page and decided that we should go for togglable subsections.
  • Discussed about the Security subsection in both non-functional and system requirements and decided that it belong in the non-functional requirements subsection.
  • Studied other teams works from previous semester and compared them to our work.

Task Distribution

Same as the previous meeting notes. Everyone's assignments remain since the deadline is yet to come and our work is not quite done.

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