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Bengisu Özaydın Repository Research

Bengisu Özaydın edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 3 revisions
  • A source separation library with pretrained models.
  • Provides pre-trained state-of-the-art models that have also been used by professional audio softwares.
  • The model can separate an audio file into different stems. For example: 2-stem mode separates the file as vocals / accompaniment.
  • Provides link to a Google Colab notebook that one can run online.
  • I have been using this library and model to separate songs and practice singing over the accompaniment stem, as though I was doing karaoke.
  • The library can be used to train other models.

  • A curation of resources for software engineers.
  • The most useful aspect of this repo is that quality is preferred over quantity in a curation.
  • The resources are mostly technical, though important non-technical topics are also provided.

  • The source code of the classical FPS shooter game, DOOM (1993), was made public in 1997.
  • Includes a letter by the lead developer, John Carmack, that gives ideas about what can be done with the source code.
  • Fun to tweak with. Can run on even many primitive architectures.

  • A tamagotchi pet for the touchbar of Macbook Pro models.
  • The touchbar pet needs attention, food and cleaning regularly.
  • The pet and I keep each other company while I am working or studying intensively.

  • A collection of useful .gitignore templates by GitHub.
  • Amazing time-saver because the templates in this repo are enough for ordinary situations.

  • A collection of tutorials on building many things from a search engine to an AR app.
  • Good for me to see what excites me and what is boring to me.

  • A collection of useful information and commands for the command line.
  • Some parts are from answers to actual questions on Quora, which shows that it is a practical guide.

  • This is a repo by the TAs of a lecture called "The Missing Semester" in MTI.
  • The lecture covers many skills that a programmer had better know, but are not covered by the CS/CMPE curriculum.
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