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Backend System Manual

Kerem Zaman edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

Backend App System Manual

The backend app is dockerized and it already includes the build bundle of the frontend app. To build and run the backend app, building and running using the Dockerfile is enough. Docker and docker-compose should be already installed to use it.

There are three steps to build and run it using the Dockerfile.

  1. Copy db_dump_07-01-2022_16_58_48.sql under 2021SpringGroup2.
  2. Go to 2021SpringGroup2 directory.
  3. Run docker-compose build on terminal. It builds the container.
  4. Run docker-compose up -d on terminal. Now the container is up on localhost:9000
  5. Run docker-compose logs to see if the tests are passed.
  6. After tests are passed, run sudo docker cp db_dump_07-01-2022_16_58_48.sql 2021springgroup2_database_1:/tmp/ to copy dump file into database container.
  7. Run sudo docker exec -i 2021springgroup2_database_1 pg_restore -U rebound_user -f /tmp/db_dump_07-01-2022_16_58_48.sql to restore dump.
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