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Comments & Answers API Documentation

ibrahimbayat edited this page Dec 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

Get comment to a post by id

GET 'api/posts/<post_id>/comments/<comment_id>'

  • Author: Bengisu Özaydın

  • Definition: Allows a user to fetch a comment made to a post

  • Example Response Value:

        "@context": "",
        "summary": "Sally created a comment",
        "type": "Create",
        "actor": {
            "type": "Person",
            "name": "Sally"
        "object": {
            "type": "Comment",
            "postId": "",
            "ownerId": "",
            "content": "A Simple Comment",
            "creationDate": "2014-11-31T23:00:00-08:00"
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type
    postId ID of the searched post Path Int
    commentId ID of the comment Path Int
  • Response Messages

    • 200: OK
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not found

Get all comments to a post

GET 'api/posts/<post_id>/comments'

  • Author: Bengisu Özaydın

  • Definition: Allows a user to fetch all comments to a post

  • Example Response Value:

        "@context": "",
        "summary": "Object history",
        "type": "Collection",
        "totalItems": 2,
        "items": [ 
                "type": "Create",
                "actor": {
                    "type": "Person",
                    "name": "Sally"
                "object": "/api/posts/1/comments/1" 
                "type": "Create",
                "actor": {
                    "type": "Person",
                    "name": "Sally"
                "object": "/api/posts/1/comments/2" 
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type
    postId ID of the searched post Path Int
  • Response Messages

    • 200: OK
    • 400: Bad request
    • 500: Internal server error

Create a comment to a post

POST 'api/posts/<post_id>/comments'

  • Author: Bengisu Özaydın

  • Definition: Allows a user to add a comment to a post

  • Example Response Value:

        "@context": "",
        "summary": "Sally created a comment",
        "type": "Create",
        "actor": {
            "type": "Person",
            "name": "Sally"
        "object": {
            "type": "Comment",
            "postId": "",
            "ownerId": "",
            "content": "A Simple Comment",
            "creationDate": "2014-11-31T23:00:00-08:00"
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type
    postId ID of the searched post Path Int
    name Username of the comment poster Body String
    ownerId ID of the comment owner Body Int
    content Comment content Body String
    creationDate Comment creation date Body DateTime
  • Response Messages

    • 200: OK
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not found

Get all answers to a comment

GET 'api/posts/<post_id>/comments/<comment_id>/answers'

  • Author: İbrahim Kağan Bayat

  • Definition: Allows a user to fetch all answers to a comment made to a post

  • Example Response Value:

       "@context": "",
       "summary": "Object history",
       "type": "Collection",
       "totalItems": 2,
       "items": [ 
               "type": "Create",
               "actor": {
                   "type": "Person",
                   "name": "Sally"
               "object": {
                   "answer": "I would like to participate",
                   "creationDate": "2014-11-31T23:00:00-08:00"
               "type": "Create",
               "actor": {
                   "type": "Person",
                   "name": "Sally"
               "object": {
                   "answer": "I wish I was available!",
                   "creationDate": "2014-11-31T23:00:00-12:00"
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type
    postId ID of the searched post Path Int
    commentId ID of the comment Path Int
  • Response Messages

    • 200: OK
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not found

Create an answer to a comment

POST 'api/posts/<post_id>/comments/<comment_id>/answers'

  • Author: İbrahim Kağan Bayat

  • Definition: Allows a user to add an answer to a comment made to a post

  • Example Response Value:

        "@context": "",
        "summary": "Sally created an answer",
        "type": "Create",
        "actor": {
            "type": "Person",
            "name": "Sally"
        "object": {
            "answer": "I wish I was available!",
            "creationDate": "2014-11-31T23:00:00-12:00"
  • Parameters

    Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type
    postId ID of the searched post Path Int
    commentId ID of the comment Path Int
    ownerId Id of the answer poster Body Int
    answer Answer content Body String
    creationDate Answer creation date Body DateTime
  • Response Messages

    • 200: OK
    • 400: Bad request
    • 404: Not found
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