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Florian Forster edited this page Nov 26, 2023 · 1 revision

This page contains a list of events in which collectd was/is/will be involved in some way (e.g. as exhibitor, people giving talks, etc.).

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! Date ! Type ! Description |- !colspan="3"|Events in 2013 |- | September 21: | Hackathon | Hackathon-2013-Berlin (Berlin, English) |- | September 20: | Workshop | "Custom Metrics with collectd" at (Berlin, English) |- !colspan="3"|Events in 2011 |- | May 12: | Talk | "Performance-Analyse mit collectd — wisse, was deine Rechner machen" english: "performance analysis using collectd — know what your computers are doing") at LinuxTag 2011 (Berlin, German) |- | March 1: | Talk | "Performance-Analyse mit collectd — wisse, was deine Rechner tun" (english: "performance analysis using collectd — know what your computers are doing") at CeBIT 2011 (Hannover, Germany) |- !colspan="3"|Events in 2010 |- | September 17+18: | Exhibition + Talk | Booth at FrOSCamp at the ETH Zurich, Switzerland   talk "Performance-Analyse mit collectd — wisse, was deine Rechner tun" (english: "performance analysis using collectd — know what your computers are doing") |- | August 21+22: | Exhibition | collectd at FrOSCon 2010 (St. Augustin, Germany) |- | April 24: | Talk | "Performance-Analyse mit collectd — wisse, was deine Rechner tun" (english: "performance analysis using collectd — know what your computers are doing") at Grazer Linuxtage 2010 (Graz, Austria) |- !colspan="3"|Events in 2009 |- | August 22–23: | Talk | "Performance-Analyse in großen Umgebungen mit collectd" (english: "Analyzing performance in large installations using collectd") at FrOSCon 2009 (St. Augustin, Germany) |- | July 20: | Talk | "collectd and rrdtool, Building Blocks for AMP Monitoring and Visualization" at OSCON 2010 (San Jose, California, USA) |- !colspan="3"|Events in 2008 |- | October 21-24: | Exhibition | collectd at the SYSTEMS 2008 (Munich, Germany) |}

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