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Plugin GenericJMX Config

Florian Forster edited this page Nov 21, 2023 · 1 revision

This page contains some example configurations for the GenericJMX plugin. This page is meant as a cookbook, so if you have a configuration for an aspect not handled here or a daemon not present, please feel free to add anything that's useful for you.

These definitions are also available in the source code distribution as contrib/GenericJMX.conf.


These values are provided by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) itself and are therefore available for all Java processes (if enabled at startup).


Number of classes loaded by the JVM.

 <MBean "classes">
   ObjectName "java.lang:type=ClassLoading"
   #InstancePrefix ""
   #InstanceFrom ""

     Type "gauge"
     InstancePrefix "loaded_classes"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "LoadedClassCount"


Time spent by the JVM compiling or optimizing.

 <MBean "compilation">
   ObjectName "java.lang:type=Compilation"
   #InstancePrefix ""
   #InstanceFrom ""

     Type "total_time_in_ms"
     InstancePrefix "compilation_time"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "TotalCompilationTime"

Garbage collector

Garbage collector information

 <MBean "garbage_collector">
   ObjectName "java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,*"
   InstancePrefix "gc-"
   InstanceFrom "name"

     Type "invocations"
     #InstancePrefix ""
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "CollectionCount"

     Type "total_time_in_ms"
     InstancePrefix "collection_time"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "CollectionTime"

 # # Not that useful, therefore commented out.
 # <Value>
 #   Type "threads"
 #   #InstancePrefix ""
 #   #InstanceFrom ""
 #   Table false
 #   # Demonstration how to access composite types
 #   Attribute "LastGcInfo.GcThreadCount"
 # </Value>


Generic heap / nonheap memory usage.

 # Heap memory usage
 <MBean "memory-heap">
   ObjectName "java.lang:type=Memory"
   #InstanceFrom ""
   InstancePrefix "memory-heap"

   # Creates four values: committed, init, max, used
     Type "jmx_memory"
     #InstancePrefix ""
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table true
     Attribute "HeapMemoryUsage"

 # Non-heap memory usage
 <MBean "memory-nonheap">
   ObjectName "java.lang:type=Memory"
   #InstanceFrom ""
   InstancePrefix "memory-nonheap"

   # Creates four values: committed, init, max, used
     Type "jmx_memory"
     #InstancePrefix ""
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table true
     Attribute "NonHeapMemoryUsage"

This config uses the jmx_memory data-set which is not defined by the default types.db shipped with collectd. To use this config, add the following to your custom types.db. See types.db(5) for details.

jmx_memory      value:GAUGE:0:U

Memory pools

Memory usage by memory pool.

 <MBean "memory_pool">
   ObjectName "java.lang:type=MemoryPool,*"
   InstancePrefix "memory_pool-"
   InstanceFrom "name"

     Type "jmx_memory"
     #InstancePrefix ""
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table true
     Attribute "Usage"

This config uses the non-standard data-set jmx_memory. For more details, see the Memory section above.

Tomcat / Catalina

The following MBeans are provided by Tomcat, an application server by Apache.

Request processors (global)

Traffic, number of requests and time used for each request processor.

 <MBean "catalina/global_request_processor">
   ObjectName "Catalina:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,*"
   InstancePrefix "request_processor-"
   InstanceFrom "name"

     Type "io_octets"
     InstancePrefix "global"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "bytesReceived"
     Attribute "bytesSent"

     Type "total_requests"
     InstancePrefix "global"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "requestCount"

     Type "total_time_in_ms"
     InstancePrefix "global-processing"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "processingTime"

Request processors (detail)

Traffic, number of requests and time used for each request processor. This is more detailed, I think it returns statistics for each thread or something. (Fixme)

 <MBean "catalina/detailed_request_processor">
   ObjectName "Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,*"
   InstancePrefix "request_processor-"
   InstanceFrom "worker"

     Type "io_octets"
     #InstancePrefix ""
     InstanceFrom "name"
     Table false
     Attribute "bytesReceived"
     Attribute "bytesSent"

     Type "total_requests"
     #InstancePrefix ""
     InstanceFrom "name"
     Table false
     Attribute "requestCount"

     Type "total_time_in_ms"
     InstancePrefix "processing-"
     InstanceFrom "name"
     Table false
     Attribute "processingTime"

Thread pool

Total number of threads in each thread pool and the number of threads currently running.

 <MBean "catalina/thread_pool">
   ObjectName "Catalina:type=ThreadPool,*"
   InstancePrefix "request_processor-"
   InstanceFrom "name"

     Type "threads"
     InstancePrefix "total"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "currentThreadCount"

     Type "threads"
     InstancePrefix "running"
     #InstanceFrom ""
     Table false
     Attribute "currentThreadsBusy"

See also

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