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Plugin capabilities Tests

Florian Forster edited this page Nov 26, 2023 · 1 revision

This page contains tests instructions for the capabilities plugin. This page is meant to aid in testing at release time and be a guide for developing automated tests. Please add any tests that you have run when testing this plugin.




Test steps

Expected result


Check collectd installation procedure with capabilities enabled

  1. Build and install collectd with debug log level and capabilities plugin enabled
  2. start collectd
  • Collectd has started
  • Capabilities plugin is loaded


Check if the plugin returns the data according to the design

  1. Build and install collectd with debug log level and capabilities plugin enabled.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Read the data collectd by plugin

   $ curl localhost:9104

  • HTTP GET request should result in the display of a data structure about system capabilities read from dmidecode


Verify if the plugin returns the data in json format

  1. Build and install collectd with debug log level and capabilities plugin enabled.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Read the data collectd by plugin using json formatter

   $ curl localhost:9104 | jq type

  • HTTP GET request should result in the display of a data structure about system capabilities read from dmidecode
  • jq should display collected data in json fomat,
  • jq format should return answer: "object"


Check if the plugin returns information from pre-selected number of DMI types ===

  1. Build and install collectd with debug log level and capabilities plugin enabled.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Read the data collectd by plugin using json formatter

   $ curl localhost:9104 | jq type

  • HTTP GET request should result in the display of a data structure about system capabilities read from dmidecode.
  • The plugin should get information from pre-selected number of DMI types:
    • BIOS - 0
    • System - 1
    • Baseboard - 2
    • Processor - 4
    • Cache - 7
    • Physical Memory Array - 16
    • Memory Device - 17
    • IPMI Device - 38
    • Onboard Devices Extended Information - 41


Verify if the plugin returns correct BIOS information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the BIOS information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
  $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/BIOS/,/}/'
  $ dmidecode | awk '/type 2,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct System information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the System information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
    $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/System Information/,/}/'
    $ dmidecode | awk '/type 1,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct Baseboard information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the Baseboard information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
       $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/"BASEBOARD"/,/}/'
       $ dmidecode | awk '/type 2,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct Processor information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the Processor information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
    $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/'PROCESSORS'/,/}/'
    $ dmidecode | awk '/type 4,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct Cache information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the Cache information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
    $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/"CACHE"/,/"PHYSICAL/'
    $ dmidecode | awk '/type 7,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct Physical Memory Array information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the Physical Memory Array information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
    $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/"PHYSICAL
    $ dmidecode | awk '/type 16,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct Memory Device information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the Memory Device information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
    $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/"MEMORY DEVICES"/,/]/'
    $ dmidecode | awk '/type 17,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct IPMI Device information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the IPMI Device information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
    $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/"IPMI DEVICE"/,/}/'
    $ dmidecode | awk '/type 38,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Verify if the plugin returns correct Onboard Devices Extended Information

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
  2. Start collectd
  3. Compare if the Onboard Devices Extended information returned by the plugin is consistent with DMIDECODE output
    $ curl localhost:9104| jq .|awk '/"ONBOARD DEVICES EXTENDED INFORMATION"/,/^$/'
    $ dmidecode | awk '/type 41,/,/^$/'

The data should be 100% consistent


Check collectd behavior upon lack of 'LoadPlugin capabilities' section in the configuration file

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin , but comment LoadPlugin capabilities
  2. Start collectd

Warnings are raised in collectd log file


Verify plugin behavior upon incorrect format of string configuration option

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
    1. Tested data formats for Host and Port field:
      1. lack of quotes and correct address
      2. empty
      3. commas instead of dots in the ip address
      4. random quoted string
  2. Start collectd

Respective Warnings are raised in collectd log file


Verify plugin behavior upon incorrect data type instead of string in configuration option

  1. Build and install collectd with basic configuration of capabilities plugin.
    1. Boolean - true/false
    2. Integer
    3. Float
    4. special chars
    5. null
  2. Start collectd

Respective Warnings are raised in collectd log file

See also

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