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Building From Source

Arne Babenhauserheide edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

Building with Eclipse

If you don't have it already, obtain the Eclipse IDE and install it.

The bonus when using Eclipse compared to other IDEs is that we host working Eclipse-projects in our repositories. With other IDEs you will have to set up your own project.

  1. Install the EGit plugin to Eclipse. This is an official plugin for the latest Eclipse:

    • Go to Help / Install New Software
    • Select All Available Sites in the Work with dropdown.
    • Type EGit in the filter box.
    • Chose EGit from the search results and install it (and its dependencies).
  2. In Eclipse select File / Import to import the Freenet project - Web Of Trust needs some of it to compile:

    • In the Select dialog chose Git / Projects from Git, click Next
    • In the Select a git repository dialog click Clone
    • In the Source Git repository screen enter the following into URI: git://
    • Click Next.
    • In the Branch selection screen chose the branches which you want. Master branch is usually the only which you need, it is the main development branch. Click Next.
    • Local destination screen: Select master as the initial branch. Click Finish to import the Freenet project. This might take some time as the source code of Freenet is rather large. Have a coffee now.
    • Now you will be back to the Import projects from Git wizard where you had pressed clone.
    • Select fred if there are multiple projects in the list
    • Click Next
    • In the Select a wizard to use for importing projects select Import existing projects if it is not selected already
    • Click Next
    • In the Import projects screen select the fred project. Click Finish
    • Now the fred project should be important and compile fine already.

Building manually on command line interface

To get the latest source from Github, build the Freenet jar:

git clone git://
cd fred
./gradlew jar

To get the latest version of the source use

git pull

Using the verify-build script

We provide a script to verify that the official jar corresponds to the official source code, "verify-build" in the Maintenance scripts repository. It takes a bit of setting up, so see here for details:

See also

Coding standards

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