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FCPv2 FCPPluginMessage

TheSeeker edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 4 revisions

FCPPluginMessage will send a message to a loaded plugin. For interfacing with older plugins see FCPv2 FCPPluginMessage (old)

The plugin can reply to a message, and the reply will be returned as an FCPPluginReply to the FCP client that sent the original message.




Field Possible values Mandatory Default Description
Identifier Arbitrary text string Yes This is for the client to be able to identify responses
PluginName Main class name of the plugin Yes The destination plugin’s main class name, as shown in the Configurations -> Plugin page.
DataLength Length of the (optional) data following the message Yes, if the FCP message is terminated with “Data” instead of “EndMessage” Length of the optional data that follows the message. Must be included if FCP message is terminated with “Data,” must not be included if FCP message is terminated with “EndMessage.”
Param.parameter Arbitrary parameter for the receiving plugin No Parameter for the receiving the plugin. This field (with changing values of parameter) can be repeated as often as necessary, and the contents are specific to the plugin.
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