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AHOHNMYC edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 3 revisions

PutFailed indicates that an insert has failed. The error codes and their descriptions are listed below.


 CodeDescription=Insert collided with different, pre-existing data at the same key
 ExtraDescription=SSK collision
 Fatal=true // No point retrying; permanent error
 ShortCodeDescription=Insert collision // short version of CodeDescription

It is also possible to have a more complex PutFailed: (this is an example, the strings and codes returned may be different)

 CodeDescription=Too many retries in blocks
 ExtraDescription=Splitfile failed because many blocks had too many retries
 Fatal=false // can retry, but we ran out of retries for at least one block
 ShortCodeDescription=Too many retries in blocks
 Errors.7.Description=Route not found // the number is that particular error code
 Errors.7.Count=457 // 457 block inserts were abandoned due to RNF
 Errors.4.Description=Rejected due to overload
 Errors.4.Count=781 // 781 block inserts were abandoned due to overload


Field Example or [Range] Description
Global [true,false]
Code Integer Error code identifier. See below.
CodeDescription Description of the error.
ExtraDescription More info on the error, if available.
Fatal [true,false] If true, the error is permanent.
ExpectedURI Insert URI if it succeeded.

Insert Error Codes

(Always refer to the source code for the most up to date list)

Value Message
1 Invalid URI
2 Bucket error (as above)
3 Internal error
4 Rejected Overload (a downstream node was overloaded and said no)
5 Route not found
6 Fatal errors in Blocks (Fatal errors in a splitfile insert)
7 Too many retries in block (a splitfile had a certain block that just didn't want to go in)
8 Route really not found (It couldn't even leave the node)
9 Collision (there's already different data at that key)
10 Cancelled (by you)
11 Meta string used in the key (most probably '/')
12 Invalid binary blob data supplied so cannot insert it
13 Too many files in a directory in a site insert
14 File being uploaded is bigger than maximum supported size
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