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fr:Documentation Configuration

Jens Maus edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision


YAM has a huge number of options, which can be set up in the configuration window. The program options are divided into sheets which can be selected by clicking on the corresponding word in the left part of the configuration window. There are also three menu items available.

Premiers pas

This sheet contains some essential information needed for YAM to work.

_Configuration minimale_

Nom réel Your real name and surname.  Please take care that this field is filled in correctly.  DO NOT use quotation marks in your name.

Example: John Doe

Adresse électronique This is your e-mail address, consisting of your @.


Nom du serveur The Internet address (hostname or IP) of your system's mail server. This server, which normally is a computer of your ISP (Internet Service Provider), must be capable of working with the POP3/SMTP protocol.


Nom utilisateur The user name for logging into the mail server of your ISP.

Example: jdoe

Mot de passe The password which is asked from you by your mail server. This password is possibly but not necessarily identical to the password you use to log in on your ISP, and is usually case sensitive.

Example: nguz56

_Configuration système_

Jeu de caractère

Fuseau horaire The time and date displayed by YAM in the message list is always converted to your local time. This guarantees correct sorting of messages from all over the world sent out from different time zones. The time zone is part of the message's date and specifies the difference between local time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Examples: GMT+01:00 (for Central Europe), GMT 00:00 (for the U.K.), GMT-05:00 (for U.S. EST e.g. New York City)

Normally YAM will get the time zone from your Locale settings, thus this selector will be ghosted.


Here you can enter the information needed to actually send email, as well as define additional POP3 accounts.

Réception (POP3)

Apart from the primary POP3 server already defined in the First steps section, you can set up an unlimited number of POP3 servers here; the names appear in the list on the left and clicking on a name brings up the relevant details on the right. Note that these accounts can be for the same user on a different server, or a different user on the same server. Either way, you can check for new mail with a single mouse click. Click on New to insert the data required for a new e-mail account. With Delete you can delete accounts.

Actif Switch this option on to have the selected POP3 account checked for new mail whenever you use the Get new mail button in the toolbar, or the equivalent item in the "Folder" menu. If you don't want this email account to be checked automatically, switch this option off and use the menu item Folder/Check single account from the main window instead.

Example: Yes


Serveur The Internet address of the system you're sending your mail to. This server, which usually is a computer of your ISP (Internet Service Provider), must be capable of processing the POP3 protocol.


Port The port number of the POP3 service. The standard port is 110 for plain POP3. In case of using SSL/TLS connections this port may also be 995.

Example: 110

_Sécurité et authentification_

Sécurité de connexion Activate this option to use SSL based encryption under the TLS protocol as described in RFC 2595. This adds extra security to prevent the typical eavesdropping and hijacking attacks which POP is commonly subject to, and will use port 995 instead of the usual 110. The with STLS option will force the use of the POP3 STARTTLS extension, adding another layer of security to the communication, using again port 110. If your POP3 server doesn't support any of this, you will receive an error message when checking for new mail. Also, AmiSSL is required.

Authentification Normally the Username and the password are transmitted as plain text when connecting to a POP3 server. Under certain circumstances, this could be a security risk, and for this reason modern POP3 servers support the APOP authentication, which transmits the username and password encrypted with a key which is delivered by the server. If your POP3 server does not support APOP you'll receive an error message when checking for new mail; in that case, switch this option off. Also note, that if your POP3 server supports TLS/SSL this should be preferred as it also transmits the email content encrypted rather than in plain text.

Nom utilisateur The user name for authentication against the specified POP server.. In most cases this will be identical to the username in your e-mail address. However, there are exceptions, so check the instructions from your ISP (YAM then constructs the full account name in the form @).

Example: jdoe

Mot de passe The password which has to be sent to the mail server at login time. You can leave this field empty for security reasons -- if you do, the password will be asked to you whenever you send new mails. Also, remember the password is case sensitive.

Example: nguz56

_Gestion des messages_

Pré-sélection After establishing a link with the POP3 server, a preselection window may open showing a list of all new mail in the POP3 mailbox. This allows you to decide whether to download, delete or leave a message on the server, according to its size, topic or sender. For pre-selection to work properly, the server must support the TOP command which most of them do.

//jamais//: pre-selection is deactivated\ //gros messages//: only messages bigger than a size defined by you will be displayed in pre-selection\ //toujours//: every message will be displayed in pre-selection\ //toujours. Que la taille//: all messages will be displayed but only their sizes will be shown. The advantage of this method is that it is pretty fast.

Example: always

Vérifier le courrier au démarrage

Vérifier les nouveaux messages toutes les... Here you can specify a time interval after which YAM will automatically recheck your mail server for new mail. To deactivate this option, simply select zero.

Example: 15 minutes

Télécharger les messages plus gros que... If pre-selection is activated, messages which exceed the size given here will be highlighted. This way you can avoid downloading messages with huge attachments. The size is given in kilobytes. If you don't want to use any limit, just insert '0'.

In everyday use, the settings 'pre-selection = large messages' and 'size limit=100 kB' have proved to be advantageous. With these settings, the pre-selection window will only appear if at least one of the new messages exceeds 100 kilobytes in size.

Example: 100

Effacer les messages sur le serveur If this option is activated, new mail will be deleted after downloading it from the mail server. The messages will be deleted only after they have been successfully saved to your computer. If the POP3 account is used by several people, or if you'd like to access your account again later from another computer, this option can be deactivated.

Example Yes

Appliquer les filtres à distance

_Dossiers par défaut_

Dossier "boîte de réception"

_Notification des nouveaux messages_

Requête Once YAM has downloaded new mail, it will display a requester showing the number of new and deleted messages.

Example: Yes

Système de notification AmigaOS 4.1

Son Once YAM has downloaded new mail, it will play a sound file. The datatypes library is used for playing, so the sound file can be of any format (like AIFF or WAVE), as long as you have installed the appropriate datatypes. Click the small arrow (PLAY symbol) to test the sound.

Example: Data:Audio/Newmail.snd

Commande This is a program to be executed when new mail arrives. Insert the command as you'd do at a command line interface. If it is an Arexx script, you have to put the 'RX' command in front of the name of the script.

Example: RX PROGDIR:rexx/Newmail.YAM

Envoi (SMTP)

Apart from the primary SMTP server already defined in the First steps section, you can set up an unlimited number of SMTP servers here; the names appear in the list on the left and clicking on a name brings up the relevant details on the right. Note that these accounts can be for the same user on a different server, or a different user on the same server. Either way, you can check for new mail with a single mouse click. Click on New to insert the data required for a new e-mail account. With Delete you can delete accounts.



Serveur The Internet address of the system you're sending your mail to. This server, which usually is a computer of your ISP (Internet Service Provider), must be capable of processing the SMTP protocol.


Port The port number of the SMTP service. The standard port is 25 for plain SMTP. In case of using SSL/TLS connections this port may also be 576 or 456.

Example: 25

_Sécurité et Authentification_

Sécurité de connexion Enable this if your SMTP server supports TLSv1/SSLv3 secure connections. If enabled, YAM will connect via the AmiSSL library with the SMTP server and encrypts every transfer.

Example: No

Authentification Enable this if you want to use SMTP Authentication, whereby YAM will request your mail server to use an extra authentication layer as documented in RFC 2554. You will need to fill in another couple of UserID/Password fields in this case. If your SMTP server does not support SMTP AUTH, you will receive an error message when trying to send email. Ask your ISP if in doubt.

Example: No

Nom utilisateur When using SMTP AUTH you can insert the user name for the SMTP authentification here. In most cases this will be identical to the username in your e-mail address. However, there are exceptions, so check the instructions from your ISP (YAM then constructs the full account name in the form @).

Example: jdoe

Mot de passe The password which has to be sent to the mail server at login time. You can leave this field empty for security reasons -- if you do, the password will be asked to you whenever you send new mails. Also, remember the password is case sensitive.

Example: nguz56


Serveur autorisant les caractères 8 bits Originally only the US-ASCII character set was allowed for use in e-mail, which meant that users were forced to use vowels (e.g., they had to use 'ae' instead of 'ä'). The reason for that was that many servers only processed the first 7 bits and simply cut off the 8th bit, crippling the e-mail while doing so. This problem was solved by introducing the MIME quoted-printable standard, which converts all 'unauthorized' characters to 7 bit before transfer and reconverts them to the original characters on delivery. Modern mail servers don't have problems with non-US-ASCII characters any more, so messages do not necessarily have to be converted. If you are absolutely sure that your server supports 8 bit transfers, you can switch this option on and save a few bits when transferring e-mails. The best way to find out if your mail server supports this is to write a message to yourself containing modified vowels and see what happens.

Example: Yes

_Dossiers par défaur_

Dossier "Envoyés"


Manage pultiple identities for composing mails.

Réglages généraux

_Réglages généraux_



Nom réel

Adresse électronique


If you want the name of your organization, school, club or whatever to appear in a header of your message, insert it here.

Example: Doe Donut Production Ltd.

Serveur de courrier (SMTP)


Composition du courrier

_Réglages de composition du courrier_

Adresse Cc:

Adresse Bcc:

Adresse de réponse

Normally this field should remain empty. The default Reply-To address is your e-mail address. If you want to use a different address, then (AND ONLY THEN!!) you should insert that address here. Alternatively, you can use the pop-up button to open the address book window, and then drag an entry from there into this field.


En-têtes supplémentaires

If for some reason you need to add one or more special extra lines to the headers of your mail, you can insert these header lines here. If you would like to insert several lines, separate them by inserting '\n'.

PLEASE DON'T use this feature unless you have enough knowledge of the structure of Internet email.

Example: 'Content-Language: uk\nKeywords: Pattern, YAM, Internet'

URL vers sa photo


Stocker le courrier dans le dossier "Envoyés" après l'envoi

Utiliser le dossier "Envoyés" alternatif:

Citer les messages lors des réponses

Placer ma réponse...

Placer ma signature...

Utiliser une signature lors des réponses

Utiliser une signature lors du transfert

Ajouter ses informations personnelles

Demander un accusé de réception


_Réglages de sécurité PGP_

Utiliser PGP pour cette identité

ID de clef PGP...

URL de la clef PGP...


Signer par défaut les messages non cryptés

Signer par défaut les messages cryptés

Crypter par défaut tous les messages

Ajouter sa clef lors du cryptage du courrier


The purpose of a mail filter is to process mail according to criteria defined by the user. Whenever a mail matches a specified pattern, it can trigger certain actions. Applications for the use of filters include

  • automatically moving mail from a mailing list to a specified folder

  • automatic processing of incoming inquiries by sending pre-defined answers

  • automatic deletion of unwanted spam (advertising by e-mail, a real pest nowadays)

  • automatic re-directing of mails to another recipient.

You can define theoretically an unlimited number of filters. The list on the left shows the names of all the filters defined so far. Click on a name to bring up its details on the right, spread across three sheets -- Options, Comparison and Action. Click on New to create a new filter or use Delete to delete one. Filters are executed in top-to-bottom order, therefore you should place filters that delete or move messages at the bottom of the list.


Nom The filter's name is merely for recognition and not of any other use.

Filtrer à distance With a remote filter, new email can be checked on the POP3 server without being downloaded completely. The POP3 server must support the TOP command to be able to process this kind of filter. In contrast to 'normal' filters, only the contents of the e-mail headers can be searched for certain patterns. For obvious reasons, functions like forwarding or moving e-mails cannot be used with remote filters. In addition, if remote filters are activated they might slow down downloading e-mail, but they are handy and powerful if used with care.

Appliquer sur nouveaux messages Activate this option to have all new mail processed by this filter. Processing will start automatically after receiving new mail.

Appliquer à l'expédition Activate this option to have all sent mail processed by this filter. Processing will be initiated automatically after sending mail.

Appliquer sur demande If this option is activated, the filtering process will be started by clicking on the Filter button in the main window or by choosing 'Filter' from the 'Folder' menu. This way you can also process old messages which do not necessarily have to be in the Incoming folder.


Chercher dans Here you can define what part of the e-mail should be scanned for the search pattern. If you want a field of the message header to be searched, you can choose one from the list which appears when clicking on the cycle gadget, or select 'Other field' and insert the name of the header field into the text field on the right side of the cycle gadget. If 'Message body' is selected, the whole message -except for the headers- will be searched. Please note that this type of full text search may take quite a long time when big mails are processed (YAM will have to decode mails in MIME format).

Example: 'Other field: X-Mailer'

Comparaison The instruction comprises the comparison operator and the search pattern.

YAM supports the following comparison operators:

  • //=// the text which is compared must match the search pattern
  • //<// the text must be "less" than the search pattern
  • //>// the text must be "greater than" the search pattern
  • //<>// the text must be different from the search pattern
  • //IN// the text must match pattern contained in the file which is specified in the text field to the right side of the comparison cycle gadget. Instead of a search pattern itself, the name of a file has to be inserted here, containing one or several lines of search patterns. In this way it is possible to create a so-called 'Killfile' containing a list of e-mail addresses. Click on the page icon to edit the file.

Note that the comparison operators '<' and '>' work differently according to the type of field. YAM knows that a message size or date is numeric and sorts these in numerical order, but for fields such as "Subject:", alphanumeric order is used as in a telephone directory, so James < Jim and 12 < 2.

The search pattern may contain Pattern matching such as ?, #?, (a|b) or abc. Please note that the search pattern YAM#? will filter all messages beginning with Y, A or M. For filtering mails coming from a mailing list (for example, a mailing list related to YAM), you'd better use the search pattern #?YAM#? or have the filter compare the Reply-To: field with the address of the mailing list.

Example: '= YAM 1.3.#?'

Adresse/Nom If you make the filter search a header field containing an e-mail address, you can specify here whether the search pattern should be processed on the actual address (e.g. or the author's name (e.g. 'John Doe').

Maj <> Min Activate this option if you want the filtering process to distinguish between normal and capital letters.

Sous-chaîne If the search pattern consists of only a part of the header field which is to be searched through, you must activate this option - YAM will then complete the search pattern with #? internally.

It is possible to combine two search criteria. The cycle gadget lets you select how this is to be done:

//aucun// don't use a second criterion //et// both criteria must be satisfied //ou// at least one of the two criteria must be met //ou exclusif// either one or the other of the two criteria must apply, but not both

Utiliser les motifs AmigaDOS


Rediriger Activate this option to have mail matching the search criteria bounced to another recipient -- for instance, you might use this to automatically resend certain email to your mailbox at work.

The new recipient's e-mail address must be inserted into the text field next to the option.


Retransmettre Activate this option when you want e-mail matching the search criteria to be forwarded to another person. The new recipient's e-mail address must be inserted into the text field next to the option.

Répondre If this option is activated, YAM will send an automatic reply to any mail matching the search pattern. Enter the filename containing the auto-answer text into the text field next to this option.

Example: PROGDIR:Auto-Texts/Answer1.txt

Exécuter If this option is activated, an external program will be executed whenever an email matches the search criterion. YAM will send the path of the e-mail to the external program as a starting parameter. Insert the command line into the text field next to this option.

Please note that if you want an ARexx script to be executed, you will have to explicitely put the 'RX' command first.

Example: 'rx PROGDIR:Rexx/Subscribe.rexx'

Jouer un son Activate this option to have a sound played whenever a message matches the search pattern. The sound file name is to be inserted into the text field next to this option. YAM uses the datatypes library for playing the sound. Click the small arrow (PLAY symbol) to test the sound.

Example: Data:Audio/Ihatespam.wav

Déplacer If you activate this option, YAM will move any email matching the search pattern to another folder. You can select the folder with the pop-up button.

Mettre le statut "Marqué"

Mettre le statut "Non marqué"

Mettre le statut "Lu"

Mettre le statut "Non lu"

Mettre le statut "Indésirable"

Mettre le statut "Acceptable"

Effacer If this option is activated, all messages matching the search pattern will be deleted. (You probably guessed that... ;) )

Ne pas recevoir If this option is activated, any message matching the search pattern will not be downloaded from the mail server. You can use a remote filter together with this option if several people share the same POP3 account.

Arrêter le processus de filtrage

Courrier indésirable

Setup of the spam filter.

_Filtrage des courriers indésirables_

Activer le filtrage des courriers indésirables Activates the spam filter, believe it or not :)

Nombre de courriers classés comme "indésirables"...

Nombre de courriers classés comme "acceptable"...

Réinitialiser l'apprentissage Resets the Spam training data. Should only be necessary in rare circumstances.

Optimiser les données d'apprentissage

_Reconnaissance des courriers indésirables_

Filtrer les contenus indésirables des nouveaux courriers Automatically checks new mail for spam content.

Le carnet d'adresses est une liste blanche If a mail has an From: address that exist in your addressbook, it will never be considered as spam.

Marquer comme indésirables les courriers déplacés vers le dossier "Indésirable" Any mail that is manually moved to the Spam folder are automatically marked as spam.

Marquer les nouveaux courriers indésirables comme lus This option will automatically mark new spam mails as read.

Remettre les courriers "Acceptables" dans la boîte de réception Will move mails that has been wrongfully detected as spam or mails that have manually been marked as 'Not Spam' back to 'Incoming' folder.

Appliquer les filtres Applies all your defined filters to mail that is moved back to the 'Incoming' folder.

Faire confiance à l'entête de ce filtre externe:


Settings related to e-mail reading.

_Agencement de l'en-tête_

En-têtes If 'full' is selected, all the headers will be displayed. Select 'none' if you don't want to see any header. When you switch to 'selected', you can specify yourself which header fields should be visible in the Read window. For specifying the fields you can use any AmigaDOS pattern. The FROM, TO, DATE and SUBJECT fields are displayed by default. The header layout can also be changed (temporarily) in the Read window itself.

Example: '(From|Subject|Date|X-Mailer)'

Info expéditeur If a mail's sender is found in YAM's address book, YAM can display additional information in the header part of the Read window. If 'data only' is selected, YAM will show some information such as the name, date of birth, snail mail address, description, etc. as found in the address book for this entry. Select 'data and image' to make YAM display a picture of the sender (of course there's got to be one in the address book ;)) in addition to the other data.

Retour à la ligne Choose whether to show long headers on one line or to break them on two or more. In the first case, you will need to use the horizontal scrollbar in order to see all the information.

_Mise en page du message_

Signature séparée It has become a custom to separate the signature from the text of an e-mail using two dashes and a space. If you don't like this kind of separation, you can define another here. Apart from the setting 'two dashes' you can select between 'separator bar', 'blank line' or even 'no signature' to have no signature at all.

Texte en couleur Text passages embedded in # characters will be highlighted by YAM in a special color both in the internal editor and in the Read window. Here you can define the color used for that purpose.

Anciennes citations Select here the color used for the several levels of quoting.

Couleur des URL

_Réglage de police_

Police fixe It often makes more sense to use a non-proportional font to read messages, since the layout of any tables will be distorted when using proportional fonts. Don't forget to specify the font of your choice in the 'TextEditor' module of YAM's MUI settings, under 'Fonts/fixed'.

Afficher texte coloré

Afficher texte formaté YAM uses the characters '_', '/', '*' and '#' to indicate underlined, italic, bold and colored text. For certain special documents, as it is the case with source code, this can make things difficult because some characters are suppressed. So you have the option of switching the rendering of text styles on or off.

_Accusés de réception_

Ne jamais renvoyer d'accusé de réception

Renvoyer certains accusés de réception...

_Autres options_

Fenêtres multiples With this option selected, each message which you choose to read will open its own Read window.

Recherche des messages du même fil dans tous les dossiers

Marquer le message affiche comme "lu" après...

Convert HTML e-mails to plain text

Convertir les caractères inconnus en ASCII

Détection automatique des caractères cyrilliques

Afficher tous les textes

Afficher les parties alternatives


Settings related to e-mail composing.

_Corps du message_

Message de bienvenue YAM will insert this text at the beginning of every new message you write (except for answers and forwarded messages). You can define a line break by inserting '\n'.

Example: 'Hello,\n'

Phrase de fin This text will be inserted at the end of every new message you write, just before the signature separator. You can insert a line break with '\n'.

Example: 'Kind regards\n\nJohn Doe'

Jeu de caractères par défaut


Retour à la ligne When you save a newly written message, it will be formatted to make sure that no line has more characters than the value specified here. You can also decide whether YAM will insert line breaks as you type or if this should be postponed until you send the message. In the first case, the internal editor will insert line break codes while you're typing the message. This way you avoid unwanted surprises when the text is formatted later on saving the message, but on the other hand, any subsequent insertion or deletion of text might be a little less comfortable.

Example: 76

Mémoriser les adresses électroniques YAM can cache on disk a certain number of the most recent recipients used when writing a new email, if those recipients aren't already in your address book. This may improve the performance of the automatic name completer, especially if your address book is rather brief and you often find yourself having to type your recipient's name and address.

If the hit ratio of the email cache is very low in your everyday use, you might want to turn it off completely by selecting zero mails.

Intervalle de sauvegarde automatique

_Réglages de police_

Utiliser police fixe

Afficher texte coloré

Afficher texte formeté

_Autres options_

Avertir lorsque la ligne du sujet est vide Activate this option to let YAM warn you any time you try to send an email with an empty subject line. This may be the case when sending email to mailing list managers and other automated services, but it is generally considered as bad taste to use an empty subject line when posting to a mailing list. If you seldom use empty subject lines or you use to forget to fill in this field, you might want to use this option.

Lancer l'éditeur externe immédiatement Activate this option if you would like the external editor to be launched automatically as soon as you start creating a new message. By doing so you won't have to click on the Editor button in the Write window.

Vérifier les pièces jointes manquantes


Settings related to e-mail replying and forwarding.


Réponses par défaut When you reply to a message, YAM can automatically insert three different phrases in the new message: greetings (Open), an introduction to the quoted message (Intro) and a closing phrase (Close). Use the cycle gadget to select one of these phrases and enter it in the field on the right. Click the pop-up button to select a variable from the list (for subject, date, sender, etc.).

Example: Open 'Hello %f,\n' Intro 'On %d, you wrote:\n' Close 'Kind regards'

Réponses alternatives Communicating via Internet often means writing in another language. For that reason, YAM is capable of using an alternative reply phrase set, which will be used automatically whenever the recipient's address matches an user defined pattern. This way you can, for instance, use a German version of the reply phrase set for addresses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, while using the English version for all other countries.

Example: Open 'Hallo %f,\n' Intro 'Am %d schriebst Du:\n' Close 'Mit freundlichem Gruss'

Sur ces domaines Whenever the recipient's address corresponds with this AmigaDOS pattern , the alternative reply phrases will be used.

Example: '#?.(de|ch|at)' (Addresses of countries with German mother tongue) =#FixReply Listes de discussions To answer a message belonging to a mailing list, another set of phrases is available -- they will be used if the message that is being answered is stored in a folder for which mailing list support has been activated (see folder configuration ).

Example: Open 'Hi!\n' Intro 'On %d, %n wrote:\n' Close 'Kind regards'

Vérifier les destinataires If this option is enabled, YAM will check if the sender and the return address are the same -- if the "From:" and the "Reply-To:" headers of the message are different, you will be asked to select whom to reply to. This way it is fairly easy to reply privately to a message from a mailing list.

Citer les lignes vides Usually, the quotation character is inserted at the beginning of empty lines contained in the quoted message. If for some reason you don't like this, just deactivate this option.

Enlever la signature Activate this option to avoid quoting the signature (since you'll delete the signature anyway in most cases). This option will work only when the signature in the quoted message is separated from the actual message by the standard '-- ' separator, that is, two dashes AND a space.


Courriers retransmis...

Commencer avec This text will be added at the beginning of the original text of any message you forward. Click the pop-up button to select from a list of variables which can be inserted (for example %r stands for the name of the recipient, %s stands for the subject, etc.). When the text is inserted into the message, YAM replaces the variables with their respective values, taken from the forwarded message.

Example: '*** Forwarded message, originally by %n on %d: ***\n'

Terminer avec This text will be inserted at the end of any forwarded message, but before the greetings phrase. Click the pop-up button to select a variable from the list (for subject, date, sender, etc.).

Example: '*** End of forwarded message ***\n'



You can define and use one standard and upto two alternative signatures within YAM (e.g. one signature for private email and another one for business). Clicking on the cycle button in the upper left corner of the window you can display and edit the signatures in the small text editor window below.


Active If this option is activated, a signature will be inserted at the end of each message you write.

Texte de la signature

Modifier dans éditeur externe Click this button to open the external editor you have defined in Configuration/Write/External editor to edit the signature currently selected.

Insérer citation aléatoire Click this button to insert the '%t' variable at the actual cursor position in the editor. When processing a new message, YAM will replace this variable with a random tagline from the taglines file.

Insérer ENV:Signature Click this button to insert the variable '%e' at the current cursor position in the editor. YAM will replace this variable with the contents of the 'SIGNATURE' environment variable while creating a new message. This way it is possible to have random values automatically inserted into the signature, like the date, the actual temperature, the time, your weight or whatever...

Ajouter un fichier en tant que signature


Fichier de citations The tagline database contains taglines, little poems or other very important and witty pieces of wisdom which can be selected randomly and be inserted into the signature. There are collections of thousands of these taglines on Aminet.

Example: 'PROGDIR:.taglines'

Caractères séparateurs Since a tagline can consist of several actual lines, the single entries in the tagline file have to be separated from each other. Insert the string that is used for separating one tagline from another in your tagline file into this text field.

Example: '%%'



Configure security related settings.

_PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)_

Chemin PGP The famous (some people and authorities might even say notorious) programme PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) by Philip Zimmermann is used for encrypting, decrypting and digitally 'signing' messages. Please install PGP as described in PGP's manual and insert the full directory path of the PGP executable here. YAM recognizes automatically if you're using version 2.6 or 5.x.

Example: 'Work:Programs/PGP/bin/'

Mémorise la phrase secrète pendant...

_Fichier des évènements_


If you are not interested in having log files at all, select 'none'. Select 'normal' to have only the important events like receiving/sending mail recorded. In 'verbose' mode, YAM will log every transferred e-mail in detail.


YAM will save the log files to the path specified here. The format of log files is explained in the Reference chapter.

Découper le fichier d'évènements

Switch this option on if you want YAM to create a new log file each month. To distinguish the different files that will be created, YAM includes the date in the log file name, e.g. YAM-Jan98.log. If you'd like one big single log file, just leave this option deactivated.

Archiver tous les évènements

Deactivate this option if you're only interested in logging events having to do with the mail transfer (sending/receiving).


Options for actions at start up and termination

_Au démarrage du programme_

Charger tous les dossiers If you have many voluminous archive folders, you can increase YAM's starting speed by deactivating this option. Furthermore, deactivating this option will save memory, because only the index files of the system folders will be loaded on startup -- the index files of the user-defined folders will be loaded only when they are needed.

Marquer les nouveaux messages en non lus Switch this option on to mark all new messages as "unread" on startup.

Effacer les anciens messages In the case that you have defined a maximum age for specific folders, YAM will delete all messages exceeding this age before actually quitting if this option is activated.

Supprimer les messages effacés Switch this on to make YAM empty the 'Deleted' folder on startup.

Vérifier les dates de naissance Switch this option on to make YAM search the address book on startup for people whose birthday is today. This way you can send your congratulations at once, in case it's the birthday of one of your pals (or maybe even business partners). When run from a shell, the NOCHECK switch prevents this check from being done.

Envoyer les messages en attente If this option is activated, YAM will search the Outgoing folder for messages to send on startup and ask you if you'd like to send them. Please note that this will work only if a TCP/IP stack has been loaded previously. You can temporarily stop YAM from doing so by starting YAM from a shell with the NOCHECK switch.

_A la fermeture de YAM_

Envoyer les messages en attente Activate this option to make YAM look for ready to send messages in the Outgoing folder before actually ending the program. If it's activated, YAM will ask you if you'd like to send those messages before quitting. (Of course it will do so only if there are actually any messages in the Outgoing folder.)

Effacer les anciens messages In the case that you have defined a maximum age for specific folders, YAM will delete all messages exceeding this age before actually quitting if this option is activated.

Supprimer les messages effacés Switch this on to make YAM empty the 'Deleted' folder when closing down.

Enregistre la mise en page utilisateur


Configure MIME viewers for attachments.

MIME viewers

The program selected by default to display attachments is MultiView. Messages in MIME format contain a field called Content-Type in which the type of the encoded file is specified. You can define a different program to process every single type of file. This is important for users who do not want to use MultiView for processing images and sound files, or for processing file types not yet supported by datatypes. Click New to configure a display program, or use Delete to delete an entry.

In addition, new file types defined here are also taken into account when composing a new message. For instance, if a new attachment type "application/pgs" is defined for filenames ending in ".pgs", YAM will automatically use this MIME type when attaching files that bear this extension.


Type MIME This is the type of the actual entry, and corresponds to the Content-Type field contained in the message. You can select one from the pop-up list or use AmigaDOS wildcards, e.g. 'image/#?' to use the programme for a whole class of file types.

Example: 'image/jpeg'

Extensions Filename extension for the file type. This extension allows YAM to assign the correct "Content-Type:" field for a file.

Example: 'jpg jpeg jfif'


Programme Choose the program you'd like to use to display the attachment. Do not forget to insert a "%s" into the command line, which will be replaced by the filename when processing.

Example: 'TOOLS:Gfx/ViewJPG "%s"'

Jeu de caractère de l'affichage


Prog pa défaut This viewer will be used if the attachment doesn't match any of the user defined types (see above).

Example: 'SYS:Utilities/MultiView "%s" SCREEN'

Jeu de caractères de l'affichage

Carnet d'adresses

Configure address book related options.

_Colonnes_ Select the items you want to see in the address book.

_Données personnelles_

Sauver l'adresse de l'expéditeur YAM can automatically save the sender's address when you're reading a message, i.e. it will create a new entry in the address book. Choose one of these modes:

//never// Don't save addresses //if info available; ask// You'll only be asked if there's personal data of the sender available, otherwise the address won't be saved //ask before// You'll be asked every time whether the address should be saved or not //if info available// The address will be saved automatically if there's personal data of the sender available //always// All new addresses will be saved automatically

Groupe des nouvelles entrées Alias of the group that will contain the new address book entries created by the previous option. The group will be created if it doesn't exist yet.

Example: NEW

Placer les photos dans The pictures of the senders are stored here.

Example: PROGDIR:Gallery

Serveur proxy HTTP If you're behind a firewall and only get into the Internet using a proxy server, then you have to enter here the address of that proxy server, otherwise it won't be possible to download photos or get information about new versions of YAM.



As well as the "Scripts" menu in the main window, which can hold up to ten scripts, ARexx scripts can also be started by certain events. For example, it is possible with two simple scripts to start up Miami in order to go online and fetch new mail, and then close Miami again once the mail has been downloaded.

Nom The title of the script as it appears in the "Scripts" menu, e.g. "Start Browser".

Script File name of the ARexx script, including any needed parameters (in the usual ARexx fashion, but without a call to 'RX').

Example: PROGDIR:rexx/StartBrowser.rexx

Ouvrir une fenêtre de suivi The script will open a console window for input and output while it is running. Switch this option off if a console window is not required.

Attendre la fin de la tâche Switch this option off if you want the script to run in the background, which means you don't want to wait for it to finish before YAM can go ahead with other tasks.


Paths, AppIcon, save/delete, tracking & packing


Répertoire des fichiers temporaires YAM needs this directory to save some files needed while processing e.g. messages with MIME attachments. If you are short on memory (2 MB or less), you better choose a path on your hard disk to avoid possible problems with very large messages.

Example: 'T:'

Décoder les fichiers dans

Joindre les fichiers à partit de

Chemin de téléchargement

_Paramètres de l'éditeur externe_

Editeur externe

Jeu de caractères affiché

_Icône du programme_

AppIcon sur le Workbench

Texte The label for the AppIcon which will be displayed while YAM is running can be specified here. Click the pop-up button to select a variable for new, unread, etc. messages.

Position X/Y Enter here the desired position on your Workbench for YAM's AppIcon. If another icon is already ocuppying this position, Workbench will choose a 'safe' position for the AppIcon on its own (so you don't have to worry about 'deleting' another icon).

Example: 'X:550 Y:144'

Active l'icône "docky"

Gadget de fermeture pour icônifier le programme Following the MUI default behavior, the close gadget (or the key) will terminate the program. Activate this option to let them iconify YAM instead.

_Enregistrement/Suppression des messages_

Confirmer le suppression pour [[xx]] messages ou plus If this option is activated, a security requester will appear before deleting a certain number of messages. This makes sense especially when a number of two or more is selected.

Effacer les messages immédiatement If this option is switched on, messages won't be moved to the 'Deleted' folder on deletion -- instead, they will be erased immediately from the hard disk. This saves some time and memory, but on the other hand you won't be able to retrieve any message deleted by mistake.

_Réglages XPK/LhA_

Compression By clicking the pop-up button, you can choose the XPK library you wish to use to compress folders. Before doing so, an XPK package must be installed on your computer system. This package is not contained in the YAM archive, but can be downloaded from the Aminet. You can select the packer's efficiency by using the slider bar on the right-hand side of the pop-up button -- the higher the value, the better compression, but also slower.

Example: 'NUKE 100%'

Comp./protection Click the pop-up button to select the XPK library you wish to use for compression and password protection of folders. You can only select XPK libraries offering password protection. Specify the packer's efficiency with the slider bar on the right-hand side of the pop-up button.

Example: 'HUFF 50%'

Archiveur YAM is capable of crunching one or more files before attaching them to an e-mail, using a suitable archiver such as LHA, LZX or ZIP. Enter here the full command path line for your favourite archiver, including any options. You can insert variables for the resulting archive and the source files (or a list containing the source files) by clicking the pop-up button on the right hand side of the text field.

Example: 'LhA -a -m -i%l a %a'


Fenêtre de transfert


Here YAM will display a list with available themes and a small preview of what it will look like.


Activer Activates the selected theme, which requires you to save the configuration and restart YAM, in order to see the new icons.

Fenêtre principale

_Réglages des colonnes_

Liste des dossiers



Non lu



Menu contextuel

Liste messages



Adresse de retour


Date du message


Nom du fichier

Date d'émission/réception

Compte de messagerie

Menu contextuel

_Barre d'information_

Position Will show a status bar at either - top, middle, bottom or don't show any at all.

Affichage Here you can select what the status bar should show. There are a number of different options to select from.

_Afficher la barre de recherche dans la fenêtre principale_


_Réglages généraux_

Format de la taille Here you can select how YAM will display sizes for mails and mail drawers.

Afficher le volet de visualisation dans la fenêtre principale Shows an embedded read pane in the main window, which allows you to read mails directly in the main window instead of double-clicking a mail to open it in a separate read window.

Police fixe

Afficher heure type Swatch

Format des dates relatives

Rechercher dans le carnet d'adresses pour la liste des messages

Double-clic sur un dossier ouvre les réglages du dossier

Mises à jour

Update settings

_Vérification de mises à jour_

Recherche de mises à jour Allows you to select the interval at which YAM will check for updates to itself and other third party software, which YAM needs. A button next to it, allows you to do manual checks for updates at will.

Below you can also see when exactly the last check was done.

Configuration cachée

YAM recognises some extra parameters that are not mentioned in any configuration window. You have to load the file .config into a text editor and alter the parameters in the Advanced section by hand.

LetterPart Usually the first part of a multipart letter contains the actual message, while the subsequent parts are the attachments. A few mail servers, like GeoCities, use the first part for their advertisements, which would then be quoted in a reply instead of the actual message. With the LetterPart option you can correct this.

Example: 'LetterPart = 2'

WriteIndexes If the contents of a folder are altered, YAM must rebuild the index. This index is in RAM memory, and it is saved back to the hard disk on a normal exit. In the event that the computer has to be rebooted (because of a crash, perhaps), YAM has to rebuild the indices on startup. Therefore, YAM will save alterations to the index file at intervals of 120 seconds. This time interval can be altered using the WriteIndexes option.

Example: 'WriteIndexes = 30'

AutoSave While you're writing a message, YAM saves the contents of the editor every ten minutes as .autosave0.txt or .autosave1.txt in the program directory. After a crash you can load this file using "Text/Insert". The AutoSave parameter contains the time interval between two backups, in seconds.

Example: 'AutoSave = 600'

SupportSite This is the address of the YAM homepage, used to access the user picture gallery and to request the version check.

Example: 'SupportSite ='

JumpToNewMsg If this option is set to 'Y', YAM will jump to the first new or unread message whenever you select a folder.

Example: 'JumpToNewMsg = N'

JumpToIncoming If this option is set to 'Y', YAM will jump to the first new or unread message whenever you download new email. This only comes into effect if 'Incoming' is the current folder.

Example: 'JumpToIncoming = N'

AskJumpUnread If this option is set to 'N', YAM won't ask if you want to jump to the next/previous folder with unread messages if you are reading the last or first message and select any of the Next/Previous unread message items in the Navigation menu.

Example: 'AskJumpUnread = N'

PrinterCheck YAM does some printer checking before printing a message. This test can be disabled because it's not fully compatible with some printer drivers.

Example: 'PrinterCheck = N'

IsOnlineCheck If you're using Miami or AmiTCP/Genesis, YAM can check if your Amiga is really online. If you're using another TCP/IP software and YAM is claiming a missing connection although you're actually online, then you must switch this option off.

Example: 'IsOnlineCheck = N'

IOCInterface Specifies which Miami Deluxe/AmiTCP/Genesis interface should be used for the online check (see IsOnlineCheck).

Example: 'IOCInterface = ppp1'

ConfirmOnQuit If this option is enabled, YAM will ask for confirmation whenever you try to quit it. By default, YAM only asks for confirmation if there is some unsaved data (configuration, address book).

Example: 'ConfirmOnQuit = Y'

HideGUIElements This can be used to hide some elements of the graphic user interface. The following values can be combined: 4 for the toolbars, 2 for the cursor position in the editor, and 1 for the status bar.

Please note that as of YAM 2.4, the status bar is not affected by this setting anymore, but it is now set in Configuration/Lists.

Example: 'HideGUIElements = 3'

LocalCharset This is the ISO name of the character set you're using on your computer. The default iso-8859-1 (Latin-1) works for Western Europe and English speaking countries. Polish and Russian users probably have to adjust this option.

Example: 'LocalCharset = iso-8859-2'

StackSize Sets the stack size for programs which are launched from YAM (e.g. MIME viewers and PGP).

Example: 'StackSize = 40000'

OverrideFromAddress Setting this option to "Y" will add a recipient string object below the identity chooser in the write window. The contents default to the chosen identity's address but can be modified freely. This makes it possible to use a different From: address than the one configured in the identity while still using all other settings like the SMTP server.


Getting Started


Advanced use of YAM



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