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A categorized collection of awesome opensource unity3d repos


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A categorized collection of awesome opensource unity3d repos (including with some projects that related to game development)


  • UnityTiled - Editor tools for working with Tiled maps in Unity.
  • Unity2D-Components - A constantly evolving array of Unity C# components for 2D games, including classes for pixel art cameras, events & messaging, saving & loading game data, collision handlers, object pools, and more.
  • 2DTileMapLevelEditor - 2D Tile Map Level Editor for Unity


  • Unity Movement AI - A library of common movement AI scripts known as Steering Behaviors. You can use these scripts to help your NPCs move around your game.
  • Crystal AI - A Utility AI for C# and Unity
  • EpPathFinding.cs - A jump point search algorithm for grid based games in C#
  • EpPathFinding3D.cs - A 3D jump point search algorithm for cube based games in C#
  • goap - Goal Oriented Action Planning AI in Unity
  • UnitySteer - Steering, obstacle avoidance and path following behaviors for the Unity Game Engine
  • A Star Pathfinding for Unity - A Star Pathfinder, 3 axis, multithreaded for Unity
  • openpath - Open source pathfinding for Unity
  • unity-path-finding - Shortest path finding with Dijkstra's algorithm for Unity.


  • Unity Pixel Camera - A resolution independent pixel perfect camera for Unity
  • DeadSimple Pixel-Perfect Camera - An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes in Unity. Punch in a few specs and you've got a working pixel perfect camera. It's that easy.

Character Controllers 2D

  • Unity 2D Platformer Controller - A customizable 2D platformer motor that handles mechanics such as double jumps, wall jumps, and corner grabs. Includes a player controlled prefab that can be dropped into any scene for immediate support.
  • CharacterController2D - is similar to the built-in Unity CharacterController component. It has a similar API (mainly a move method that takes a delta movement) and provides a firm base with which to make a super solid controller using Unity's 2D system.
  • Unity 2D Platformer Controller - A customizable 2D platformer motor that handles mechanics such as double jumps, wall jumps, and corner grabs. Includes a player controlled prefab that can be dropped into any scene for immediate support.

Character Controllers 3D




  • Time Of Day System Free - With this package you can create Basic Day/Night cycle, also it includes a system of curves and gradients to control the parameters of the lighting, sky, moon, stars, fog, etc.
  • Unity 5 Effects - Effect storage space for Unity 5.
  • Outline-Effect - Outline Image Effect for Unity
  • unity-frosted-glass - frosted glass material made in unity
  • unity-delaunay - A Delaunay/Voronoi library for Unity, and a simple destruction effect
  • SSMS - Screen space multiple scattering for Unity
  • KinoGlitch - Video glitch effects for Unity
  • Temporal - Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing for Unity 5.0+
  • SMAA - A highly customizable implementation of Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing for Unity
  • Typogenic - Signed-distance field text rendering for Unity



  • InputManager - Custom InputManager for Unity
  • InControl - An input manager for Unity that tames the cross-platform controller beast.
  • InputBinder - Easily bind input events to methods in Unity.
  • TouchKit - Gestures and input handling made sane for Unity
  • TouchScript (Recommend) - Complete multitouch solution for Unity: Win8, TUIO, Mobile.


  • Aura - Volumetric Lighting for Unity
  • Simple Light Probe Placer - it is simple tool for Unity3d and it help you easily place Light Probes in your scene


  • slua (Recommend) - Fastest lua binding via static code generating for Unity3D and mono.
  • xLua (Recommend) - xLua is a hot-fix solution plugin for Unity3D, it supports android, ios, windows, osx, etc.
  • UniLua - A pure C# implementation of Lua 5.2 focus on compatibility with Unity3D.
  • MoonSharp - An interpreter for the Lua language, written entirely in C# for the .NET, Mono, Xamarin and Unity3D platforms, including handy remote debugger facilities


  • unity3d-levelup - Unity3D F2P game progression library - worlds, levels, missions, scores, records and more. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for game design, economy modeling and faster development.
  • unity3d-store - Unity in-app purchase & virtual economy library. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for game design, economy modeling and faster development.
  • Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin - Official Unity Plugin for the Google Mobile Ads SDK


  • UnitySocketIO - client for unity3d.
  • websocket-sharp - A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server
  • Hazel-Networking - A low level networking library for C# providing connection orientated, message based communication via TCP, UDP and RUDP.
  • MassiveNet - Unity3d UDP networking library focused on high-CCU, multi-server architecture.
  • unet-hlapi-manager - The simple network manager based on Unity's NetworkManager without players, scenes stuffs focus on network messages callback handles. Intenly made for multiple server purposes
  • Nakama - An open-source distributed social and realtime server for games and apps by Heroic Labs. It includes a large set of services for users, data storage, and realtime client/server communication; as well as specialized APIs like realtime multiplayer, groups/guilds, and chat.
  • Barebones Master Server - Master Server framework for Unity
  • Forge Networking Remastered - In short, Forge Networking is a free and open source multiplayer game (multi-user) networking system that has a very good integration with the Unity game engine. You wanna make a multiplayer game or real time multi-user application? This is the library for you.
  • Facepunch.Steamworks - Another fucking c# Steamworks implementation
  • MagicOnion - gRPC based HTTP/2 RPC Streaming Framework for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.
  • LiteNetLib - Lite reliable UDP library for Mono and .NET
  • LiteNetLibManager - Higher level implementation for LiteNetLib
  • UNet-Controller - A CharacterController based controller for Unity's new Networking system
  • Steamworks.NET - Steamworks wrapper for Unity / C#
  • UnityHTTP - A TcpClient-based HTTP library for Unity
  • SocketIoClientDotNet - Socket.IO Client Library for .Net


  • BulletSharpUnity3d - A fork of the BulletSharp project to make the Bullet Physics Engine usable from C# code in Unity3d


  • Reign Unity Plugin - This Reign API is a cross-platform, unified API for the Unity game engine.
  • unity-webview - A plugin for Unity 5 that overlays WebView components on Unity view. It works on Android, iOS, Unity Web Player, and OS X (Windows is not supported for now).
  • google-analytics-plugin-for-unity - Google Analytics plugin for the Unity game creation system

Procedural Generation Systems

Pooling System

  • Unity-QuickPool - Simple pooling toolkit for Unity game engine
  • RecyclerKit - Object pool manager for Unity
  • ObjectPool - Instead of creating and destroying new objects all the time, this script reduces garbage by pooling instances, allowing you to seemingly create hundreds of new objects while only actually using a recycled few.


  • protobuf-net - Protocol Buffers library for idiomatic .NET




  • HologramShader - Hologram Shader and Material Editor for Unity
  • ShaderlabVS - ShaderlabVS is a Visual Studio plugin for Unity Shaderlab programming
  • Kamakura Shaders - Kamakura Shaders is a collection of shaders and components focusing on Non-Photorealistic Rendering for Unity with a bunch of features and adjustable parameters in a user-friendly interface.
  • ShaderProject - A container for all sorts of handy shaders.


  • usfxr - a C# library used to generate and play game-like procedural audio effects inside Unity. With usfxr, one can easily design and synthesize original sound in real time for actions such as item pickups, jumps, lasers, hits, explosions, and more, without ever leaving the Unity editor.
  • Unity-Beat-Detection - Musical beat detection and audio spectrum analysis for use with the Unity game engine.
  • LibNoise.Unity - Coherent noise library for Unity, a port of LibNoise
  • Reaktion - Audio reactive animation toolkit for Unity


  • DOTween (Recommend) - A Unity C# animation engine. HOTween v2
  • LeanTween - LeanTween is an efficient animation engine for Unity
  • GoKit - Lightweight tween library for Unity



  • LINQ to GameObject - Traverse GameObject Hierarchy by LINQ
  • Moments - A quick GIF replay recorder for Unity
  • FrameCapture - A simple frame-by-frame capture tool for Unity to record perfectly smooth, supersampled replays or cinematics.
  • UniGif - GIF image decoder for Unity.
  • unityassets - Assorted assets previously on sale on the Unity Asset Store, now free on github.
  • UnityToolbag - Variety of Unity scripts and tools.
  • C-Sharp-Promise - Promises library for C# for management of asynchronous operations.
  • 3DMath - Unity C# 3D Math methods library.
  • Projeny - A project and package manager for Unity.
  • Unity Size Explorer - Visualize how much space each asset in your Unity game takes and quickly optimize your game's file size.
  • Spine Runtimes - Collection of Spine runtimes including with Unity3d version.
  • UnityStudio - Unity Studio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets from Unity games and apps.
  • InGameReplay - Allow you to record the transform of any objects to replay it
  • UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity
  • UnityMainThreadDispatcher - A simple, thread-safe way of executing actions (Such as UI manipulations) on the Unity Main Thread
  • NuGetForUnity - A NuGet Package Manager for Unity
  • UnityPSDLayoutTool - A tool used to import a Photoshop Documents (.psd files) into the Unity Game Engine.
  • Rant - Robust text engine for procedural generation and postprocessing
  • E7Unity - Common Unity resources
  • DragonBonesCSharp - DragonBones C# Runtime
  • mmd-for-unity - MikuMikuDance for Unity
  • Unity.Library.eppz - Collection of libraries for Unity



A categorized collection of awesome opensource unity3d repos







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