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gyurco edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

What is an ARC file?

This is a file that contains additional information to relate the core RBF file with the core ROM file. It also has configuration information for the core and it can contain DIP switch definitions.


The order of the elements is important.

Element Compulsory Meaning
[ARC] Yes Header
RBF Yes Name in capital letters of the RBF file without the extension
NAME Yes Name of the .ROM file to load in capital letters, without the extension
MOD Yes Configuration byte for the core. It can be hex if 0x is used
DEFAULT No Default value for the status word if DIP; is used in the config string
DIR No Default directory to open files. If not specified, NAME is used.
CONF No Config string. One entry per line.

The bit 0 of the status word cannot be defined as it used for reset. Names for rom and rbf files should be shorter than 8 letters.

Full Example

Note that the config string in the core needs to have "DIP;" defined in it in order to get the CONF lines parsed.

CONF="O8,Test mode,On,Off"
CONF="O9,Flip Screen,On,Off"
CONF="OCD,Coin B,4/1,2/1,3/1,1/1"
CONF="OEF,Coin A,2/4,1/2,1/3,1/1"
CONF="OG,Continue play,Off,On"
CONF="OJ,Demo Sounds,Off,On"
CONF="OK,Allow Continue,No,Yes"
CONF="OLN,Bonus Life,None,30k/60k,30k/80k,20k/60k,40k/10k0,20k/70k,30k/70k,20k/50k"

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