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Data api statistics getprovider

Taku AMANO edited this page Aug 28, 2013 · 1 revision

Statistics: getProvider

Retrieve a current effective provider.

Authorization is required.


HTTP Request

This method accepts GET only.

GET https://your-host/your-mt-api.cgi/v1/sites/{blog_id}/stats/provider


Method Parameters

Parameter Type Description
blog_id unsigned integer The blog ID.

Query Parameters

Not available.

Request Body

Do not supply a request body.


Parameter Type Description
id string If any provider has been set up, this value is the ID of that provider. If any provider has not been set up yet, this value is null.

Status Code

Code Description
200 no error


GET /mt-api.cgi/v1/sites/1/stats/provider

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-length: ...
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