A small TypeScript library that lets you evaluate code in a sandboxed environment everywhere with TryItOnline.
Before getting to the examples, please note that tio.js
supports a wide variety of programming languages. These programming languages contain their own IDs that can be used in customizing the programming language to use.
For example javascript-node
is for running JavaScript in a Node.js runtime, python3
is for running in a Python 3 environment, etc.
In code, these can be retrieved programmatically by using:
// => ['05ab1e', '1l-a', '1l-aoi', '2dfuck', ...]
Therefore, here are the full list of supported programming languages alongside with their IDs in alphabetical order for your convenience.
Practical programming languages (260)
Esoteric programming languages (421)
Name | ID |
4 | 4 |
7 | 7 |
33 | 33 |
99 | 99 |
05AB1E (legacy) | 05ab1e |
1L_a | 1l-a |
1L_AOI | 1l-aoi |
2DFuck | 2dfuck |
2L | 2l |
2sable | 2sable |
3var | 3var |
a-gram | a-gram |
A Pear Tree | a-pear-tree |
Acc!! | accbb |
Aceto | aceto |
Actually | actually |
Adapt | adapt |
Add++ | addpp |
ADJUST | adjust |
Agony | agony |
Ahead | ahead |
Aheui (esotope) | aheui |
Alchemist | alchemist |
Alice | alice |
Alice & Bob | alice-bob |
AlphaBeta | alphabeta |
Alphabetti spaghetti | alphabetti-spaghetti |
Alphuck | alphuck |
Alumin | alumin |
The Amnesiac From Minsk | amnesiac-from-minsk |
Ante | ante |
anyfix | anyfix |
ARBLE | arble |
Archway | archway |
Archway2 | archway2 |
Arcyóu | arcyou |
ArnoldC | arnoldc |
AsciiDots | asciidots |
Aubergine | aubergine |
axo | axo |
Backhand | backhand |
Bitwise Cyclic Tag But Way Worse | bctbww |
Bitwise Cyclic Tag But Way Worse 2.0 | bctbww2 |
Beam | beam |
Bean | bean |
Beatnik | beatnik |
Beeswax | beeswax |
Befunge-93 | befunge |
Befunge-93 (FBBI) | befunge-93-fbbi |
Befunge-93 (MTFI) | befunge-93-mtfi |
Befunge-93 (PyFunge) | befunge-93-pyfunge |
Befunge-96 (MTFI) | befunge-96-mtfi |
Befunge-97 (MTFI) | befunge-97-mtfi |
Befunge-98 (FBBI) | befunge-98 |
Befunge-98 (PyFunge) | befunge-98-pyfunge |
Bit | bit |
BitBitJump | bitbitjump |
bitch | bitch |
bitch (bit-h) | bitch-bith |
bitch (shifty) | bitch-shifty |
BitChanger | bitchanger |
BitCycle | bitcycle |
Bitwise | bitwise |
Black (blak) | blak |
Binary Lambda Calculus | blc |
Boolfuck | boolfuck |
Bot Engine | bot-engine |
Brachylog v1 | brachylog |
Brachylog | brachylog2 |
Braille | braille |
Brain-Flak | brain-flak |
Brainbash | brainbash |
brainbool | brainbool |
BrainFlump | brainflump |
brainfuck | brainfuck |
Braingolf | braingolf |
Brain-Flak (BrainHack) | brainhack |
Brainlove | brainlove |
BrainSpace | brainspace |
Brian & Chuck | brian-chuck |
Broccoli | broccoli |
Bubblegum | bubblegum |
Burlesque | burlesque |
BuzzFizz | buzzfizz |
Bitwise Fuckery | bwfuckery |
Canvas | canvas |
Cardinal | cardinal |
Carol & Dave | carol-dave |
Carrot | carrot |
Cascade | cascade |
Catholicon | catholicon |
Cauliflower | cauliflower |
Ceres | ceres |
Chain | chain |
Chef | chef |
Changeling | changeling |
Charcoal | charcoal |
Check | check |
Chip | chip |
Cinnamon Gum | cinnamon-gum |
CJam | cjam |
Clam | clam |
,,, | commata |
Commentator | commentator |
Commercial | commercial |
Condit | condit |
Convex | convex |
Cood | cood |
Corea | corea |
COW | cow |
cQuents | cquents |
Crayon | crayon |
CSL | csl |
Cubically | cubically |
Cubix | cubix |
Curlyfrick | curlyfrick |
Cy | cy |
D2 | d2 |
Deadfish~ | deadfish- |
Decimal | decimal |
Del|m|t | delimit |
Deorst | deorst |
Dirty | dirty |
Detour | detour |
DOBELA | dobela |
DOBELA (dobcon) | dobela-dobcon |
Dodos | dodos |
Dreaderef | dreaderef |
Drive-In Window | drive-in-window |
DStack | dstack |
eacal | eacal |
!@#$%^&*()_+ | ecndpcaalrlp |
Element | element |
ELVM-IR | elvm-ir |
Emmental | emmental |
Emoji | emoji |
Emoji-gramming | emoji-gramming |
Emojicode 0.5 | emojicode |
Emojicode | emojicode6 |
EmojiCoder | emojicoder |
emotifuck | emotifuck |
Emotinomicon | emotinomicon |
(()) | empty-nest |
Enlist | enlist |
ESOPUNK | esopunk |
ETA | eta |
evil | evil |
Explode | explode |
Extended Brainfuck Type I | extended-brainfuck-type-i |
ExtraC | extrac |
face | face |
FALSE | false |
FerNANDo | fernando |
FEU | feu |
FIM++ | fimpp |
><> | fish |
Fission | fission |
Fission 2 | fission2 |
Flipbit | flipbit |
Floater | floater |
Flobnar | flobnar |
Foam | foam |
Foo | foo |
Forget | forget |
Forked | forked |
Forte | forte |
Fourier | fourier |
FRACTRAN | fractran |
Fueue | fueue |
Funciton | funciton |
Functoid | functoid |
Fynyl | fynyl |
Gaia | gaia |
Gaot++ | gaotpp |
Geo | geo |
Glypho | glypho |
Glypho (shorthand) | glypho-shorthand |
Gol><> | golfish |
GolfScript | golfscript |
Grass | grass |
Grime | grime |
GS2 | gs2 |
hASM | hasm |
Haystack | haystack |
Half-Broken Car in Heavy Traffic | hbcht |
Hyper-Dimensional Brainfuck | hdbf |
Hexagony | hexagony |
Hodor | hodor |
Homespring | homespring |
Hexadecimal Stacking Pseudo-Assembly Language | hspal |
Husk | husk |
I | i |
iag | iag |
Incident | incident |
INTERCAL | intercal |
JAEL | jael |
J-uby | j-uby |
Japt | japt |
Jelly | jelly |
Jellyfish | jellyfish |
kavod | kavod |
Keg | keg |
Kipple (cipple) | kipple-cipple |
Klein | klein |
krrp | krrp |
l33t | l33t |
Labyrinth | labyrinth |
Lean Mean Bean Machine | lmbm |
LNUSP | lnusp |
Locksmith | locksmith |
Logicode | logicode |
LOLCODE | lolcode |
Lost | lost |
LOWER | lower |
Ly | ly |
M | m |
MachineCode | machinecode |
Malbolge | malbolge |
Malbolge Unshackled | malbolge-unshackled |
MarioLANG | mariolang |
Mascarpone | mascarpone |
MathGolf | mathgolf |
MATL | matl |
Maverick | maverick |
MaybeLater | maybelater |
Memory GAP | memory-gap |
MiLambda | milambda |
Milky Way | milky-way |
MineFriff | minefriff |
Minimal-2D | minimal-2d |
miniML | miniml |
Minkolang | minkolang |
Mirror | mirror |
Momema | momema |
Monkeys | monkeys |
Moorhens | moorhens |
Mornington Crescent | mornington-crescent |
µ6 | mu6 |
Muriel | muriel |
MY | my |
nameless language | nameless |
Nandy | nandy |
Nikud | nikud |
Neim | neim |
Neutrino | neutrino |
Nhohnhehr | nhohnhehr |
No | no |
Noether | noether |
NotQuiteThere | nqt |
NTFJ (NTFJC) | ntfjc |
Numberwang | numberwang |
Oasis | oasis |
ObCode | obcode |
Ohm | ohm |
Ohm v2 | ohm2 |
OML | oml |
oOo CODE | ooocode |
Oration | oration |
ORK | ork |
Orst | orst |
05AB1E | osabie |
Pain-Flak | pain-flak |
Paradoc | paradoc |
Parenthesis Hell | parenthesis-hell |
Parenthetic | parenthetic |
PATH | path |
pbrain | pbrain |
Phooey | phooey |
Piet | piet |
PingPong | pingpong |
Pip | pip |
Pixiedust | pixiedust |
pl | pl |
PostL | postl |
Prelude | prelude |
Premier | premier |
Preproc | preproc |
Purple | purple |
Pushy | pushy |
Puzzlang | puzzlang |
Pyke | pyke |
Pylons | pylons |
PynTree | pyn-tree |
Pyon | pyon |
Pyramid Scheme | pyramid-scheme |
Pyret | pyret |
Pyt | pyt |
Pyth | pyth |
??? | qqq |
QuadR | quadr |
Quadrefunge-97 (MTFI) | quadrefunge-97-mtfi |
QuadS | quads |
Quarterstaff | quarterstaff |
Quintefunge-97 (MTFI) | quintefunge-97-mtfi |
Rail | rail |
Random Brainfuck | random-brainfuck |
Re:direction | re-direction |
Recursiva | recursiva |
Reng | reng |
ReRegex | reregex |
res | res |
ResPlicate | resplicate |
Reticular | reticular |
Retina 0.8.2 | retina |
Retina | retina1 |
RETURN | return |
Rockstar | rockstar |
ROOP | roop |
Ropy | ropy |
Rotor | rotor |
RProgN | rprogn |
RProgN 2 | rprogn-2 |
Runic Enchantments | runic |
Rutger | rutger |
Sad-Flak | sad-flak |
Sakura | sakura |
Symbolic Brainfuck | sbf |
Seed | seed |
Septefunge-97 (MTFI) | septefunge-97-mtfi |
Seriously | seriously |
Sesos | sesos |
Set | set |
Sexefunge-97 (MTFI) | sexefunge-97-mtfi |
ShapeScript | shapescript |
shortC | shortc |
Shove | shove |
;#+ | shp |
Shtriped | shtriped |
S.I.L.O.S | silos |
Silberjoder | silberjoder |
Simplefunge | simplefunge |
Implicit | simplestack |
Simplex | simplex |
Sisi | sisi |
/// | slashes |
Self-modifying Brainfuck | smbf |
smol | smol |
Snails | snails |
Snowman | snowman |
SNUSP (Modular) | snusp |
SNUSP (Bloated) | snusp-bloated |
SNUSP (Snuspi) | snuspi |
Somme | somme |
Spaced | spaced |
Shakespeare Programming Language | spl |
Spoon | spoon |
Stack Cats | stackcats |
*><> | starfish |
Starry | starry |
Stax | stax |
Stencil | stencil |
Stones | stones |
str | str |
Straw | straw |
Subskin | subskin |
Sumerian | sumerian |
SuperMarioLang | supermariolang |
Super Stack! | superstack |
Surface | surface |
Swap | swap |
Syms | syms |
Symbolic Python | symbolic-python |
TacO | taco |
Tampio (functional) | tampio |
Tampio (imperative) | tampioi |
Tamsin | tamsin |
TapeBagel | tapebagel |
Taxi | taxi |
Templates Considered Harmful | templates |
Thing | thing |
Threead | threead |
Thue | thue |
Thutu | thutu |
Tidy | tidy |
TinCan | tincan |
tinyBF | tinybf |
tinylisp | tinylisp |
Tir | tir |
TIS | tis |
Toi | toi |
Turing Machine But Way Worse | tmbww |
TRANSCRIPT | transcript |
Trefunge-97 (MTFI) | trefunge-97-mtfi |
Trefunge-98 (PyFunge) | trefunge-98-pyfunge |
Triangular | triangular |
Triangularity | triangularity |
Trigger | trigger |
Triple Threat | triple-threat |
TrumpScript | trumpscript |
Turtlèd | turtled |
Underload | underload |
Unefunge-97 (MTFI) | unefunge-97-mtfi |
Unefunge-98 (PyFunge) | unefunge-98-pyfunge |
Unicat | unicat |
Unlambda | unlambda |
Uno | uno |
Unreadable | unreadable |
V (vim) | v |
V (FMota) | v-fmota |
VAR | var |
Verbosity | verbosity |
Verbosity v2 | verbosity2 |
Versert | versert |
Vitsy | vitsy |
The Waterfall Model | waterfall |
Whirl | whirl |
Whispers v1 | whispers |
Whispers v2 | whispers2 |
Whitespace | whitespace |
Width | width |
Wierd (John's) | wierd |
Wise | wise |
Woefully | woefully |
wsf | wsf |
Wumpus | wumpus |
W.Y.A.L.H.E.I.N. | wyalhein |
xEec | xeec |
xeraph | xeraph |
YABALL | yaball |
yup | yup |
Z80Golf | z80golf |
In your code:
import tio from 'tio.js'
Evaluating a code
const response = await tio('console.log("Hello, World!");')
// =>
// {
// output: 'Hello, World!\n',
// timedOut: false,
// realTime: 0.069,
// userTime: 0.069,
// sysTime: 0.069,
// CPUshare: 99.99,
// exitCode: 0
// }
Evaluating a code from another programming language
let response = await tio('print("Hello, World!")', {
language: 'python3'
// =>
// {
// output: 'Hello, World!\n',
// timedOut: false,
// realTime: 0.069,
// userTime: 0.069,
// sysTime: 0.069,
// CPUshare: 99.99,
// exitCode: 0
// }
// tio.js uses 'javascript-node' by default.
tio.defaultLanguage = 'python3'
response = await tio('print("Hello, World!")')
// =>
// {
// output: 'Hello, World!\n',
// timedOut: false,
// realTime: 0.069,
// userTime: 0.069,
// sysTime: 0.069,
// CPUshare: 99.99,
// exitCode: 0
// }
Surpressing infinite loops with timeouts
// make the response timeout after 10000 ms (10 seconds).
let response = await tio('for (;;);', {
timeout: 10000
// =>
// {
// output: 'Request timed out after 10000ms',
// timedOut: true,
// realTime: 10,
// userTime: 10,
// sysTime: 10,
// CPUshare: 0,
// exitCode: 0
// }
// tio.js uses Infinity (no timeouts) by default.
tio.defaultTimeout = 10000
response = await tio('for (;;);')
// =>
// {
// output: 'Request timed out after 10000ms',
// timedOut: true,
// realTime: 10,
// userTime: 10,
// sysTime: 10,
// CPUshare: 0,
// exitCode: 0
// }
Passing in extra compiler flags
// this only works in compiled languages. (e.g rust)
const code = `
fn main() {
#[cfg(feature = "something")]
println!("this will be printed");
// compiled as 'rustc code.rs --cfg feature="something"'
let response = await tio(code, {
language: 'rust',
cflags: ['--cfg', 'feature="something"']
// =>
// {
// output: 'this will be printed\n',
// timedOut: false,
// realTime: 0.069,
// userTime: 0.069,
// sysTime: 0.069,
// CPUshare: 99.99,
// exitCode: 0
// }
// tio.js uses [] (no extra compiler flags) by default.
tio.defaultCflags = ['--cfg', 'feature="something"']
response = await tio(code, {
language: 'rust'
// =>
// {
// output: 'this will be printed\n',
// timedOut: false,
// realTime: 0.069,
// userTime: 0.069,
// sysTime: 0.069,
// CPUshare: 99.99,
// exitCode: 0
// }
Passing in command-line arguments
let response = await tio('console.log(process.argv.slice(2).join(", "))', {
argv: ['Hello', 'World!']
// =>
// {
// output: 'Hello, World!\n',
// timedOut: false,
// realTime: 0.069,
// userTime: 0.069,
// sysTime: 0.069,
// CPUshare: 99.99,
// exitCode: 0
// }
// tio.js uses [] (no command-line arguments) by default.
tio.defaultArgv = ['Hello', 'World!']
response = await tio('console.log(process.argv.slice(2).join(", "))')
// =>
// {
// output: 'Hello, World!\n',
// timedOut: false,
// realTime: 0.069,
// userTime: 0.069,
// sysTime: 0.069,
// CPUshare: 99.99,
// exitCode: 0
// }
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