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Roger Wang edited this page Jul 15, 2013 · 26 revisions

Since v0.3.1


// Load native UI library
var gui = require('nw.gui');

// Print arguments

// Quit current app



Get the command line arguments when starting the app.


Get all the command line arguments when starting the app. Because node-webkit itself used switches like --no-sandbox and --process-per-tab, it would confuse the app when the switches were meant to be given to node-webkit, so App.argv just filtered such switches (arguments' precedence were kept). You can get the switches to be filtered with App.filteredArgv.


since v0.6.1

Get the application's data path in user's directory. Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%/<name>; Linux: ~/.config/<name>; OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/<name> where <name> is the field in the manifest.


Since v0.6.0

Clear the HTTP cache in memory and the one on disk. This method call is synchronized.


since v0.3.2

Send the close event to all windows of current app, if no window is blocking the close event, then the app will quit after all windows have done shutdown. Use this method to quit an app will give windows a chance to save data.


since v0.6.3

Query the proxy to be used for loading url in DOM. The return value is in the same format used in PAC (e.g. "DIRECT", "PROXY localhost:8080").


Quit current app. This method will not send close event to windows and app will just quit quietly.


Following events can be listened by using App.on() function, for more information on how to receive events, you can visit EventEmitter.


Since v0.3.2

Emitted when users opened a file with your app. For more on this, see Handling files and arguments.

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