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1770 lines (1241 loc) · 71.5 KB

Change Log

All notables changes to this project are documented in this file.

The format is inspired by Keep a Changelog.

20.6.2 (2020-05-27)

Bug Fixes

  • go/staking: Relax account identifier sanity check added in 20.6.1 (#2945)

    Version 20.6.1 introduced an additional sanity check for account identifier validity, but this actually breaks some existing deployments. This revert makes the checks consistent with 20.6 behavior.

20.6.1 (2020-05-22)


  • consensus: Add GetStatus method to API (#2902)

    A new GetStatus method has been added to the consensus API. It returns useful information about the latest block, the genesis block, and the node itself.

  • control: Add GetStatus method to API (#2902)

    A new GetStatus method has been added to the control API. It returns the software version and the status of the consensus layer.

Bug Fixes

  • staking: Emit events when disbursing fees and rewards (#2909)

    Staking events are now generated when disbursing fees and rewards. There are two new special account IDs -- CommonPoolAccountID and FeeAccumulatorAccountID (both defined in go/staking/api/api.go), which are used only in events to signify the common pool and the fee accumulator respectively. These account IDs are invalid by design to prevent misusing them anywhere else.

Internal changes

  • go: update dependencies depending on websocket@v1.4.0 (#2927)

    Due to a vulnerability in websocket@1.4.0: CWE-190.

    Updated libraries:

    • to

    • to

    • replace with v1.4.2

20.6 (2020-05-07)

Removals and Breaking changes

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Use MKVS for storing application state (#1898)

  • oasis-node: Refactor metrics parameters (#2687)

    • --metrics.push.job_name renamed to --metrics.job_name.
    • --metrics.push.interval renamed to --metrics.interval.
    • --metrics.push.instance_label replaced with more general --metrics.labels map parameter where instance is a required key, if metrics are enabled. For example --metrics.push.instance_label abc now becomes --metrics.labels instance=abc. User can also set other arbitrary Prometheus labels, for example --metrics.labels instance=abc,cpu=intel_i7-8750.
  • go/consensus/tendermint: Store consensus parameters in ABCI state (#2710)

  • go: Bump tendermint to v0.33.3-oasis1 (#2834)

    This is breaking as the tendermint block format has changed.

  • go/consensus/genesis: Make max evidence age block and time based (#2834)

    • Rename max_evidence_age -> max_evidence_age_blocks
    • Add max_evidence_age_time (default 48h)

    This is obviously breaking.

  • keymanager-lib: Bind persisted state to the runtime ID (#2843)

    It is likely prudent to bind the persisted master secret to the runtime ID. This change does so by including the key manager runtime ID as the AAD when sealing the master secret.

    This is backward incompatible with all current key manager instances as the existing persisted master secret will not decrypt.

  • go/runtime/enclaverpc: Refactor gRPC endpoint routing (#2844)

    Previously each endpoint required its own gRPC service. But since all EnclaveRPC requests already include an "endpoint" field, it is better to use that for routing requests.

    This commit adds a new enclaverpc.Endpoint interface that is used as an endpoint descriptor. All endpoints must be registered in advance (e.g., during init). It also changes the key manager EnclaveRPC support to use the new API.

  • oasis-net-runner: --net.* flags renamed to --fixture.default.* (#2848)

    For example --net.node.binary mynode/oasis-node becomes --fixture.default.node.binary mynode/oasis-node.

  • go/consensus: Stake weighted voting (#2868)

    That is, validator voting power proportional to entity stake (previously: "flat" all-validators-equal voting power). Radical!

  • go/common/node: Add RoleConsensusRPC role bit (#2881)


  • go/worker/consensusrpc: Add public consensus RPC services worker (#2440)

    A public consensus services worker enables any full consensus node to expose light client services to other nodes that may need them (e.g., they are needed to support light clients).

    The worker can be enabled using --worker.consensusrpc.enabled and is disabled by default. Enabling the public consensus services worker exposes the light consensus client interface over publicly accessible gRPC.

  • go/consensus: Add basic API for supporting light consensus clients (#2440)

  • oasis-node: Add benchmarking utilities (#2687)

    • New Prometheus metrics for:
      • datadir space usage,
      • I/O (read/written bytes),
      • memory usage (VMSize, RssAnon, RssFile, RssShmem),
      • CPU (utime and stime),
      • network interfaces (rx/tx bytes/packets),
    • Bumps prometheus/go_client to latest version which fixes sending label values containing non-url characters.
    • Bumps spf13/viper which fixes IsSet() behavior.
  • Add GetEvents to backends (#2778)

    The new GetEvents call returns all events at a specific height, without having to watch for them using the Watch* methods. It is currently implemented for the registry, roothash, and staking backends.

  • go/keymanager/api: Add a gRPC endpoint for status queries (#2843)

    Mostly so that the test cases can query statuses.

  • go/oasis-test-runner/oasis: Add a keymanager replication test (#2843)

  • oasis-net-runner: Add support for fixtures in JSON file (#2848)

    New flag --fixture.file allows user to load default fixture from JSON file. In addition dump-fixture command dumps configured JSON-encoded fixture to standard output which can serve as a template.

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Expose new config options added in Tendermint 0.33 (#2855)

    Tendermint 0.33 added the concept of unconditional P2P peers. Support for setting the unconditional peers via tendermint.p2p.unconditional_peer_ids configuration flag is added. On sentry node, upstream nodes will automatically be set as unconditional peers.

    Tendermint 0.33 added support for setting maximum re-dial period when dialing persistent peers. This adds support for setting the period via tendermint.p2p.persistent_peers_max_dial_period flag.

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Signal RetainHeight on Commit (#2863)

    This allows Tendermint Core to discard data for any heights that were pruned from application state.

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Bump Tendermint Core to 0.33.4 (#2863)

  • go/consensus/tendermint: sync-worker additionally check block timestamps (#2873)

    Sync-worker relied on Tendermint fast-sync to determine if the node is still catching up. This PR adds aditional condition that the latest block is not older than 1 minute. This prevents cases where node would report as caught up after stopping fast-sync, but before it has actually caught up.

  • go/consensus: Add GetGenesisDocument (#2889)

    The consensus client now has a new method to return the original genesis document.

  • go/staking: Add event hashes (#2889)

    Staking events now have a new TxHash field, which contains the hash of the transaction that caused the event (or the empty hash in case of block events).

Bug Fixes

  • go: Extract and generalize registry's staking sanity checks (#2748)

    Augment the checks to check if an entity has enough stake for all stake claims in the Genesis document to prevent panics at oasis-node start-up due to entities not having enough stake in the escrow to satisfy all their stake claims.

  • go/oasis-node/cmd/ias: Fix WatchRuntimes retry (#2832)

    Previously the IAS proxy could incorrectly panic during shutdown when the context was cancelled.

  • go/worker/keymanager: Add an enclave rpc handler (#2843)

  • go/worker/keymanager: Actually allow replication to maybe work (#2843)

    Access control forbidding replication may be more secure, but is not all that useful.

  • go/keymanager/client: Support km->km connections (#2843)

  • go/common/crypto/mrae/deoxysii: Use SHA512/256 for the KDF (#2853)

    Following 73aacaa73d7116a6be0443e70f2d10d0c7a4b76e, this should also use the correct hash algorithm for the KDF.

  • go/extra/stats: fix & simplify node-entity mapping (#2856)

    Instead of separately querying for entities and nodes, we can get Entity IDs from nodes directly.

    This change also fixes a case that previous variant missed: node that was removed from entity list of nodes, but has not yet expired.

  • go/extra/stats: fix heights at which missing nodes should be queried (#2858)

    If a missing signature is encountered, the registry should be queried at previous height, since that is the height at which the vote was made.

  • client/rpc: Change session identifier on reset (#2872)

    Previously the EnclaveRPC client did not change the session identifier on reset, resulting in unnecessary round-trips during a transport error. The EnclaveRPC client now changes the session identifier whenever resetting the session.

  • go/worker/storage: Correctly apply genesis storage state (#2874)

    Previously genesis storage state was only applied at consensus genesis which did not support dynamically registered runtimes. Now genesis state is correctly applied when the storage node initializes for the first time (e.g., when it sees the registered runtime).

    This also removes the now unused RegisterGenesisHook method from the consensus backend API.

  • worker/registration: use WatchLatestEpoch when watching for registrations (#2876)

    By using WatchLatestEpoch the worker will always try to register for latest known epoch, which should prevent cases where registration worker fell behind and was trying to register for past epochs.

  • go/runtime/client: Actually store the created key manager client (#2885)

  • go/runtime/committee: Restore previously picked node in RR selection (#2885)

    Previously the round-robin node selection policy would randomize the order on every update ignoring the currently picked node. This would cause the current node to flip on each update causing problems with EnclaveRPC which is stateful.

    The fix makes the round-robin node selection policy attempt to restore the currently picked node on each update. This means that in case the node is still in the node list, it will not change.

  • go/scheduler: Increase tokens per voting power (#2892)

    We'll need this to fit under tendermint's maximum total voting power limit.

Documentation improvements

  • Refactor documentation, add architecture overview (#2791)

Internal changes

  • oasis-test-runner: Add benchmarking utilities (#2687)

    • oasis-test-runner now accepts --metrics.address and --metrics.interval parameters which are forwarded to oasis-node workers.
    • oasis-test-runner now signals oasis_up metric to Prometheus when a test starts and when it finishes.
    • --num_runs parameter added which specifies how many times each test should be run.
    • basic E2E test was renamed to runtime.
    • Scenario names now use corresponding namespace. e.g. halt-restore is now e2e/runtime/halt-restore.
    • Scenario parameters are now exposed and settable via CLI by reimplementing scenario.Parameters() and setting it with --<test_name>.<param>=<val>.
    • Scenario parameters can also be generally set, for example --e2e.node.binary will set node.binary parameter for all E2E tests and --e2e/runtime.node.binary will set it for tests which inherit runtime.
    • Multiple parameter values can be provided in form --<test_name>.<param>=<val1>,<val2>,.... In this case, oasis-test-runner combines them with other parameters and generates unique parameter sets for each test.
    • Each scenario is run in a unique datadir per parameter set of form oasis-test-runnerXXXXXX/<test_name>/<run_id>.
    • Due to very long datadir for some e2e tests, custom internal gRPC socket names are provided to oasis-node.
    • If metrics are enabled, new labels are passed to oasis-nodes and pushed to Prometheus for each test:
      • instance,
      • run,
      • test,
      • software_version,
      • git_branch,
      • whole test-specific parameter set.
    • New version.GitBranch variable determined and set during compilation.
    • Current parameter set, run number, and test name dumped to test_info.json in corresponding datadir. This is useful when packing whole datadir for external debugging.
    • New cmp command for analyzing benchmark results has been added which fetches the last two batches of benchmark results from Prometheus and compares them. For more information, see in go/oasis-test-runner folder.
  • ci: New benchmarks pipeline has been added (#2687)

    benchmarks.pipeline.yml runs all E2E tests and compares the benchmark results from the previous batch using the new oasis-test-runner cmp command.

  • oasis-node: Add custom internal socket path flag (for E2E tests only!) (#2687)

    --debug.grpc.internal.socket_name flag was added which forces oasis-node to use the given path for the internal gRPC socket. This was necessary, because some E2E test names became very lengthy and original datadir exceeded the maximum unix socket path length. oasis-test-runner now generates shorter socket names in /tmp/oasis-test-runnerXXXXXX directory and provides them to oasis-node. Due to security risks never ever use this flag in production-like environments. Internal gRPC sockets should always reside in node datadir!

  • go/registry/api: Extend NodeLookup and RuntimeLookup interfaces (#2748)

    Define Nodes() and AllRuntimes() methods.

  • go/staking/tests: Add escrow and delegations to debug genesis state (#2767)

    Introduce stakingTestsState that holds the current state of staking tests and enable the staking implementation tests (StakingImplementationTest, StakingClientImplementationTests) to always use this up-to-date state.

  • go/runtime/committee: Don't close gRPC connections on connection refresh (#2826)

  • go: Refactor E2E coverage integration test wrapper (#2832)

    This makes it possible to easily have E2E coverage instrumented binaries for things other than oasis-node.

  • go/oasis-node: Move storage benchmark subcommand under debug (#2832)

  • keymanager-runtime: replace with test/simple-keymanager (#2837)

    Common keymanager initalization code is extracted into the keymanager-lib crate. This enables for the actual key manager implementation to only provide a set of key manager policy signers. Aditionally the keymanager-runtime crate is removed and replaced with a test simple-keymanager runtime that is used in E2E tests.

  • docker: remove docker image build pipelines and cleanup testing image (#2838)

  • go/oasis-test-runner: Generate a new random seed on each run (#2849)

  • go/storage/mkvs/checkpoint: Refactor restorer interface (#2860)

  • go/storage/mkvs/checkpoint: Add common checkpointer implementation (#2860)

    Previously there was a checkpointer implemented in the storage worker but since this may be useful in multiple places, the checkpointer implementation is generalized and moved to the checkpoint package.

  • go/oasis-test-runner: Configure consensus state pruning (#2866)

  • go: Start using new protobuf module location (#2867)

    The previous location has been deprecated.

  • go/common/pubsub: support subscriptions based on bounded ring channels (#2876)

  • go/epochtime: add WatchLatestEpoch method (#2876)

    The method is similar to the existing WatchEpochs method, with the change that unread epochs get overridden with latest epoch.

  • go/common/crypto/hash: Add NewFrom and NewFromBytes functions (#2890)

  • ci: automatically retry jobs due to host agent failures (#2894)

20.5 (2020-04-10)


  • Include oasis-core-runtime-loader and oasis-net-runner in releases (#2780)

Removals and Breaking changes

  • storage: Rename "round" to "version" (#2734)

    Previously the MKVS used the term "round" to mean a monotonically increasing version number. This choice was due to the fact that it was initially used to only store runtime state which has a concept of rounds.

    As we expand its use it makes more sense to generalize this and call it version.

  • go staking: Remove locked accounts (#2753)

    We expect not to need this feature.

  • go/consensus: Introduce gas cost based on tx size (#2761)

  • storage/mkvs: Only nil value should mean deletion (#2775)

    Previously an empty value in the write log signalled that the given entry is a delete operation instead of an insert one. This was incorrect as inserting an empty byte string is allowed. The value is now wrapped in an Option, with None (nil in Go) meaning delete and Some(vec![]) ([]byte{} in Go) meaning insert empty value.

    This change is BREAKING as it changes write log semantics and thus it breaks the runtime worker-host protocol.

  • go/staking: include LastBlockFees in genesis (#2777)

    Previosuly last block fees in the block of the genesis dump were lost. In the case when these fees were non-zero this also caused a missmatch in total token supply. Last block fees are now exported and during initialization of the new chain moved to the common pool.

  • go/staking: Three-way fee split (#2794)

    We should give more to the previous block proposer, which is the block that first ran the transactions that paid the fees in the LastBlockFees. Currently they only get paid as a voter.

    See oasis-core#2794 for a description of the new fee split.

    Instructions for genesis document maintainers:

    1. Rename fee_split_vote to fee_split_weight_vote and fee_split_propose to fee_split_weight_next_propose and add fee_split_weight_propose in .staking.params.


  • node: Add automatic TLS certificate rotation support (#2098)

    It is now possible to automatically rotate the node's TLS certificates every N epochs by passing the command-line flag worker.registration.rotate_certs. Do not use this option on sentry nodes or IAS proxies.

  • go/storage/mkvs: Use Badger to manage versions (#2674)

    By restricting how Prune behaves (it can now only remove the earliest round) we can leverage Badger's managed mode to have it manage versions for us. This avoids the need to track node lifetimes separately.

  • go/common/crypto/signature/signer/composite: Initial import (#2684)

    This adds a composite signer factory that can aggregate multiple signer factories. This could be used (for example), to use multiple signer backends simultaneously, depending on the key role.

    Eg: The P2P link signer could use a local file, while the consensus signer can be backed by a remote HSM.

  • e2e tests: Test debonding entries from genesis (#2747)

    Here's an e2e test scenario that exercises debonding delegation records from the genesis document.

  • Add support for custom runtime dispatchers (#2749)

    This reorganizes the dispatching code to work with a trait rather than a concrete dispatcher object, enabling runtimes to have their own dispatchers.

  • txsource: delegation workload (#2752)

  • txsource: add a runtime workload (#2759)

    The added runtime workload submits simiple-keyvalue runtime requests.

  • go/txsource: add a commission schedule amendments workload (#2766)

    The added workload generated commission schedule amendment requests.

  • go/staking: add LastBlockFees query method (#2769)

    LastBlockFees returns the collected fees for previous block.

  • txsource/queries: workload doing historical queries (#2769)

    Queries workload continuously performs various historic queries using the exposed APIs and makes sure the responses make sense.

  • go/txsource/transfer: inlcude burn transactions in transfer workload (#2773)

  • go/oasis-node/cmd/debug/consim: Initial import (#2784)

    Add the ability to exercise some backends without tendermint, while attempting to preserve some of the semantics.

  • go/runtime/client: expose GetGenesisBlock method in runtime client (#2796)

Bug Fixes

  • staking/state: fix DelegationsFor queries (#2756)

    DelegationFor and DebondingDelegationsFor would stop traversing the state to soon in some cases.

  • staking/api/commission: fix possible panic in validation check (#2763)

    The validation check would panic whenever the number of bound steps was greater than rate_steps + 2.

  • go/storage/mkvs: Don't forget to include siblings in SyncGet proof (#2775)

  • storage/mkvs: Don't try to sync dirty keys (#2775)

  • go/storage/client: Refresh connections when retrying (#2783)

    Previously the storage client did not refresh connections on each retry, so in case a committee change happened while an operation was in progress, all operations continued to use the old connection (which was closed) and thus failed. We now refresh connections on each retry.

  • go/storage/client: Don't treat "no nodes" as a permanent error (#2785)

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Use our notion of latest height (#2786)

    Do not let Tendermint determine the latest height as that completely ignores ABCI processing so it can return a block for which local state does not yet exist.

  • go/runtime/client: use history for GetBlock(latest) (#2795)

    Using history for all GetBlock requests prevents the case where the latest block would already be available but not yet in history, leading to inconsistent results compared to querying by specific block number.

  • go/storage/mkvs: Use cbor.UnmarshalTrusted for internal metadata (#2800)

  • go/consensus: Shorten gas import (#2802)

    Switch to more concise FromUint64.

  • go/consensus/tendermint/apps/staking: Propagate error in initTotalSupply (#2809)

  • go/staking: Use uint16 for limits in CommissionScheduleRules (#2810)

  • go/txsource/queries: Wait for indexed blocks before GetBlockByHash (#2814)

  • go/worker/registration: Fix crash when failing to query sentry addresses (#2825)

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Bump Tendermint Core to 0.32.10 (#2833)

Documentation improvements

  • README: Update Rust-related installation instructions (#2745)

Internal changes

  • Move storage/mkvs/urkel to just storage/mkvs (#2657)

    The MKVS implementation has been changed from the initial "Urkel tree" structure and it is no longer an actual "Urkel tree" so having "urkel" in its name is just confusing.

  • runtime: Add hongfuzz fuzzing targets (#2705)

  • go/staking/api: Add more details to sanity check errors (#2760)

  • Make: Allow running Go unit tests and node tests independently (#2776)

    They can be run using the new test-unit and test-node targets.

  • txsource/workload/queries: Add num last kept versions argument (#2783)

  • go/runtime/client: Use prefetch (GetTransactionMultiple) in QueryTxs (#2783)

    Previously if multiple transactions in the same block were returned as QueryTxs results, each transaction was queried independently, resulting in multiple round trips. Now we use GetTransactionMultiple to prefetch multiple transactions in a single round trip which should improve latency.

  • txsource/queries: increase the odds of querying the latest height (#2787)

  • go/txsource/queries: obtain earliest runtime round from runtime genesis (#2796)

  • go/common/cbor: Add UnmarshalTrusted for trusted inputs (#2800)

    The new method relaxes some decoding restrictions for cases where the inputs are trusted (e.g., because they are known to be generated by the local node itself).

  • oasis-test-runner/txsource: increase number of validators (#2815)

    Increase the number of validators used in txsource tests so that consensus can keep making progress when one of the nodes is restarted.

  • go/consensus/tendermint: support DebugUnsafeReplayRecoverCorruptedWAL (#2815)

    Adds support for setting tendermint DebugUnsafeReplayRecoverCorruptedWAL and enables it in daily txsource test runs.

  • oasis-test-runner/txsource: disable LogAssertNoTimeouts if restarts (#2817)

  • go/extra/stats: Update availability score formula (#2819)

    As per, the availability score formula has changed from "Blocks Signed + 50 x Blocks Proposed" to "Blocks Signed + 50 x Blocks Proposed in Round 0".

  • oasis-test-runner/txsource: disable Merge Discrepancy checker (#2821)

    Timeout due to validator restarting also causes a merge discrepancy. Since timeouts can happen, also disable the Merge discrepancy checker.

  • go/runtime/committee: Introduce close delay when rotating connections (#2822)

    Previously a connection was immediately closed, interrupting any in-flight requests. This introduces a configurable (via WithCloseDelay option) close delay so rotated connections are only closed after some time.

  • go/common/grpc: Remove manual resolver hack (#2822)

    Since gRPC supports the WithResolvers option to specify local resolvers there is no need to use the global resolver registry hack.

  • go/runtime/committee: Don't reset committees when they don't change (#2822)

    Previously each committee election triggered a reset of all connections for that committee. This changes the logic to just bump the committee version in case all the committee members are the same.

  • tests/fixture/txsources: add initial balance for validator-3 (#2830)

20.4 (2020-03-04)

Removals and Breaking changes

  • go/registry: Enable non-genesis runtime registrations by default (#2406)

  • Optionally require a deposit for registering a runtime (#2638)

  • go/staking: Add stateful stake accumulator (#2642)

    Previously there was no central place to account for all the parts that need to claim some part of an entity's stake which required approximations all around.

    This is now changed and a stateful stake accumulator is added to each escrow account. The stake accumulator is used to track stake claims from different apps (currently only the registry).

    This change also means that node registration will now always require the correct amount of stake.

  • go/registry: Add explicit EntityID field to Runtime descriptors (#2642)

  • go/staking: More reward for more signatures (#2647)

    We're adjusting fee distribution and the block proposing staking reward to incentivize proposers to create blocks with more signatures.

  • Send and check expected epoch number during transaction execution (#2650)

    Stress tests revealed some race conditions during transaction execution when there is an epoch transition. Runtime client now sends expectedEpochNumber parameter in SubmitTx call. The transaction scheduler checks whether the expected epoch matches its local one. Additionally, if state transition occurs during transaction execution, Executor and Merge committee correctly abort the transaction.

  • go/staking: Add per-account lockup (#2672)

    With this, we'll be able to set up special accounts in the genesis document where they're not permitted to transfer staking tokens until a the specified epoch time. They can still delegate during that time.

  • Use --stake.shares flag when specifying shares to reclaim from an escrow (#2690)

    Previously, the oasis-node stake account gen_reclaim_escrow subcommand erroneously used the --stake.amount flag for specifying the amount of shares to reclaim from an escrow.


  • Implement node upgrade mechanism (#2607)

    The node now accepts upgrade descriptors which describe the upgrade to carry out.

    The node can shut down at the appropriate epoch and then execute any required migration handlers on the node itself and on the consensus layer.

    Once a descriptor is submitted, the old node can be normally restarted and used until the upgrade epoch is reached; the new binary can not be used at all until the old binary has had a chance to reach the upgrade epoch. Once that is reached, the old binary will refuse to start.

  • go/common/crypto/signature/signers/remote: Add experimental remote signer (#2686)

    This adds an experimental remote signer, reference remote signer implementation, and theoretically allows the node to be ran with a non-file based signer backend.

  • go/extra/stats: Figure out how many blocks entities propose (#2693)

    Cross reference which node proposed each block and report these per-entity as well.

  • go/extra/stats: Availability ranking for next Quest phase (#2699)

    A new availability score will take into account more than the number of block signatures alone.

    This introduces the mechanism to compute a score and print the rankings based on that. This also implements a provisional scoring formula.

  • go/oasis-node/txsource: Add registration workload (#2718)

  • go/oasis-node/txsource: Add parallel workload (#2724)

  • go/scheduler: Validators now returns validators by node ID (#2739)

    The consensus ID isn't all that useful for most external callers, so querying it should just return the validators by node ID instead.

  • go/staking: Add a Delegations() call, and expose it over gRPC (#2740)

    This adds a Delegations() call in the spirit of DebondingDelegations() that returns a map of delegations for a given delegator.

  • go/oasis-node/txsource: Use a special account for funding accounts (#2744)

    Generate and fund a special account that is used for funding accounts during the workload instead of hard-coding funding for fixed addresses.

    Additionally, start using fees and non-zero gas prices in workloads.

Bug Fixes

  • go/storage/client: Retry storage ops on specific errors (#1865)

  • go/tendermint: Unfatalize seed populating nodes from genesis (#2554)

    In some cases we'd prefer to include some nodes in the genesis document even when they're registered with an invalid address.

    This makes the seed node ignore those entries and carry on, while keeping those entries available for the rest of the system.

  • go: Re-enable signature verification disabled for migration (#2615)

    Now that the migration has hopefully been done, re-enable all of the signature verification that was disabled for the sake of allowing for migration.

  • go: Don't scan the whole keyspace in badger's tendermint DB implementation (#2664)

    When we run off the end of a range iteration.

  • runtime: Bump ring to 0.16.11, snow to 0.6.2, Rust to 2020-02-16 (#2666)

  • go/staking/api: Fix genesis sanity check for nonexisting accounts (#2671)

    Detect when a (debonding) delegation is specified for a nonexisting account and report an appropriate error.

  • go/storage/mkvs: Fix iterator bug (#2691)

  • go/storage/mkvs: Fix bug in key.Merge operation with extra bytes (#2698)

  • go/storage/mkvs: Fix removal crash when key is too short (#2698)

  • go/storage/mkvs: Fix node unmarshallers (#2703)

  • go/storage/mkvs: Fix proof verifier (#2703)

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Properly cache consensus parameters (#2708)

  • go/badger: Enable truncate to recover from corrupted value log file (#2732)

    Apparently badger is not at all resilient to crashes unless the truncate option is enabled.

  • go/oasis-net-runner/fixtures: Increase scheduler max batch size to 16 MiB (#2741)

    This change facilitates RPCs to larger, more featureful runtimes.

  • go/common/version: Allow omission of trailing numbers in parSemVerStr() (#2742)

    Go's runtime.Version() function can omit the patch number, so augment parSemVerStr() to handle that.

Internal changes

  • github: Bump GoReleaser to 0.127.0 and switch back to upstream (#2564)

  • github: Add new steps to ci-lint workflow (#2572, #2692, #2717)

    Add Lint git commits, Lint Markdown files, Lint Change Log fragments and Check go mod tidy steps to ci-lint GitHub Actions workflow.

    Remove Lint Git commits step from Buildkite's CI pipeline.

  • ci: Skip some steps for non-code changes (#2573, #2702)

    When one makes a pull request that e.g. only adds documentation or assembles the Change Log from fragments, all the heavy Buildkite pipeline steps (e.g. Go/Rust building, Go tests, E2E tests) should be skipped.

  • go/common/cbor: Bump fxamacker/cbor to v2.2 (#2635)

  • go/storage/mkvs: Fuzz storage proof decoder (#2637)

  • ci: merge coverage files per job (#2644)

  • go/oasis-test-runner: Update multiple-runtimes E2E test (#2650)

    Reduce all group sizes to 1 with no backups, use EpochtimeMock to avoid unexpected blocks, add numComputeWorkers parameter.

  • Replace redundant fields with Consensus accessors (#2650)

    Backend in go/consensus/api contains among others accessors for Beacon, EpochTime, Registry, RootHash, Scheduler, and KeyManager. Use those instead of direct references. The following structs were affected:

    • Node in go/cmd/node,
    • Node in go/common/committee,
    • Worker in go/common,
    • clientCommon in go/runtime/client,
    • Group in go/worker/common/committee.
  • go/storage: Refactor checkpointing interface (#2659)

    Previously the way storage checkpoints were implemented had several drawbacks, namely:

    • Since the checkpoint only streamed key/value pairs this prevented correct tree reconstruction as tree nodes also include a Round field which specifies the round at which a given tree node was created.

    • While old checkpoints were streamed in chunks and thus could be resumed or streamed in parallel from multiple nodes, there was no support for verifying the integrity of a single chunk.

    This change introduces an explicit checkpointing mechanism with a simple file-based backend reference implementation. The same mechanism could also be used in the future with Tendermint's app state sync proposal.

  • changelog: Use Git commit message style for Change Log fragments (#2662)

    For more details, see the description in Change Log fragments.

  • Make: Add lint targets (#2662, #2692)

    Add a general lint target that depends on the following lint targets:

    • lint-go: Lint Go code,
    • lint-git: Lint git commits,
    • lint-md: Lint Markdown files (except Change Log fragments),
    • lint-changelog: Lint Change Log fragments.
  • Add sanity checks for stake accumulator state integrity (#2665)

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Don't use UnsafeSigner (#2670)

  • rust: Update ed25519-dalek and associated dependencies (#2678)

    This change updates ed25519-dalek, rand and x25519-dalek.

  • Bump minimum Go version to 1.13.8 (#2689)

  • go/storage/mkvs: Add overlay tree to support rolling back state (#2691)

  • go/storage/mkvs: Make Tree an interface (#2691)

  • gitlint: Require body length of at least 20 characters (if body exists) (#2692)

  • Make build-fuzz work again, test it on CI (#2695)

  • changelog: Reference multiple issues/pull requests for a single entry (#2697)

    For more details, see the description in Change Log fragments.

  • go/storage/mkvs: Add MKVS fuzzing (#2698)

  • github: Don't trigger ci-reproducibility workflow for pull requests (#2704)

  • go/oasis-test-runner: Improve txsource E2E test (#2709)

    This adds the following general txsource scenario features:

    • Support for multiple parallel workloads.
    • Restart random nodes on specified interval.
    • Ensure consensus liveness for the duration of the test.

    It also adds an oversized txsource workload which submits oversized transactions periodically.

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Expire txes when CheckTx is disabled (#2720)

    When CheckTx is disabled (for debug purposes only, e.g. in E2E tests), we still need to periodically remove old transactions as otherwise the mempool will fill up. Keep track of transactions were added and invalidate them when they expire.

  • runtime: Remove the non-webpki/snow related uses of ring (#2733)

    As much as I like the concept of ring as a library, and the implementation, the SGX support situation is ridiculous, and we should minimize the use of the library for cases where alternatives exist.

20.3 (2020-02-06)

Removals and Breaking changes

  • Add gRPC Sentry Nodes support (#1829)

    This adds gRPC proxying and policy enforcement support to existing sentry nodes, which enables protecting upstream nodes' gRPC endpoints.

    Added/changed flags:

    • worker.sentry.grpc.enabled: enables the gRPC proxy (requires worker.sentry.enabled flag)
    • worker.sentry.grpc.client.port: port on which gRPC proxy is accessible
    • worker.sentry.grpc.client.address: addresses on which gRPC proxy is accessible (needed so protected nodes can query sentries for its addresses)
    • worker.sentry.grpc.upstream.address: address of the protected node
    • worker.sentry.grpc.upstream.cert: public certificate of the upstream grpc endpoint
    • worker.registration.sentry.address renamed back to worker.sentry.address
    • worker.registration.sentry.cert_file renamed back to worker.sentry.cert_file
  • go/common/crypto/tls: Use ed25519 instead of P-256 (#2058)

    This change is breaking as the old certificates are no longer supported, and they must be regenerated. Note that this uses the slower runtime library ed25519 implementation instead of ours due to runtime library limitations.

  • All marshalable enumerations in the code were checked and the default Invalid = 0 value was added, if it didn't exist before (#2546)

    This makes the code less error prone and more secure, because it requires the enum field to be explicitly set, if some meaningful behavior is expected from the corresponding object.

  • go/registry: Add ConsensusParams.MaxNodeExpiration (#2580)

    Node expirations being unbound is likely a bad idea. This adds a consensus parameter that limits the maximum lifespan of a node registration, to a pre-defined number of epochs (default 5).

    Additionally the genesis document sanity checker is now capable of detecting if genesis node descriptors have invalid expirations.

    Note: Existing deployments will need to alter the state dump to configure the maximum node expiration manually before a restore will succeed.

  • go/common/crypto/signature: Use base64-encoded IDs/public keys (#2588)

    Change String() method to return base64-encoded representation of a public key instead of the hex-encoded representation to unify CLI experience when passing/printing IDs/public keys.

  • go/registry: Disallow entity signed node registrations (#2594)

    This feature is mostly useful for testing and should not be used in production, basically ever. Additionally, when provisioning node descriptors, --node.is_self_signed is now the default.

    Note: Breaking if anyone happens to use said feature, but enabling said feature is already feature-gated, so this is unlikely.

  • go/registry: Ensure that node descriptors are signed by all public keys (#2599)

    To ensure that nodes demonstrate proof that they posses the private keys for all public keys contained in their descriptor, node descriptors now must be signed by the node, consensus, p2p and TLS certificate key.

    Note: Node descriptors generated prior to this change are now invalid and will be rejected.

  • Rewards and fees consensus parameters (#2624)

    Previously things like reward "factors" and fee distribution "weights" were hardcoded. But we have pretty good support for managing consensus parameters, so we ought to move them there.

  • Special rewards for block proposer (#2625)

    • a larger portion of the fees
    • an additional reward
  • go/consensus/tendermint: mux offset block height consistently (#2634)

    We've been using blockHeight+1 for getting the epoch time except for on blockHeight=1. The hypothesis in this change is that we don't need that special case.

  • Tendermint P2P configuration parameters (#2646)

    This allows configuring P2P parameters:

    • MaxNumInboundPeers,
    • MaxNumOutboundPeers,
    • SendRate and
    • RecvRate

    through their respective CLI flags:

    • tendermint.p2p.max_num_inbound_peers,
    • tendermint.p2p.max_num_outbound_peers,
    • tendermint.p2p.send_rate, and
    • tendermint.p2p.recv_rate.

    It also increases the default value of MaxNumOutboundPeers from 10 to 20 and moves all P2P parameters under the tendermint.p2p.* namespace.

  • Add oasis-node identity tendermint show-{node,consensus}-address subcommands (#2649)

    The show-node-address subcommmand returns node's public key converted to Tendermint's address format. It replaces the oasis-node debug tendermint show-node-id subcommand.

    The show-consensus-address subcommand returns node's consensus key converted to Tendermint's address format.


  • Refresh node descriptors mid-epoch (#1794)

    Previously node descriptors were only refreshed on an epoch transition which meant that any later updates were ignored until the next epoch. This caused stale RAKs to stay in effect when runtime restarts happened, causing attestation verification to fail.

    Enabling mid-epoch refresh makes nodes stay up to date with committee member node descriptor updates.

  • go/worker/storage: Add configurable limits for storage operations (#1914)

  • Flexible key manager policy signers (#2444)

    The key manager runtime has been split into multiple crates to make its code reusable. It is now possible for others to write their own key managers that use a different set of trusted policy signers.

  • Add oasis-node registry node is-registered subcommand (#2508)

    It checks whether the node is registered.

  • Runtime node admission policies (#2513)

    With this, each runtime can define its node admission policy.

    Currently only two policies should be supported:

    • Entity whitelist (only nodes belonging to whitelisted entities can register to host a runtime).
    • Anyone with enough stake (currently the only supported policy).

    The second one (anyone with enough stake) can introduce liveness issues as long as there is no slashing for compute node liveness (see #2078).

  • go/keymanager: Support policy updates (#2516)

    This change adds the ability for the key manager runtime owner to update the key manger policy document at runtime by submitting an appropriate transaction.

    Note: Depending on the nature of the update it may take additional epoch transitions for the key manager to be available to clients.

  • Tooling for runtimes' node admission policy (#2563)

    We added a policy type where you can whitelist the entities that can operate compute nodes. This adds the tooling around it so things like the registry runtime genesis init tool can set them up.

  • Export signer public key to entity (#2609)

    We added a command to export entities from existing signers, and a check to ensure that the entity and signer public keys match.

    This makes it so that a dummy entity cannot be used for signers backed by Ledger.

  • go/registry: Handle the old and busted node descriptor envelope (#2614)

    The old node descriptor envelope has one signature. The new envelope has multiple signatures, to ensure that the node has access to the private component of all public keys listed in the descriptor.

    The correct thing to do, from a security standpoint is to use a new set of genesis node descriptors. Instead, this change facilitates the transition in what is probably the worst possible way by:

    • Disabling signature verification entirely for node descriptors listed in the genesis document (Technically this can be avoided, but there are other changes to the node descriptor that require no verification to be done if backward compatibility is desired).

    • Providing a conversion tool that fixes up the envelopes to the new format.

    • Omitting descriptors that are obviously converted from state dumps.

    Note: Node descriptors that are using the now deprecated option to use the entity key for signing are not supported at all, and backward compatibility will NOT be maintained.

  • go/oasis-node/cmd/debug/fixgenesis: Support migrating Node.Roles (#2620)

    The node.RolesMask bit definitions have changed since the last major release deployed to the wild, so support migrating things by rewriting the node descriptor.

    Note: This assumes that signature validation in InitChain is disabled.

Bug Fixes

  • go/registry: deduplicate registry sanity checks and re-enable address checks (#2428)

    Existing deployments had invalid P2P/Committee IDs and addresses as old code did not validate all the fields at node registration time. All ID and address validation checks are now enabled.

    Additionally, separate code paths were used for sanity checking of the genesis and for actual validation at registration time, which lead to some unexpected cases where invalid genesis documents were passing the validation. This code (at least for registry application) is now unified.

  • Make oasis-node binaries made with GoReleaser via GitHub Actions reproducible again (#2571)

    Add -buildid= back to ldflags to make builds reproducible again.

    As noted in 60641ce, this should be no longer necessary with Go 1.13.4+, but there appears to be a specific issue with GoReleaser's build handling.

  • go/worker/storage: Fix sync deadlock (#2584)

  • go/consensus/tendermint: Always accept own transactions (#2586)

    A validator node should always accept own transactions (signed by the node's identity key) regardless of the configured gas price.

  • go/registry: Allow expired registrations at genesis (#2598)

    The dump/restore process requires this to be permitted as expired registrations are persisted through an entity's debonding period.

  • go/oasis-node/cmd/registry/runtime: Fix loading entities in registry runtime subcommands (#2606)

  • go/storage: Fix invalid memory access crash in Urkel tree (#2611)

  • go/consensus/tendermint/apps/staking: Fix epochtime overflow (#2627)

  • go/tendermint/keymanager: Error in Status() if keymanager doesn't exist (#2628)

    This fixes panics in the key-manager client if keymanager for the specific runtime doesn't exist.

  • go/oasis-node/cmd/stake: Make info subcommand tolerate invalid thresholds (#2632)

    Change the subcommand to print valid staking threshold kinds and warn about invalid ones.

  • go/staking/api: Check if thresholds for all kinds are defined in genesis (#2633)

  • go/cmd/registry/runtime: Fix provisioning a runtime without keymanager (#2639)

  • registry/api/sanitycheck: Move genesis stateroot check into registration (#2643)

    Runtime genesis check should only be done when registering, not during the sanity checks.

  • Make oasis control is-synced subcommand more verbose (#2649)

    Running oasis-node control is-synced will now print a message indicating whether a node has completed initial syncing or not to stdout in addition to returning an appropriate status code.

Internal changes

  • go/genesis: Fix genesis tests and registry sanity checks (#2589)

  • github: Add ci-reproducibility workflow (#2590)

    The workflow spawns two build jobs that use the same build environment, except for the path of the git checkout. The oasis-node binary is built two times, once directly via Make's go build invocation and the second time using the GoReleaser tool that is used to make the official Oasis Core releases. The last workflow job compares both checksums of both builds and errors if they are not the same.

  • go/consensus/tendermint/abci: Add mock ApplicationState (#2629)

    This makes it easier to write unit tests for functions that require ABCI state.

20.2 (2020-01-21)

Removals and Breaking changes

  • go node: Unite compute, merge, and transaction scheduler roles (#2107)

    We're removing the separation among registering nodes for the compute, merge, and transaction scheduler roles. You now have to register for and enable all or none of these roles, under a new, broadened, and confusing--you're welcome--term "compute".

  • Simplify tendermint sentry node setup. (#2362)

    Breaking configuration changes:

    • worker.sentry.address renamed to: worker.registration.sentry.address
    • worker.sentry.cert_file renamed to: worker.registration.sentry.cert_file
    • tendermint.private_peer_id removed
    • added tendermint.sentry.upstream_address which should be set on sentry node and it will set tendermint.private_peer_id and tendermint.peristent_peer for the configured addresses
  • Charge gas for runtime transactions and suspend runtimes which do not pay periodic maintenance fees (#2504)

    This introduces gas fees for submitting roothash commitments from runtime nodes. Since periodic maintenance work must be performed on each epoch transition (e.g., electing runtime committees), fees for that maintenance are paid by any nodes that register to perform work for a specific runtime. Fees are pre-paid for the number of epochs a node registers for.

    If the maintenance fees are not paid, the runtime gets suspended (so periodic work is not needed) and must be resumed by registering nodes.

  • go: Rename compute -> executor (#2525)

    It was proposed that we rename the "compute" phase (of the txnscheduler, compute, merge workflow) to "executor".

    Things that remain as "compute":

    • the registry node role
    • the registry runtime kind
    • the staking threshold kind
    • things actually referring to processing inputs to outputs
    • one of the drbg contexts

    So among things that are renamed are fields of the on-chain state and command line flags.

  • RuntimeID is not hard-coded in the enclave anymore (#2529)

    It is passed when dispatching the runtime. This enables the same runtime binary to be registered and executed multiple times with different RuntimeID.


  • Consensus simulation mode and fee estimator (#2521)

    This change allows the compute nodes to participate in networks which require gas fees for various operations in the network. Gas is automatically estimated by simulating transactions while gas price is currently "discovered" manually via node configuration.

    The following configuration flags are added:

    • consensus.tendermint.submission.gas_price should specify the gas price that the node will be using in all submitted transactions.
    • consensus.tendermint.submission.max_fee can optionally specify the maximum gas fee that the node will use in submitted transactions. If the computed fee would ever go over this limit, the transaction will not be submitted and an error will be returned instead.
  • Optimize registry runtime lookups during node registration (#2538)

    A performance optimization to avoid loading a list of all registered runtimes into memory in cases when only a specific runtime is actually needed.

Bug Fixes

  • Don't allow duplicate P2P connections from the same IP by default (#2558)

  • go/extra/stats: handle nil-votes and non-registered nodes (#2566)

  • go/oasis-node: Include account ID in stake list -v subcommand (#2567)

    Changes stake list -v subcommand to return a map of IDs to accounts.

  • Use a newer version of the oasis-core tendermint fork (#2569)

    The updated fork has additional changes to tendermint to hopefully prevent the node from crashing if the file descriptors available to the process get exhausted due to hitting the rlimit.

    While no forward progress can be made while the node is re-opening the WAL, the node will now flush incoming connections that are in the process of handshaking, and retry re-opening the WAL instead of crashing with a panic.

Documentation improvements

20.1 (2020-01-14)


  • go/worker/txnscheduler: Check transactions before queuing them (#2502)

    The transaction scheduler can now optionally run runtimes and check transactions before scheduling them (see issue #1963). This functionality is disabled by default, enable it with worker.txn_scheduler.check_tx.enabled.

Bug Fixes

  • go/runtime/client: Return empty sequences instead of nil (#2542)

    The runtime client endpoint should return empty sequences instead of nil as serde doesn't know how to decode a NULL when the expected type is a sequence.

  • Temporarily disable consensus address checks at genesis (#2552)

20.0 (2020-01-10)

Removals and Breaking changes

  • Use the new runtime ID allocation scheme (#1693)

    This change alters the runtime ID allocation scheme to reserve the first 64 bits for flags indicating various properties of the runtime, and to forbid registering runtimes that have test runtime IDs unless the appropriate consensus flag is set.

  • Remove staking-related roothash messages (#2377)

    There is no longer a plan to support direct manipulation of the staking accounts from the runtimes in order to isolate the runtimes from corrupting the consensus layer.

    To reduce complexity, the staking-related roothash messages were removed. The general roothash message mechanism stayed as-is since it may be useful in the future, but any commits with non-empty messages are rejected for now.

  • Refactoring of roothash genesis block for runtime (#2426)

    • RuntimeGenesis.Round field was added to the roothash block for the runtime which can be set by --runtime.genesis.round flag.
    • The RuntimeGenesis.StorageReceipt field was replaced by StorageReceipts list, one for each storage node.
    • Support for base64 encoding/decoding of Bytes was added in rust.
  • When registering a new runtime, require that the given key manager ID points to a valid key manager in the registry (#2459)

  • Remove oasis-node debug dummy sub-commands (#2492)

    These are only useful for testing, and our test harness has a internal Go API that removes the need to have this functionality exposed as a sub-command.

  • Make storage per-runtime (#2494)

    Previously there was a single storage backend used by oasis-node which required that a single database supported multiple namespaces for the case when multiple runtimes were being used in a single node.

    This change simplifies the storage database backends by removing the need for backends to implement multi-namespace support, reducing overhead and cleanly separating per-runtime state.

    Due to this changing the internal database format, this breaks previous (compute node) deployments with no way to do an automatic migration.


  • Add oasis-node debug storage export sub-command (#1845)

  • Add fuzzing for consensus methods (#2245)

    Initial support for fuzzing was added, along with an implementation of it for some of the consensus methods. The implementation uses oasis-core's demultiplexing and method dispatch mechanisms.

  • Add storage backend fuzzing (#2246)

    Based on the work done for consensus fuzzing, support was added to run fuzzing jobs on the storage api backend.

  • Add oasis-node unsafe-reset sub-command which resets the node back to a freshly provisioned state, preserving any key material if it exists (#2435)

  • Add txsource (#2478)

    The so-called "txsource" utility introduced in this PR is a starting point for something like a client that sends transactions for a long period of time, for the purpose of creating long-running tests.

    With this change is a preliminary sample "workload"--a DRBG-backed schedule of transactions--which transfers staking tokens around among a set of test accounts.

  • Add consensus block and transaction metadata accessors (#2482)

    In order to enable people to build "network explorers", we exposed some additional methods via the consensus API endpoint, specifically:

    • Consensus block metadata.
    • Access to raw consensus transactions within a block.
    • Stream of consensus blocks as they are finalized.
  • Make maximum in-memory cache size for runtime storage configurable (#2494)

    Previously the value of 64mb was always used as the size of the in-memory storage cache. This adds a new configuration parameter/command-line flag --storage.max_cache_size which configures the maximum size of the in-memory runtime storage cache.

  • Undisable transfers for some senders (#2498)

    Ostensibly for faucet purposes while we run the rest of the network with transfers disabled, this lets us identify a whitelist of accounts from which we allow transfers when otherwise transfers are disabled.

    Configure this with a map of allowed senders' public keys -> true in the new undisable_transfers_from field in the staking consensus parameters object along with "disable_transfers": true.

  • Entity block signatures count tool (#2500)

    The tool uses node consensus and registry API endpoints and computes the per entity block signature counts.

Bug Fixes

  • Reduce Badger in-memory cache sizes (#2484)

    The default is 1 GiB per badger instance and we use a few instances so this resulted in some nice memory usage.

19.0 (2019-12-18)


  • Start using the new Versioning and Release process for Oasis Core. (#2419)

    Adopt a CalVer (calendar versioning) scheme for Oasis Core (as a whole) with the following format:



    • YY represents short year (e.g. 19, 20, 21, ...),

    • MINOR represents the minor version starting with zero (e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, ...),

    • MICRO represents (optional) final number in the version (sometimes referred to as the "patch" segment) (e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, ...).

      If the MICRO version is 0, it is be omitted.

    • MODIFIER represents (optional) build metadata, e.g. git8c01382.

    The new Versioning and Release process will be described in more detail in the future. For more details, see #2457.