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usethis 1.5.0

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@jennybc jennybc released this 08 Apr 05:48

Git, GitHub (and GitLab)

usethis gains several functions to inspect and manipulate the Git situation for the current project = repository. We also provide more control and visibility
into git2r's workings, especially around credentials (usethis uses git2r for all
Git operations).

  • git_sitrep() lets you know what's up with your Git, git2r and GitHub
    config (#328).

  • git_vaccinate() vaccinates your global (i.e. user-level) git ignore file.
    It adds standard entries for R users, such as .Rhistory and .Rdata. This
    decreases the chance that you commit and push files containing confidential
    information (#469).

  • git_remotes() and use_git_remote() are new helpers to inspect or modify
    Git remote URLs for the repo associated with the active project (#649).

  • git_protocol() + use_git_protocol() and git_credentials() +
    use_git_credentials() are new helpers to summon or set Git transport
    protocol (SSH or HTTPS) or git2r credentials, respectively. These functions
    are primarily for internal use. Most users can rely on default behaviour. Use
    these helpers to intervene if git2r isn't discovering the right credentials
    (#653). usethis honors the usethis.protocol option, which allows you to
    express a general preference for SSH vs. HTTPS.

Other improvements and bug fixes:

  • use_github() tries harder but also fails earlier, with more informative
    messages, making it less likely to leave the repo partially configured (#221).

  • use_github() and create_from_github() gain a protocol argument
    (#494, @cderv).

  • create_from_github() pulls from upstream master in a fork (#695, @ijlyttle).

  • use_release_issue() creates a GitHub issue containing a release checklist,
    reflecting the standard practices of the tidyverse team (#338).

  • use_github_release() creates a draft GitHub release using the entries in (#137).

  • use_gitlab_ci() creates a gitlab-ci.yaml config file for GitLab CI
    (#565, @overmar).

  • use_git_config() now invisibly returns the previous values of the

  • use_github_labels() has been rewritten be more flexible. You can now supply
    a repo name, and descriptions, and you can set colours/descriptions
    independently of creating labels. You can also rename existing labels

GitHub pull requests

We've added experimental functions to work with GitHub pull requests. They
are aimed at both a maintainer (who may make, review, and modify pull
requests) and a contributor (who may make or explore pull requests).

  • git_sitrep() includes a section at the end aimed at describing "pull request
    readiness". Expect that to develop and expand.

  • pr_init(), pr_fetch(), pr_push(), pr_pull(), pr_finish(), and
    pr_view() constitute the new family of helpers. They are designed to be
    smart about the significance of remotes with the standard names of origin
    and upstream and to facilitate both internal and external pull requests.

Partial file management

usethis gains tooling to manage part of a file. This is currently used for
managing badges in your README and roxygen import tags:

  • use_badge() and friends now automatically add badges if your README
    contains a specially formatted badge block (#497):

    <-- badge:start --> 
    <-- badge:end --> 
  • use_tibble() and use_rcpp() automatically add roxygen tags to
    to {package}-package.R if it contains a specially formatted namespace
    block (#517):

    ## usethis namespace: start 
    ## usethis namespace: end 

    Unfortunately this means that use_rcpp() no longer supports non-roxygen2
    workflows, but I suspect the set of people who use usethis and Rcpp but
    not roxygen2 is very small.

Extending and wrapping usethis

  • New proj_activate() lets you activate a project, either opening a new
    RStudio session (if you use RStudio) or changing the working directory

  • proj_get() and proj_set() no longer have a quiet argument. The
    user-facing message about setting a project is now under the same control
    as other messages, i.e. getOption("usethis.quiet", default = FALSE) (#441).

  • A new set of ui_*() functions makes it possible to give your own code
    the same user interface as usethis (#308). All use the glue and crayon and
    packages to power easy interpolation and formatting. There are four families
    of functions:

    • block styles: ui_line(), ui_done(), ui_todo(), ui_oops(),
    • conditions: ui_stop(), ui_warn().
    • questions: ui_yeah(), ui_nope().
    • inline styles: ui_field(), ui_value(), ui_path(), ui_code().
  • with_project() and local_project() are new withr-style functions to
    temporarily set an active usethis project. They make usethis functions easier
    to use in an ad hoc fashion or from another package (#441).

Tidyverse standards

These standards are (aspirationally) used by all tidyverse packages; you are
welcome to use them if you find them helpful.

  • Call use_tidy_labels() to update GitHub labels. Colours are less
    saturated, docs is now documentation, we use some emoji, and performance is
    no longer automatically added to all repos (#519). Repo specific issues
    should be given colour #eeeeee and have an emoji.

  • Call use_logo() to update the package logo to the latest specifications:
    man/figure/logo.png should be 240 x 278, and README should contain
    <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="139" />.
    This gives a nicer display on retina displays. The logo is also linked to the
    pkgdown site if available (#536).

  • When creating a new package, use create_tidy_package() to start with a
    package following the tidyverse standards (#461).

  • for the development version should use "(development version)"
    rather than the specific version (#440).

  • pkgdown sites should now be built by travis and deployed automatically to
    GitHub pages. use_pkgdown_travis() will help you set that up.

  • When starting the release process, call use_release_issue() to create a
    release checklist issue (#338).

  • Prior to CRAN submission call use_tidy_release_test_env() to update the
    test environment section in cran-comments() (#496).

  • After acceptance, try use_github_release() to automatically create a
    release. It's created as a draft so you have a chance to look over before

  • use_vignette() includes the a standard initialisation chunk with
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE) which should
    be used for all Rmds.

New functions not already mentioned

  • use_devtools() (#624), use_conflicted() (#362), and use_reprex() (#465)
    help add useful packages to your .Rprofile.

  • use_partial_warnings() helps the user add a standard warning block to
    .Rprofile (#64).

  • edit_r_buildignore() opens .Rbuildignore for manual editing
    (#462, @bfgray3).

  • use_lgpl_license() automates set up of the LGL license (#448, @krlmlr).

  • use_ccby_license() adds a CCBY 4.0 license (#547, @njtierney).

  • use_rcpp_armadillo() and use_rcpp_eigen() set up a package to use
    RcppArmadillo or RcppEigen, respectively (#421, @coatless, @duckmayr).

  • use_c("foo") sets up src/ and creates src/foo.c (#117).

  • use_covr_ignore() makes it easy to ignore files in test coverage (#434).

  • use_pkgdown_travis() helps you set up pkgdown for automatic build-and-deploy
    from Travis-CI to GitHub Pages (#524).

  • use_addin() does setup for RStudio addins (#353, @haozhu233).

  • use_tutorial() creates a new interactive R Markdown tutorial, as implemented
    by the learnr package
    (@angela-li, #645).

  • use_article() creates articles, vignettes that are automatically added to
    .Rbuildignore. These appear on pkgdown sites, but are not included with the
    package itself (#281).

  • use_citation() creates a basic CITATION template and puts it in the
    right place (#100).

Other minor bug fixes and improvements

  • write_union appends the novel lines, but does not remove duplicates from
    existing lines (#583, @khailper).

  • use_rcpp("foo") now creates src/foo.cpp (#117).

  • use_data() gains a version argument and defaults to serialization format
    version 2 (#675).

  • use_data_raw() accepts a name for the to-be-prepared dataset and opens a
    templated R script (#646).

  • browse_github() now falls back to CRAN organisation (with a warning) if
    package doesn't have its own GitHub repo (#186).

  • create_*() restore the active project if they error part way through,
    and use proj_activate() (#453, #511).

  • edit_r_profile() and edit_r_environ() now respect environment variables
    R_PROFILE_USER and R_ENVIRON_USER, respectively (#480).

  • use_description() once again prints the generated description (#287).

  • use_description_field() is no longer sensitive to whitespace, which
    allows use_vignette() to work even if the VignetteBuilder field is
    spread over multiple lines (#439).

  • use_logo() can override existing logo if user gives permission (#454).
    It also produces retina appropriate logos by default, and matches the
    aspect ratio to the specification (#499).

  • use_news_md() will optionally commit.

  • use_package() gains a min_version argument to specify a minimum
    version requirement (#498). Set to TRUE to use the currently installed
    version (#386). This is used by use_tidy_eval() in order to require version
    0.1.2 or greater of rlang (#484).

  • use_pkgdown() is now configurable with site options (@jayhesselberth, #467),
    and no longer creates the docs/ directory (#495).

  • use_test() no longer forces the filename to be lowercase (#613, @stufield).

  • use_test() will not include a context() in the generated file if used
    with testthat 2.1.0 and above (the future release of testthat) (#325).

  • use_tidy_description() sets the Encoding field in DESCRIPTION
    (#502, @krlmlr).

  • use_tidy_eval() re-exports := (#595, @jonthegeek).

  • use_tidy_versions() has source argument so that you can choose to use
    local or CRAN versions (#309).

  • use_travis() gains an ext argument, defaulting to "org". Use
    ext = "com" for (@cderv, #500).

  • use_version() asks before committing.

  • use_vignette() now has a title argument which is used in YAML header
    (in the two places where it is needed). The vignettes also lose the default
    author and date fields (@rorynolan, #445), and the R Markdown starter material.
    They gain a standard setup chunk.

  • use_version("dev") now creates a standard "(development version)" heading
    in (#440).

  • use_vignette now checks if the vignette name is valid (starts with letter
    and consists of letters, numbers, hyphen, and underscore) and throws an error
    if not (@akgold, #555).

  • restart_rstudio() now returns FALSE in RStudio if no project is open,
    fixing an issue that caused errors in helpers that suggest restarting
    RStudio (@gadenbuie, #571).

Dependency changes

  • withr moves from Suggests to Imports.

  • purrr and yaml are new in Imports.