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Creating a Custom Page Type

nspring edited this page Aug 24, 2010 · 7 revisions

This article assumes that you know the basics of Radiant extensions, and have created an extension of your own. See Adding Custom Radius Tags for an introduction to extensions.

The article is a tutorial that will take you through the creation of a custom page type called PlayerPage. Pages of the type PlayerPage each represent a player in a tennis tournament. The article covers page type basics, adding custom fields to the page editor, adding tags to output these custom fields, automatically adding required page parts, and finally some common tasks that custom pages types often solves.

What is a page type?

A normal page in Radiant is of the type Page. If custom tags or custom behavior, such as disabling caching, is needed in certain pages, a custom page type can be used. A page type is just a Rails model that inherits from Page instead of inheriting directly from ActiveRecord::Base.

All newer versions of Radiant are shipped with the Archive extension, which provides several custom pages types. The ArchivePage, for example, is able to generate a list of all its child pages using custom Radius tags, and to include the date a page was published in the slug. The Archive extension in /vendor/extensions/archive is a good place to look for basic examples of custom page types.

Adding a custom page type to your extension

Let’s assume your extension is called “tennis”. The first step is to generate a model class that will hold the special logic needed for pages of that type:

./script/generate extension_model tennis PlayerPage

This creates our model class, a spec to test it and a migration to add custom fields to the database.

The model class must inherit from Page to be a valid custom page type usable by Radiant. Open /vendor/extensions/tennis/app/models/player_page.rb and change it to look like this:

class PlayerPage < Page

Restart the server, and you should now be able to choose “Player” as a page type in the page editor.


If “Player” doesn’t show up as a page type, maybe you chose to put the ruby file somewhere else than in app/models/. If our page is called SomePage and is placed in /vendor/extensions/tennis/lib/some_page.rb, you’ll need to require the file in the top of tennis_extension.rb:

require_dependency "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/lib/some_page"

- and to call the page in the activate method:

def activate

Adding custom fields to the page type

You can skip this step if you do not need to add custom data to your custom page type.

In this tutorial, we need to add these specific fields representing player information:

  • first_name
  • last_name
  • rank

Modify migration to update database table

So let’s add them to the pages table in the database. Open /vendor/extensions/tennis/db/migrate/001_create_player_pages and replace the contents with this:

class CreatePlayerPages < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    add_column :pages, :player_first_name, :string
    add_column :pages, :player_last_name, :string
    add_column :pages, :player_rank, :integer

  def self.down
    remove_column :pages, :player_first_name
    remove_column :pages, :player_last_name
    remove_column :pages, :player_rank

Run rake db:migrate:extensions to make the changes to the database table.

Add partial with fields to the page edit view

We want first_name, last_name and rank to be editable as fields in the page editor form. To meet that end, we use the “shards” functionality of Radiant (it was formerly in an extension called Shards, but is now baked into core).

Create a partial called /vendor/extensions/tennis/app/views/admin/pages/_player_base_info.html.haml and add this content:

- if @page.is_a?(PlayerPage)
    - ['player_first_name', 'player_last_name', 'player_rank'].each do |field|
      = render :partial => "meta_row",:locals => {:f => self}, :object => {:field => field, :type => "text_field", :args => [{:class => 'textbox', :maxlength => 100}]}

This is a quite advanced example of how a partial could look. It it is written in HAML, since all the rest of Radiant uses it, but you can change the ending to .html.erb and use the ERb you know. The first line makes sure the rest is only rendered when the page is a PlayerPage. This is needed, since the “shards” functionality currently only allow developers to add functionality for any page type, and we don’t want these fields to show up on our ordinary pages. The third line loops through a collection of the three fields we want to be able to edit here. The fourth line uses the existing Radiant partial meta_row to render each field as a nice looking row.

(Note: the above use of the meta_row partial appears problematic, if so, see an alternative , below.)

- if @page.is_a?(PlayerPage) 
  - f = self 
    - ['player_first_name', 'player_last_name', 'player_rank'].each do |field| 
          = label(:page, field) 
          = f.text_field "page", field, {:class => 'textbox', :maxlength => 100}

This partial will not appear in the page editor view by magic, though. You need to tell Radiant to render it. Add this line to the activate method of tennis_extension.rb:

def activate
  ..., "player_base_info", :after => 'edit_extended_metadata')

This line tells Radiant render the partial player_base_info in the form part of the page edit view just after the edit_extended_metadata section. If you want to learn about other places you can add partials, checkout Modifying the Page UI.

Adding custom page parts

We also want a description and a list of sponsors for each player. Instead of having these as text fields, it makes sense to create them as page parts. We will just use the default body part for the description, but let’s make PlayerPage automatically add a sponsors page part when it is saved:

class PlayerPage < Page
  after_save :set_defaults


      def set_defaults
        parts.create(:name => 'sponsors', :content => %{
    name: Sponsor 1
    image: [insert image url]
    link: [insert homepage url]
    name: Sponsor 2
    image: [insert image url]
    link: [insert homepage url]
        }) unless parts.any? { |part| == 'sponsors' }


Wouldn’t have been much nicer if we could have put this code in an after_create block rather than an after_save? Then we wouldn’t have had to make the check for existing parts, as we knew we were creating a brand new page. Unfortunately, new pages are always instantiated as the base class Page, and only the second time we press “Save and continue editing”, the page is instantiated as our PlayerPage type. This can be solved by adding the method directly to the Page class, but that’s too advanced a topic for this article.

Notice how some default YAML code is inserted as the content of the part. We want to slurp this YAML into a Hash, and then use to generate the list of sponsors. That’s coming up in later in the tutorial.

Forcing a specific layout

To take advantage of our custom player data, we want all @PlayerPage@s to use the layout Player. The layout looks like this:

<r:inside_layout name="master">
  <h2><r:player:first_name /> <r:player:last_name /></h2>
  <strong>Rank:</strong> <r:player:rank />

  <p><r:content /></p>

    <r:link><r:image /></r:link>


The <r:inside_layout> tags are from the nested_layouts extension, allowing us to use the same master layout in multiple sublayouts such as this one. The other tags will be covered in the next section.

To force the layout Player for @PlayerPage@s, we add some code to the set_defaults method that sets the layout every time the page is saved:

def set_defaults
  player_layout = Layout.find_by_name('Player')
  update_attribute(:layout_id, if player_layout && layout_id !=

Adding custom page tags

Our custom PlayerPage would not be of much use if it didn’t know how to display all this player data nicely. As illustrated in the previous section, we want to use the tags <r:player:first_name />, <r:player:last_name />, <r:player:rank />, <r:player:sponsors:each> etc. in the Player layout.

The first_name, last_name and rank tags are easy to add, since they merely just output the player data directly:

class PlayerPage < Page

  desc %{
    Causes the tags referring to a players's attributes to refer to the current page.

    #open pre and code tag here ...
   #close pre and  code tag here.
  tag 'player' do |tag|
    tag.locals.player =

  [:first_name, :last_name, :rank].each do |method|
    desc %{
      Renders the @#{method}@ attribute of the current player.
    tag "player:#{method}" do |tag|


For sponsors, it’s a bit more complicated. Our <r:player:sponsors> tag should load sponsors from the YAML page part, the <r:player:sponsors:each> should iterate through all sponsors of the player, and finally we need tags to output name, logo and homepage link of the sponsor:

class PlayerPage < Page

  desc %{
    Loads the sponsors of the player
  tag 'player:sponsors' do |tag|
    sponsor_content =
    tag.locals.sponsors = YAML::load(sponsor_content) || {}

  desc %{
    Cycles through each sponsor of the player

#open pre & code tag here to make it fit nicely into radiant tag doc system ...
     <r:link><r:image /></r:link>
#close pre code tag here

  tag 'player:sponsors:each' do |tag|
    result = []
    tag.locals.sponsors.each_value do |sponsor|
      tag.locals.sponsor = sponsor
      result << tag.expand

  desc %{
    Renders the name of the sponsor.
  tag 'player:sponsors:name' do |tag|

  desc %{
    Renders a link to the homepage of the sponsor.
  tag 'player:sponsors:link' do |tag|
    "<a href=\"#{tag.locals.sponsor['link']}\">#{tag.expand}</a>"

  desc %{
    Renders the logo of the sponsor.
  tag 'player:sponsors:image' do |tag|
    "<img src=\"#{tag.locals.sponsor['image']}\" />"


That’s it! Our PlayerPage is done.

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