🔍 A Library for Matrix Distribution, written in Fortran90/95 and MPI-2.0.
Mar 22, 2017 - C
Fortran is a statically typed compiled programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation, and scientific computing.
While Fortran has been in use since its inception by John Backus at IBM in 1957, it still remains popular today, especially for computationally intensive
applications including numerical weather prediction, finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, computational physics, crystallography, and
computational chemistry. Despite its age, new language revisions include syntax and semantics for modern language ideas including pointers, recursion,
object orientated programming features, and parallel programming using Coarray Fortran.
🔍 A Library for Matrix Distribution, written in Fortran90/95 and MPI-2.0.
Introduction to computer systems. Concepts and structures for high level programming. Elements of structured programming using FORTRAN 90 and C. Numerical algorithms such as root finding, numerical integration and differential equations. Non-numerical algorithms for sorting and searching.
Example of linking fortran code with java code using JNI. Demonstrates interopability between java and fortran
Given a stride array, determine whether an array is column-major.
A modular and version controlled implementation of the Mersenne Twister
Repository for exploration and documentation of learning programming languages.
Comparison of matrix multiplication by line and by column in different programming languages.
low-level vector graphics library and module
past, present, and probably future work on advent of code puzzles and prompts
``plc`` is the public Planck Likelihood Code. It provides C and Fortran libraries that allow users to compute the log likelihoods of the temperature, polarization, and lensing maps. Optionally, it also provides a python version of this library, as well as tools to modify the predetermined options for some likelihoods (e.g. changing the high-ell …
Created by John W. Backus
Released April 1957