Basic Spring Boot multivendor marketplace
Sep 24, 2024 - Java
MongoDB is an open source NoSQL document-oriented database. MongoDB allows flexible schema representation instead of relying on fixed tables and columns. It supports full indexing, query, aggregation, tunable consistency and durability levels, and linear horizontal scaling through sharding.
Basic Spring Boot multivendor marketplace
create a simple movie api by implementing the Java framework, namely Spring Boot, and configuring MongoDB Atlas
Api de ferretería hecha con Spring Boot de forma reactiva.
Work based on Ebac's Backend Java course
Spring Boot Application with CRUD implementation using Gradle build and MongoDB as Repository
Repositório dedicados a Estudos, Exercícios e Challenges do Bootcamp JavaDeveloper BancoPan na Dio
The NBA Data Fetcher project is a Spring Boot application that fetches data from the NBA Rapid API, converts it into Java objects, and stores it in a MongoDB database. It uses Spring Data for database operations and provides RESTful endpoints to access games, teams, and players information and statistics.
Some examples i created while learning SpringBoot
backend to a web app I built in Java from sockets, connected to a mongoDB database cluster to keep a list of commercially available community-recommended headphones and rank them by their Predicted Preference Rating. It's containerized with Docker and hosted on Google Cloud Run
Students-api is a micro service project build using Spring Boot and Open API Spec 3.0.0 with API First Design approach. The service uses mongo-db as storage and can be deployed using Docker, Kubernetes or Helm chart.
API reactiva para lanzar un dado hecha en Spring con MongoDB.
A Messages blockchain application with Java, Spring Boot and MongoDB #back-end
A simple expense tracking application, an app to track your daily spending 💰.
A mini project called Pet Collection made with Spring Boot and Mongo DB.
Spring Boot web application
Uber-inspired connected webapps using Java and Spring Boot. One web app manages drivers with MongoDB, while the other assigns trips with MySQL. Secured by Spring Security.
A comprehensive microservices application leveraging the power of Spring Boot, MongoDB, and RESTful APIs. This project showcases a modular architecture that includes multiple microservices, each designed for specific functionalities and seamlessly integrated with Eureka for service discovery.
Created by MongoDB Inc.
Released February 11, 2009