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Quantum computing is a field of computing that uses quantum phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to perform operations on data. It is a rapidly growing field with potential applications in fields such as cryptography, chemistry, and optimization. Quantum computers can solve certain problems much faster than classical computers. Various programming languages such as Q#, Python and C++ can be used to write quantum algorithms to be run on quantum computers. The development of quantum computers is an active area of research and engineering.

Here are 26 public repositories matching this topic...

This paper presents an explanation of integrability in statistical physics, quantum groups, & knot theory. It discusses the 6 vertex model, its connection to Yang-Baxter equation, leading to YB algebras & quantum groups. Introduces the Jones polynomial's connections to Artin's braid group & tangles, and role in defining quantum invariants of knots.

  • Updated Jul 28, 2023
  • TeX

📎 📜 📝 A project based in Social-Professional Aspects of Informatics. This project was built using TeX and LaTeX. This article/paper will focus in the evolution of the history’s timeline of the Quantum Computing in world’s society, focusing more in its application on Internet’s security and privacy, as also, the benefits and concerns to the Crypt…

  • Updated Sep 25, 2019
  • TeX

Created by Richard Feynman and Yuri Manin


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