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LIBRARY ZX Low Res Colour Graphics (zxlowgfx.h)

Paul Humphreys edited this page Feb 7, 2021 · 2 revisions
Header {z88dk}/include/zxlowgfx.h
Include #include <zxlowgfx.h>
Linking n/a
Compile n/a
Comments Assembly source embedded into the header file

This library features a very low resolution, but permits to get full color support and very fast paging.

It is able to support picture buffering and can be pre-set to run in 32x48 or 64x24 pixels resolution mode.

See also the mandelbrot and the rotating cubes examples.


The defalut screen resolution is 32x48, but it is possible to activate the 64x24 one by defining the "ALTLOWGFX" variable.

void cclg(int color)

Initializes the graphics screen with the appropriate hidden pattern and sets the background color.


cplot(int x, int y, int color)

Plot a pixel to screen

int cpoint(int x, int y)

Get the current color of a given pixel

cdraw(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)

Draw a line at the given coordinates with the given color

cdrawr(int x, int y, int color)

Draw a line to the given coordinates with the given color starting from the last plotted point.

cputsprite(int x, int y, int color, void *sprite)

Put a monochrome sprite at the given position, painted with the given color.

Buffered graphics

Buffering is an optional feature; it can be enabled with the "bufferedgfx" environment variable. When active, the picture being drawn won't be visible till the next "ccopybuffer" call.

cclgbuffer(int color)

If it exists, clear the color graphics buffer.

void ccopybuffer(void)

If it exists, copy the color graphics buffer to the visible screen.

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