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PSC Meeting 2015 12 14

Jim Klassen edited this page Jun 12, 2017 · 1 revision

14 December 2015

  1. Introduction to RFC #5 Updates.
  2. What changes for users
  3. What could possible change in future versions.

Conclusions: Leave old services in for the 2.9 version but add in new rfc5 work. To assist users:

  1. Write disclaimers and place them in the code an release notes.

  2. Write a 2.8->2.9 services migration guide based on the new mapbook.

  3. Categorizing the next two wave of updates:

  4. The Closeness of 2.8.2 and 2.9 and the need to replace 2.8.1 (MS4W version/code conflicts)

  5. 2.10 and the inclusion of RFC #5 updates.

  6. I'm nominating (a head of the meeting) to name Jim release master for the 2.9 series as well. This is a bit of a formality but I want it formalized.


  1. Release a 2.8.2 with a ‘harmonizing’ fix for the current MS4W release.

  2. Release 2.9 at the same time with the new features from RFC #5.

  3. 2.9 = RFC#5, HashTrack updates.

  4. 2.9.2/2.10.0 = Fix all of the legends issues on the mailing list.

  5. Google + Tablets bug will be tabled for a Future release when we update the underlaying libraries.

  6. theduckylittle moved jklassen be release manager. jklassen accepts. +1 from EliL, Brent, Blammo

  7. MediaWiki

  8. Duck will research archiving.

  9. Jklassen will post to the user’s list saying it will be deprecated.

  10. GeoMOOSE 3.0, General Conclusions:

  11. Libraries need up-"ported" Dojo 1.Latest and OL3 require rewriting a large amount of code.

  12. Level of Effort and Hours Required are both estimated very high by Duck.

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