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PSC Meeting 2021 06 18

TC Haddad edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 11 revisions

GeoMoose PSC, June 18th, 2021



theduckylittle1, klassenjs, BrentFraser, EliL, jmckenna, Blammo, tchaddad


in rough order covered:

Next Meeting

July 16th, 2021

Observation: seems to be working well


Code is nearly there, Brent is work on Docs (needs help), and we need to get the demo editing server up. Right now Brent is working on the editing docs, and wants to reference the example editing demo so people can follow along with the setup.

We discussed a possible RFC for additions to the examples (would be primarily be helpful for clarity of what we are after, and tracking / accountability). We settled on starting with an "EPIC" Github issue - a longer ticket that tracks the work and the discussion so we have some documentation of our efforts. Will likely include a checklist of items that need to be worked on.

Next Release

Seems the editing demo server is the biggest remaining item, though plenty of other tweaks are still happening. Most likely the editing server will simply involve setup of a GeoServer instance that wipes itself every midnight, with a spatialite datastore to make wiping easy. There will likely be a docker image that does that, or at least provides all the commands to build the VM.

We'd also like to have some examples ready in time for the release. The aim is for 3 mapbooks to be ready for the release:

  • mapbook for the demo
  • mapbook for testing
  • mapbook for editing

The testing mapbook will contain a lot of the work captured by Brent in #547 - Summary of current server protocol support.

Some good info on the editing option is captured in #631 - Discussion: Updating Examples to Add Editing. More should probably be captured in whatever the new EPIC issue is...

Multiple Mapbooks

We had a discussion about the need for a "mapbook=" parameter handling feature. Ducky is working on something along these lines, and thinks the work will be done within the next week. It will probably provide for an "allowed list", something like:

getMapbook({default: "./mapbook.xml", option1: "...", option2: "..."})

then a user can do "mapbook=option1", etc.

In GM2 there was an option where loadMapbook could be called after GeoMoose was started. This allowed for some interesting options. e.g. Jim had an example that queried a GeoNetwork CSW catalog for layers and let the user add them to the GeoMoose catalog at runtime. According to Ducky something like this is still possible in GM 3.x as the state of the catalog and the mapsources are complete dynamic at run time. When switching between mapbooks, some aspects of state can be preserved (e.g. location and zoom via #loc=), but things like sketches would not be preserved as sketches are defined as a map-source, so if the map-source goes away, the sketches do too.

After the multiple mapbooks work is done (next week or so), we can follow up on the editing examples, and the release can follow soon after.

Other Housekeeping

  • We switched over to for this meeting, and everything seemed to go smoothly. Jeff shared that in case you care to reserve a nick, or want to send private messages on this platform, you do have to register it. Command as follows:

/msg nickserv register password email

  • people seemed to fine the .ics calendar appointment useful, so we'll send out the rest of the PSC meetings for 2021 as a series.
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