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PSC Meeting 2024 03 15

TC Haddad edited this page Mar 19, 2024 · 5 revisions

Previous Meeting


theduckylittle, EliL, jmckenna, tchaddad, BrentFraser, klassenjs


  • Sprint Planning
  • Issues sweep

Sprint Planning

Duck proposed that he would come back to the March PSC with a more fully developed proposal for discussion and actual votes / bookings / financial commitments, so we discussed the developments since last month.

Currently we are looking at spaces at UMN for a possibly expanded sprint to accommodate around 25 people for 2.5 days. Steve Lime suggested the UMN because their rooms are nice, feature good campus wifi, and since they are on the Uni, food and stay options abound. Currently working through some confusions on if we need a charity number to count as a non-profit event (perhaps if SharedGeo helps make the reservation we can figure this out?).

As far as dates go, the search continues, but second week of June (10-14) might be the one where a wide array of folks can participate.

We technically have only 2 PSC meetings between now and June (April and May) so we will want to focus on some agenda planning to map out what we want to do in the next few PSC meetings.

Issues sweep

We will also do an issues sweep on GM 3.12 to address any bugs or other lingering items that are out there.

We have a number of things marked for 3.13:

A number of issues are not yet assigned to a milestone:

Of the above it's most likely that issues with numbers above 799 or 800 are the most relevant.

Of the older backlog, one of the more significant ones is the one that relates to jQuery Mobile, which is EOL (we are actually using jQuery slim and bootstrap). There has been little attention to the Mobile app for a while..

Meeting adjourned 12:03pm pacific time

Next month's agenda:

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