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PSC Meeting 2022 02 18

Eli L Adam edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 17 revisions

Previous Meeting


Dan, Brent, tchaddad, klassenjs, EliL, jmckenna, ...


  • Improvement to review process- "review-me" tag doesn't really work. We're dropping that. When the PR is merged, close the related issues (with a friendly message).
  • Development priorities - "big rocks" that do not necessarily push towards a new version.
  • Direction setting - future vision, what might a "4.0" look like.
    • Mobile topic from last month's meeting.
    • Where is the real world struggles and what have we seen actually used in the wild?

Development Priorities

  • we should issue a clean 3.8.1 at least before considering a next major release, and in general should be more regularly dropping the patch releases.

  • we should do better on marking issues for milestones, keeping those up to date, and closing out tickets after they are resolved

    • discussion on if we should "auto-close" resolved in favor of no?
  • Big Rocks

      1. Fixing "zoom to layer" for more map-source types,
      1. Linking Drop downs in service forms. (Probably having data-driven drop downs would be even better).
      1. Bringing back popups.
      1. Making filters (spatial and property based) consistent for every kind of rendering (grid, tab, map).
      1. Change which layers are highlighted with identify.

Direction Setting

Future vision, what might a "4.0" look like? OGCAPI, Plugin system, additional map projections, GeoMoose worrying less about "playing nice with others" and shifting back to being an application you can customize instead of an integrations kit, GeoMoose as framework or configuration app, complexity and capability of React+Redux and related in GeoMoose context, volunteer to write plugin RFC?, have a quick review the Issues marked "enhancement",

  • Mobile topic from last month - divergent views here between importance of mobile (it is very large and important) and cost of mobile (loss of basic functionality even by unicorn 100M+ install apps). Consider export options to Qfield, GeoPaparazzi, or similar (added after meeting).

  • Where are the real world struggles and what have we seen actually used in the wild?

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