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PSC Meeting 2021 12 17

Brent Fraser edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 17 revisions

Previous Meeting


Dan excused, Brent excused, tchaddad, klassenjs, jmckenna, EliL,


  • Issue management/clean up is very helpful. Please help on this

    • Makes current things more apparent

    • Maybe note your top three issues:

      5. auto-go would be awesome (but maybe is unlikely?),
      6. Making the buffer all more efficient (if you buffer 500 taxlots, it then essentially does 500 selections at once rather than doing a union of those 500 geometries and a single selection).
      7. Some more advanced search options that can easily be integrated into the current search tools (i.e the default for the advanced search is OR which the user can't change, there's the ability to modify the javascript to AND, which by itself isn't very useful, but having an AND/OR drop-down that the user could select, with the admin being able to set the default, would be useful) - the key for this is for it to be able to be easily integrated with our current search tools, we don't want a separate advanced tool. Jim points out that mostly, the select features tool has filled that though with the sorts and filters and editing the results table and then being able to use the remaining results as the source for another select. Extent polygons for select all too.

      Brent's list:

      1. #303 Zoom To Layer Extent
      2. #538 Linking two dropdowns in the Search
      3. #467 Bring back pop-up windows
  • OSGeo budget

    • Seems this should have come up by now
    • Haven't seen anything yet (one gvSIG thing that seemed project specific)
  • New release (3.8.1)

    • Maybe in January
    • Dependencies upgrades?
  • MS4W 5.0-beta1 available

    • some GeoMoose users are already upgrading
    • major PROJ changes, need testing:
      • installed in /ms4w/share/proj
      • grids installed in /ms4w/share/proj/grids
    • need to test/verify grid use / accuracy
    • Adding custom proj: projinfo "+proj=lcc +lat_2=44.88333333333333 +lat_1=45.13333333333333 +lat_0=44.79111111111111 +lon_0=-93.38333333333334 +x_0=152400.3048 +y_0=30480.0610 +unit=sft +to_meter=0.30480060960122 +a=6378418.941 +b=6357033.310 +type=crs +title=Ramsey County Coordinates" --output-id STPAUL:200068 -o SQL -q --dump-db-structure | sqlite3 proj_stpaul.db Then set the environment variable PROJ_AUX_DB=/path/to/proj_stpaul.db
    • Proj version testing for speed and accuracy. SQLite version matters too.
  • Item 3

    • note 1

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